The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 68 The God of the Clock

Chapter 68 The God of the Clock
Lufei didn't have the slightest awareness of the girl's mind, because after coming to this world, he would not choose love, because the love for his girlfriend in the previous life has been deeply occupied in his heart, even if he travels to In such a world, he would not choose to betray the love he firmly believed in.

At this moment, the villagers who are still waiting for the Straw Hats to come out are starting to set up a huge bonfire party around the palace, but at this moment a figure ran in in a panic, facing the people standing in the middle. The girl who commanded everyone said loudly; "Village chief, something is wrong with the village chief." (After the girl's identity was revealed, with the strong support of the village chief Osi and everyone's support, 'D23' became the leader of the entire village. The village head of Ximi Village is not limited to that small village in a remote corner, and at this time everyone has begun to settle down in this Amo City. Compared with the city that has been built at this moment, it is large enough and there are many empty houses)

"What's the matter, tell me quickly." Looking at the figure in front of her, the girl felt a little uneasy.

"Heroes, heroes, them." The figure paused as he spoke, feeling a little out of breath.

"Sit down first, drink some water before talking." Although she was also anxious, at this moment the girl wisely chose to let this person rest for a while, drink some water to calm the excitement in her heart, and then slowly explain the reason.

After simply drinking two sips of water and calming down his racing heart, the visitor slowly told what he knew.

It turned out that this person was one of the few people assigned by the girl to look after the boat of Luffy and his party. At that time, they were putting some fresh food and some useful things on the boat.

It was relatively smooth at the beginning, but suddenly a burst of energy came out from the boat, overturning them all at once, and the boat dissipated, and they couldn't find it anyway, so this The person named Gart hurriedly reported to the village chief, while the other people were still searching there to see if they could find the whereabouts of the hero and their boat.

Hearing this, the girl couldn't help but turned around abruptly, walked towards the mysterious door that they couldn't open no matter what, and looked carefully at this place without the slightest gap for a while, before Luffy and the others disappeared from here .

Suddenly the girl seemed to recall a very old legend, and this legend has always existed, and this legend was also told to him by the girl's father.

Speaking of this legend, most people in Ximi Village have some influence. It is a legend about an ancient clock. According to the legend, there is a small island in a mysterious place in Ximi Village, and there is a large temple on the island. bell.

This clock is made of the purest core part of the two rare minerals '鉨' and 'Mi' in the entire Ximi Village. The bell will ring once every twelve hours, and This bell will never stop, unless the two most powerful minerals in Simi Village are gone.

And this bell is not only used to remind people of the passage of time, it also has two other more important functions, one is to convey hope to all the villagers of Ximi Village, and to protect the remnants left by their ancestors. It is their bounden duty to protect the seal in the village.

The other function is the function of guidance. To guide the people who come here to start the battle against demons, only the selected people will be guided by the clock seat in their hands, and this guidance will directly send the selected people to All things related to people are passed on to that small island.

In the history of Ximi Village, there was a village head who wanted to find out where the island was, so he ordered everyone to build countless boats, and then traveled the entire Ximi Village, but they did not find any isolated island.

Although everyone wanted to say that this legend was false at the time, the bell that rang on time every day silently told everyone that he existed, and in the end everyone gradually weakened their spying on the bell, and everyone was concerned about the punctuality. Pass time to them and give them hope and expectation.

This is a distant legend about the bell, and the bell that must ring every day has gradually been recognized, believed in, enshrined, and has become the biggest god in Ximi Village.

"It's the gods, they are the chosen ones, the people who save the world." The girl said what he knew a little tremblingly, "There is no need to look for the hero's ship, maybe our mission of guarding the seal of the devil's breath is also very important." It's coming to an end, when we activate that setting, we'll go back to living under the sun."

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat again. He didn't expect that person to be such an important person. If they were infected and sacrificed by the poison of his anger, his sin would be much more serious. ah.

"Miss, don't worry, although Miss once did something inappropriate, since the hero and the others were selected characters at that time, some hardships must be endured, and when the hero Luffy looked at the lady with a slight smile, Miss You should feel that those heroes did not blame Miss, they are all destined characters with a heart as broad as a river, and they will also understand how uncomfortable they were when they did what Miss did that day, so you don’t need to Too much self-blame." Although Ossie also thought it was inappropriate for 'D23' to use drugs on Luffy and his party, he never blamed her, because Ossie understood that all this was for the villagers of Ximi Village. Everything is the responsibility of the traitors "Hondo? Jadon." and "Demon."

"I know, Uncle Ossie." Resisting the urge to cry, the girl kept comforting herself to the side, this person who took care of her like her own grandfather from the beginning to the end.

Although the girl really wanted to hide in the room alone and cry wantonly to vent her emotions, but at this moment she knew her responsibility as a leader and the pillar of Ximi Village.

"Everyone, let's have a banquet. The heroes have been guided by the great bell god and have taken on a more important mission. Let us have a crazy banquet together, and use our most sincere joy to present the most sincere joy to the heroes. blessings."


"Have a party."

"Heroes and the others have even heavier responsibilities. Heroes really are heroes."

All of a sudden, various businesses emerged from the crowd, everyone's face was cleared of the haze left by the disappearance of the hero and others just now, and everyone was inspired by the girl's words.

Happiness, joy, toasting became the main theme, and the villagers of Ximi Village wantonly vented their happiness at this moment, while Lu Fei and his party had already
(End of this chapter)

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