The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 64 Heavy Waves

Chapter 64 A Thousand Waves (2)

"Gang~." It was another punch, and the force of this punch was directed at Honda?Jayden's chest hit the past, because the breath just now was to Honda?The other parts of Jayden's body were already somewhat protected, so this time he charged towards the chest without reservation.

"Ahhhhh~." A ferocious roar suddenly came from Honda?Jayden's chest popped out, and at this moment, how many dark auras were coming towards Honda?Jayden's direction converged.

It also included the slightest opening in the sealed land, but Sauron and Nami, who were racking their brains to find a way, clearly saw this dark breath rushing out quickly.

"Here." Nami was the first to discover the place where the breath was exposed, and hurriedly added, and at this time Zoro also looked over.

Gently opened the black curtain above, "Sealed Land." The four large characters appeared prominently in front of Nami and Sora.

"Is this right here?" Nami snorted coldly. She never thought that this sealed place would be in such a place, such a dry well 50 meters underground.

In fact, Sauron and the others found this place only by accident. When they searched for clues around the palace, they found nothing, so they planned to wander around to try their luck.

No, Nami accidentally stepped on a trap, and his body fell directly downwards, and he habitually pulled Sauron, causing the unsuspecting Sauron to fall too.

When they first arrived here, they felt an extremely severe sense of depression. They really wanted to sleep all the time, but suddenly a gust of wind fell from between the sky and the earth and woke them up.

Following the dark path, they found the current place, but they couldn't find anything different in this place, although Nami found a light switch here.

Let the place not be too dark, but still can't find anything, even Sauron stabbing everywhere with his sword can't feel any change.

However, the sudden black airflow made them realize that the place they were in was actually the legendary sealed place.

After all the black curtains were opened, Nami suddenly saw a small font on it, and just when she wanted to take a closer look, another dark air flowed out, which surprised Nami.

After figuring out the time difference, Nami got closer to see the contents above, turned around and yelled at Sauron.

"Zoro, smash this brand." Nami snorted coldly in her heart, although you deliberately concealed it, I also know how to do it.

Hearing Nami's words, Zoro didn't hesitate at all. The black sign instantly shattered when he drew his sword, turning into a jet of black powder, and then rushed towards the opening, sealing that place in an instant.

Then a black sign emerged from the place where it had been shattered, and this time Sauron could clearly see the clear words on it.

"If the sealed land is damaged, please destroy this card, and the seal will be opened again."

Cutting off the continuous release of this dark air current, Zoro and Nami felt a very relaxed feeling all of a sudden. This relaxed feeling made them laugh involuntarily.

And at this time, had he been lurking in Honda?The demon prototype on Jie Dun's chest suddenly changed, and a dark air flow became a large black shape as more and more air flow gathered, turning Honda?Jie Dun's body was wrapped up again in an instant.

"Hahahahaha, even if you are awe-inspiring, you are only a breath. How could you be the opponent of my devil's hand? Let me destroy your carrier. Even if you are strong, you will not be able to show yourself." A deep voice came from Honda?Where did Jayden's body come from, at this moment Benduo?Jayden was already in a state of complete madness.

"He's crazy, let him be crazy." Luffy didn't because of Honda?Jayden's change and the appearance of this unknown dark aura, or it can be said to be the appearance of a devil's aura, changed the strength of his boxing.

The blow of "Gang~" was aimed at Honda?Jadon attacked the past, but this time the dark Honda?But Jayden also fought back, a dark air current blasted towards Luffy's attack.

"Huh~." Suddenly Honda?The black air flow above Jayden's body was stunned for a while, because he suddenly found that the continuous influx of air flow behind his body had been cut off, and his body consumption was running out.

However, the awe-inspiring energy of heaven and earth is endless, and this amount of energy is not enough for him to bombard him with several consecutive punches.

"Gang Gang Gang~." The boxing didn't stop at the moment when it was time to strike, and with a big bang with Mount Tai, the river's decisive force was towards Ben Duo?Jayden attacked, this time regardless of Honda?Even the stubborn resistance of the dark air above Jayden's body would have no effect at all.

Because this time Luffy's punches are not single, but continuous. When the punches come, there will be some continuous skills, and this is exactly the time.

"Boom." The awe-inspiring air of heaven and earth hit the dark breath continuously at this moment, dissipating it at a speed that can be seen clearly by the naked eye, and finally disappeared into the vast sky , turned into dust.

But at this time, the awe-inspiring spirit of heaven and earth did not stop, but instead came directly from Honda?Jie Dun's mouth flowed toward his heart, and Honda?The jet-black complexion formed on Jayden's body also disappeared in this instant.

It became a pale yellow mixed with this pale color again, and this breath also dissipated into the air when this last job was completed.

Without the guidance of this aura, Lu Fei's boxing technique also slowly walked towards the finish line, and the moves were almost finished. What's more, the yin and yang pattern suddenly disappeared at this moment, leaving only Luffy A person waved his fist there, slapping his punches with the last remaining strength.

"Crack." Honda?Jayden stood up slowly, feeling the powerful energy coming from his body. At this moment, he was extremely excited. He never thought that he would keep eradicating this damned demon. Stronger than back then.

Glancing at the person in front of him, Honda?Jayden didn't feel the slightest gratitude. Instead, he just wanted to kill the other party at this moment, because no one wanted to try what happened to him just now.

"Die." Honda?The incomparably explosive aura of Jayden's carrier sent the strongest blow to Luffy.

"Six Types of Mysteries? Oversized Wheels? Six King Spears."

"Boom~" "The fourth layer of the Eight Diagrams Cultivation Technique? Thousand waves." At this moment, Lu Fei finally swung out this move. It is also extremely fun.

(End of this chapter)

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