Chapter 65
"The fourth level of the Eight Diagrams Cultivation Technique? Thousand waves." Pa la pa la, a strong energy directed towards Ben Duo in an instant?Jayden's body rushed towards him, instantly knocking Honda?Jayden was completely wrapped up, without a single gap.

First level, second level, third level until the thousandth level, without any falsehood, the strength of the whole thousand overlapping directly put Honda?Jayden's body was shattered.

The body also became very distorted with this force, and the bones on his body were completely brittle at this time, and the force was directly transmitted into his body.

In an instant, his internal organs were smashed, and he became like a messy ruin.

With the growing strength of the thousand waves, the last trace was buried deep in Honda?The dark aura in Jieden's body also came out, and finally dissipated in the constant waves of butterflies.

In this battle, Luffy's whole body comprehended the fourth layer of the Eight Diagrams Technique, the Thousand Waves, and at the same time triggered the awe-inspiring righteousness between the heaven and the earth, clearing away all the darkness in the entire Ximi Village in an instant.

And at this time, in Ximi Village, which is far away in the corner, all the people gathered at the place where the bonfire party was held at the same time. At this moment, the jet-black imprint has been completely eliminated.

At this moment, they couldn't help but think of the teenagers and the heroes who saved them.

But for a moment, everyone was quieted down by the gesture of the village chief Ossi, and at the same time, a girl who looked like she was only 20 years old was invited out of the house. There was a trace of melancholy and tearful eyes in the girl's eyes.Apparently the girl had been crying for a while.

After taking a closer look, I realized that this girl is so beautiful, a feeling of comfort from the heart, especially those eyes, which are like the abyss under the sea, undetectable.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, who is this?" Suddenly, various voices of exclamation and praise emerged from the mouths of those people in the square.

"Everyone be quiet, this is the Forgotten Master who saved us, you all can see clearly." At this time, the stern voice of Village Chief Osi came to mind in the ears of the villagers who almost lost their minds.

"You may have never seen me, but I have been paying attention to you all the time, and I am also the culprit who caused everyone to suffer disasters for so many years." The girl said slowly.

"Actually, my name is not a Forgotten Master, but 'D23'. This is my name. I am the descendant of the master who manages the entire Ximi Village. I am already the third generation of No.20. It is our mistake. Let that devil find a chance to destroy the seal of the sealed land, which caused everyone to suffer the curse for so many years, our family is sorry for everyone." The girl bowed deeply to everyone.

"No, it's not about Miss's business." Suddenly, Ossie on the side suddenly said such a sentence loudly.

"For so many years, I have been watching you grow up, Miss, and I also know what kind of pain you have endured for us, and for our lady, you have been infected by the curse all these years. I have seen all these, These are not the fault of the lady, but the fault of the traitor, and now the traitor has been killed by the hero, we will be able to guard our Ximi Village like our ancestors, guarding this sealed land, everyone agrees. "

"Yes." In an instant, almost everyone responded loudly at the same time. Others may not know the pain their lady is suffering, but it is impossible for them not to know.

Moreover, these villagers are very simple and kind people. In their eyes, they can live alone on a small island. They are constantly researching the method of breaking the curse, and at the same time telling them that there will be heroes to save them. matter.

What's more, this person also bears a more severe curse than them.

"Thank you everyone, but we still need to get into the ground when the bell rings, because our bodies have been occupied by demons for too long." The girl said these words very quickly, and the tears couldn't stop Live flow out.

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned for a moment, but within a breath, people lost their hesitation and said with a smile that it would be fine without this ugly thing, anyway, everyone needs to rest.

Looking at the kind faces around her, the girl felt such happiness for the first time.

Just when everyone was still in a kind of palpitation, a strong wind blew over, with a trace of warm breath blowing over.

"The awe-inspiring righteousness is actually the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth." 'D23' shouted in surprise, and at the same time, she also showed a happy expression on her face.

"Miss, this is the awe-inspiring righteousness that exists between the heavens and the earth that you said can allow us to completely wipe out the devil's breath." Hearing the girl's words at this time, Ossie's voice trembled a little.

"En." The girl replied very affectionately, as if the burden on her body had dissipated at this moment, without any burden, of course the girl also felt more happy when she spoke at this moment.

"Hahaha God hasn't forgotten about our Ximi Village." At this moment, Oxi suddenly yelled, and at this moment, it was the only way to vent the stone that had been pressing in his heart.

The villagers around also heard the conversation between the village chief Osi and the girl, and understood the benefits brought by the warm wind, and all of them shouted happily in an instant.

At this time, the people who were working hard and mechanically in the city of Amo suddenly regained all their sanity at this moment, and felt that they had suddenly returned to the embrace of the earth from the invincible abyss, and the recipients were bright. It feels like a bath, this feeling is really good.

Some emotional people even cried bitterly, but what worried them most at this time was whether the leader at that time ran out with some people who were not completely cursed, whether they were still alive.

This is the moment when these people living in Amo City have thought of this in their hearts, and they can't help showing worried expressions on their faces, and they are silently praying in their hearts.

At this time, a group of people came serially from the area across the desert. In front of them was a beautiful girl. The girl kept a sweet smile all the time, but the smile also revealed so much. A hint of bitterness.

The reason for this is only known to the head of Oxi village and the girl, but the most important thing at this moment is the happiness of these villagers who have been separated for so long to be together again.

For a while, laughter spread all over the world, and at this time those people in Amo City also knew the news that it was actually a heroic team composed of five teenagers who saved them.

(End of this chapter)

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