The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 67 I Love You

Chapter 67 I Love You

"Luffy is there." Looking at the surrounding area that has completely become ruins, Nami's people can see clearly that the person standing motionless in the distance is their captain and their closest partner of Luffy.

"There's Luffy's straw hat, Sauron got him off." Looking up and seeing Luffy's straw hat hanging on the top of the hall, Nami said to Sauron, and then ran towards Luffy. .

"OK." After Zoro responded, he went to the side, and the others followed Nami.

Looking at the motionless Luffy, these people didn't dare to disturb him. From the expression of Luffy and the slight heat from his body, they can clearly feel that there is nothing wrong with Luffy's body at this moment. .

As for what kind of changes Luffy should be undergoing when he is motionless at this moment, maybe it is the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, Nami and the others thought in their hearts, and at this time Zoro also walked over slowly holding Luffy's hat, also No sound.

"Where is the place where the bell rings?" Luffy seemed to understand all of a sudden, and then he woke up, and when his eyes just recovered, he found that his partners were standing in front of him intact at the moment.

"Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, are you all alright?" Luffy hurriedly walked up to one body in front of his partner and pinched that body, for fear of his own What damage do these partners have.

With a sore nose, a feeling of intimacy emerged from the heart, but this couldn't make Luffy touch his body with hands that obviously had bad intentions. The stick hit Luffy's head once, and then shouted: "We're all fine, what's the matter with you then, standing there like a log, motionless, scared us all to death." Nami While talking, he patted himself on the chest, showing a look of fear.

"Nami, why are you attacking so hard?" Luffy touched his head and exchanged aggrievedly, but seeing Nami's increasingly fierce eyes, Luffy wisely didn't continue to entangle on this issue , Instead, he told Nami and the others why he was motionless.

"What, is it that time again?" Several people asked in amazement for a moment.

"It seems that Roger is right when he said 'walk in the direction of freedom and dreams, everything is on the way'." Nami couldn't help but think of the One Piece that Luffy told them that the tavern owner told Luffy to stay. That sentence made me feel deeply moved.

"Then let's go and see now. Have you confirmed the location of Luffy?" Sauron said to Luffy first, thinking that there is no effect, it is better to go there and have a look. This is the thought in the bottom of Sauron's heart .

But at this moment, everyone also wants to see what kind of things exist in such a place, it is so magical.

"Let's go, I know it's there." Saying that, Luffy started to walk into the palace, and after passing through the ruins, a door appeared in front of them, a very tough door that seemed to never be able to open the door.

But when Luffy was just one meter away from the door, the door opened automatically, and at this time Sauron and the others were suddenly pulled in by a sudden strong suction force from the door, and even the resisting There is no chance, or they no longer have any thoughts of resistance at this moment, after all, there is a place ahead for them to go.

And at this moment, a large group of villagers from Ximi Village had come to the palace under the leadership of the girl 'D23'. When they found Luffy and the others, only Luffy was left standing at the door. Thorpe just disappeared at the door, and at this time Luffy also saw the girl in front of him.

Intuition tells Luffy that this girl is the forgotten teacher who yelled at them once. Although the change between the two seems a bit too big, at this moment Lu Fei clearly knows that this person is the ugly teacher back then.

Luffy didn't stay long. Based on what he had realized just now, he also knew that after entering here this time, he would not come back again, so Luffy smiled slightly at the girl. This smile contained many things. , but the only thing not included is resentment and blame.

Yes, Luffy never blamed her, because Luffy knew how much pain the girl was enduring before he gave them the medicine, and she was only for the people living here, this is hers. Responsibility, although the method is wrong, but she has no other way.

"He smiled." The girl looked at Lu Fei's sunny smile, and the tears that the girl had just put away couldn't help but opened the valve, and flowed down.

The girl saw sincerity from Lu Fei's eyes, and felt tolerance from his smile. All these disrupted the coping method that the girl had already thought about. At this moment, the girl's atrium was completely lost. I can no longer pretend to be strong.

At this time, many people who knew Luffy well, seeing their hero smiling at them at this moment, felt extremely comfortable in their hearts, and greeted Luffy one by one.

However, the attraction of this door is constantly increasing. Even if Luffy wants to resist this pressure, he can't resist it. Even saying a word is not enough.

Pulling his body back violently, Lu Fei's body rolled towards the inside of the door. At this time, Lu Fei suddenly raised his head and yelled a post-modern word at all the villagers in Ximi Village.

"I love you." Before Lu Fei finished speaking, the door was completely closed, and this sentence was only passed out more than half of it.

From the outside it sounds like there are only three words, "I love you." And at that time, everyone was staring at Luffy deeply, and Luffy's eyes were also staring deeply at everyone, as if his words were right. Everyone present said the same.

But at this moment, there is such a strange thought in everyone's mind, that is, what Luffy said was to a person, and that person just saw Luffy and couldn't help but burst into tears Maiden of tears.

For a while, everyone was polite and silent, but the girl among them saw clearly at the last moment that Luffy's mouth shape was a word for 'we'.

Although I wanted this word so much to be ignored in my heart, it still ruthlessly appeared in the girl's eyes.

The girl thought about it for a while and couldn't help smiling, patted her head lightly, and thought to herself, "How could such a hero like me, who has a malicious heart?"

"But I am firmly in love with you, Lu Fei, even if you belong to the whole world, I will always remember you in my heart, because I love you." The girl thought firmly in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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