Chapter 66

Now that we know the purpose of the hero's trip at this moment, and synthesized some memories of the villagers who built Amo City, it is clear where their destination is on this trip, and the group of people also began to march toward that heartland. marched away.

Of course, the one at the front is still our beautiful girl, the girl who used to be called the Forgotten Teacher, because she is the descendant of the leader of this Ximi village, inheriting the will of 'D' and belonging to the will inheritance of 'D', and these People are also descendants of a group of people who follow 'D' from the bottom of their hearts. Although they have been unstable in their will, but now they have experienced such a long period of hellish years, and now they only have the purest in their hearts. Faith, that is the belief belonging to 'D', they are the guardians of the sealed land recognized by 'D', and must shoulder the responsibilities that belong to their shoulders.

But at this moment, the straw hats far away in the sealed place have undergone drastic changes. After Sauron and Nami sealed the devil's breath again, they came up the dry well.

And at this moment, after that great righteousness passed over their bodies, they suddenly had a deeper understanding of this vast world in their hearts, and at this moment, their hearts were filled with the knowledge of the exercises they had learned. With a deeper understanding, the understanding at this moment is an understanding that goes deep into the soul, and it is not simply based on some experiences and feelings taught by Luffy.

It is they themselves who perceive the changes between the heaven and the earth, which belong to the boundless natural rules, and they are becoming more and more clear at this moment.

And what has the greatest impact on their own cultivation is that after this baptism of righteousness, their understanding of the gossip patterns in their bodies will become more profound.

"However, it's like this, I just need to go down this road." Nami waved her weather stick lightly, and a burst of air that shook the world was naturally produced.

This is the third level of the Eight Diagrams technique that Nami has unconsciously used, which she has never understood before, but it can be used so easily.

"Mine is like this." After Zoro said, the three swords were sheathed again, and suddenly the three knives were pulled out at the same time, and a crazy blade force blew past, like a ray of wind, But let his sword blade turn to ashes.

This is the artistic conception that Sauron has comprehended, and this artistic conception is independent of any exercises he can understand, but he clearly understands that this is also the exercise evolved from his own study of exercises and moves. French artistic conception.

Just call him "No Ji Tai Lai." Well, Sauron unconsciously had such a thought from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Sanji and Usopp, who were supposed to be seriously injured on the ground, both recovered. There was no discomfort from the injuries on the body, and even the side effects of Usopp taking the pill that consumed the source of life disappeared. Exhausted.

"Kick in violation of etiquette." Sanji didn't have too many words, but kicked skillfully, and then felt the changes between heaven and earth.

This is the ability I want to have, but I didn't expect my route to be this one. Is it me who uses the second layer of the skill "falling" in the Eight Diagrams pattern?
Sanji didn't have the slightest doubt about the sense of righteousness that he felt in the law of heaven and earth. Instead, he felt and absorbed the guidance of heaven and earth on this point very seriously.

"Sure enough, I'm using this." Usopp couldn't help but say such a sentence after he had finished testing his moves at this time.

"Usopp, Sanji, are you all okay?" At this moment, Nami and Zoro noticed that Sanji and Usopp had come to them at this moment, and the scars on their bodies had indeed completely dissipated at this moment , and what's more, it is much better than the original state.

"By the way, where is Luffy." Although he realized the lawful route that his own world conforms to, he was still worried about Luffy; Usopp was the first to speak.

"Luffy should have defeated that person, let's go to Luffy's place now." Nami and Zoro also realized this problem at this time, couldn't help talking, and moved towards Luffy's direction at the same time.

And just defeated Honda at this moment?Jie Dun comprehended the fourth technique in the Eight Diagrams pattern, and Luffy, who was a thousand waves, really stood there in a daze.

Because he also felt this awe-inspiring righteousness from the heaven and the earth. Under the guidance of this awe-inspiring righteousness, he re-strikes again inexplicably and learned the kung fu boxing skills from the eight trigrams pattern.

But in the end, it is a pity that Luffy did not feel which fixed direction the law between heaven and earth guided him. Without any guidance, he could only explore these things by himself.

Of course, at this moment, Luffy didn't know about the changes in Nami and the others. He moved his body a little, but didn't find anything unusual. Luffy was going to find Nami and the others, and the battle was almost over. , the curse of those villagers should be almost the same.

After the battle just now, Luffy also understood something, that is, the devil's breath eroded Honda from the very beginning?Jayden has been growing from the beginning, but Honda?Jayden is essentially just a puppet of him, when Honda?From the moment Jayden carved a tattoo of a demon on his chest, his fate was already doomed.

And this time, the appearance of the righteousness of the world and the thousand waves of his last move also completely dissipated the devil's breath in this area. Without these devil's breath, those curses would naturally dissipate.

This is what Luffy had in mind.

"Dong dong dong dong~." The familiar bell suddenly sounded from far away, just like every time it came, but this time Luffy trembled and froze there. .

"Plop, plop." The beating of the heart began to speed up at this moment, and a strange and familiar voice suddenly came from the distant bell, which made Luffy stunned.

It was a call from the bottom of my heart, and Luffy realized it all at once, the voice that had been silent for a long time came out from the bottom of my heart again, this is also the soul of Wang Haotian who is in Lufei's body The voice most eager to hear, although part of the soul has already begun to fuse at this moment, but Wang Haotian's soul still maintains a certain degree of independence, and it may only appear during some fierce battles or when the mood fluctuates greatly.

At this moment, Luffy just stood there motionless, as rigid as a stone sculpture.

(End of this chapter)

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