The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 74 Melly, fly up

Chapter 74 Melly, fly up

"Speak, as long as I can help, I will definitely help you." When Zhong Ling said this, a very vague figure slowly appeared from the axis, and no sign could be seen from the figure. things, but it can make the Straw Hats and the others clearly feel that there is a figure looking at them, but there is no bad feeling. On the contrary, this feeling of being seen makes Luffy and the others feel like an old man watching Like a group of boys, full of kindness and care.

"Senior, please tell us how to get out from here, because our next stop is outside here, and we don't know the way out." Luffy honestly expressed the confusion they were facing at the moment.

"Hahahaha, it's simple. Look, it's your ship." As they spoke, a clear angle suddenly appeared in the minds of Luffy and the others, and they couldn't help turning their heads to look there.

But at this moment, Lu Fei didn't turn his head to look, because he had already noticed it just now.

"Senior, although our ship is here, how can we get out of here." Lu Fei said again, he couldn't help but wonder, is this Zhong Ling demented?So what if there is a boat, this place is in the mountains, how to get out from here is the real way, this is not the original sea of ​​desire, they can still find a way to get out from the entrance they came in, although the passage there A bit perverted, but at least there's a way to go.

And now after being pulled here by this inexplicable, the only way out is lost like this, Luffy is very anxious.

"Take the boat along the direction of the light, and you can reach the place you want. Go, lovely children, I hope you can make your way smoothly." After Zhong Ling finished speaking, a ray of light came from the ancient clock. It shot out fiercely, and after passing through the barrier of the clouds in the sky, a direction mark-like thing was formed in front of Luffy and the others, guiding Luffy and the others to the way forward.

"Thank you, senior." Speaking of which, Luffy and the others bowed respectfully to the ancient clock, and then charged towards the direction of the Golden Meili.

God knows when this light will dissipate, before the light dissipates, let's talk about it after leaving this place.

With this in mind, Luffy and the others couldn't help speeding up their pace again.

"Hehe, interesting children, I hope you don't lose your heart in the slaughter, don't be overwhelmed by difficulties, and take your steps firmly. I believe you will be able to complete your mission." At this time, Zhong Ling Silently speaking on the psychological side, at the same time a sense of satisfaction appeared on his face.

It seems that Luffy and the others have completed their mission, just like his Zhong Ling's catastrophe passed smoothly.

Seeing his junior brother like this, Bagua Wuliang didn't say much, but said silently in his heart, the little guy must not die, it will be difficult to deal with.

For a while, the two old guys who had existed for tens of millions of years fell into a deep sleep again, and when they woke up next time, it was time for Luffy and the others to end, dead or alive, they would wake up , because that is their task.

"Sanji lifts the anchor, Zoro holds the sails, Usopp steers, Luffy looks ahead, the Golden Meri, set sail." Returning to the Golden Meri, the Straw Hats seem to be returning to their own home Same, felt a sense of comfort.

"Oh~." With Nami's yell, the Straw Hats and his party began to run at high speed, and with a gust of wind, the boat started to move, and at this time, the ray of light was pointing to the front of the boat.

With the wind, the speed of this simple dhow increased to the maximum in an instant, and it sailed quickly on the sea like a flying fish.

As if feeling that the speed was not too fast, Nami waved the weather stick in his hand, and after waving it towards the sky a few times, a thick black cloud formed above the Golden Meili, and then this The cloud became fierce and violent, creating a huge temperature difference, and because of this temperature difference, a strong wind was blowing towards the sails of the Golden Meili.

Nami kept holding the weather stick in her hand like this, and waved it twice from time to time, and the Golden Meri kept rushing forward at this speed, which also surprised Luffy and others.

They have never seen Nami use this trick before, but the power of this trick is indeed good enough at this moment, let alone this time.

"Nami, the direction of the light has changed. 500 meters ahead, the direction of the light is the front left." Luffy, who had been paying attention to the trend of the light, noticed that the direction of the cursor in front of him had changed at this moment, and said loudly to Nami .

"Understood, the sails are adjusted, Sanji is at four o'clock, and Usopp holds the rudder." Then Nami waved the weather stick fiercely towards the sky, and a subtle vibration entangled towards the black clouds in the sky.

"Turn around." He shouted suddenly, and with the rotation of the weather rod, the direction of the force of the black cloud changed instantly, and at the same time, the direction of the wind blowing over also changed accordingly.

The boat was pulled by the knuckles and turned in one direction by this continuous action. In the case of high speed and inconvenience, Nami can directly change the direction of the boat in a short distance of 500 meters without affecting the speed of the boat. Cooked to perfection.

Seeing the boat sailing gracefully across an arc and turning in this direction, Nami couldn't help smiling. She didn't expect that the trick he thought of would be so effective.

"Shaking the sky." There are still many uses that I haven't tested, but I will definitely evolve them one by one. By then, it will not only be used to speed up the ship.

Nami thought firmly in her heart.

Then, under the leadership of Nami's precise navigation technology, the Golden Meili quickly passed through several different angle changes, and when the light behind them began to fade, it appeared in front of them. There is a very steep cliff, as if there is a transparent film of light enveloping the sea water.

"That's it." Seeing this, Nami not only shouted loudly, but at this time Luffy slowly climbed on top of the goat's head and sat comfortingly.

He said in a low voice: "Melly, you must hold on. You will become stronger soon. This time, I will definitely not let you leave us."

At this time, the ship had already come to the front of the transparent membrane. With the last burst of strength, Nami transformed all the black clouds into wind in an instant, and blew towards the Golden Meili, causing The speed of the ship reached a fixed point in an instant, and it rushed towards the light film.

"Wow, wow, wow, Merry, it's flying." Just after breaking through the transparent membrane, Luffy and the others found that they were indeed hundreds of meters above the sea at the moment, and smashed towards the sea violently.

(End of this chapter)

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