Chapter 75

After the Golden Meili flew over the barrier of Ximi Village, it did not directly land on the other side of the red soil, but appeared on an endless sea.

After three full months of voyage, Usopp's roar finally ended the three-month boring cultivation career, which made Luffy and others feel in a daze.

"Luffy, is that Bubble Island? Why did we get here all of a sudden?" Nami said to Luffy while looking ahead while taking the telescope from Usopp.

"Are there a lot of big trees, and a lot of foam floating in the air?" Luffy, who was sitting on the sheep's head with his eyes closed and rested, suddenly stood up and asked when he heard Nami's words.

"Well, a small island exactly like the one you described in it should be where the annoying Tianlong people live." Nami thought for a while and added.

"We haven't seen the little whale yet, why did we get here all of a sudden?"

At this time, everyone also felt the strangeness of the matter, and they couldn't help walking over, looking at Luffy, to see if they could get the answer from him.

Helping the straw hat that was crooked on top of his head, Luffy smiled at Nami and the others with wide mouths, and then said innocently.

"I don't know what's going on, but isn't it better this way, the unknown is fun, isn't it?"

Luffy's words made everyone stunned for a moment. After all, they were accustomed to step-by-step actions, and suddenly lost their direction.

"This is the adventure I want." Sauron was the first to recover. After saying something briefly, he returned to his position and sat down, continuing to exercise his own physical strength.

Zoro's words brought Nami and the others back to their thinking in an instant.

Yeah, we like adventures, not missions that have to be complete shit.

After Usopp uttered such a sentence tremblingly, he went to fiddle with his gadgets.

"Hey, I really want to go and see the island that exists in the sky. It should be so beautiful."

"Nami-san, I am willing to accompany you to the ends of the earth." Sanji, the captain of Nami's guard, showed once again that he has no immunity to beautiful women.

Glancing at Sanji, Nami walked to the bow of the boat and looked at the sea again. At this moment, a big wave has been caused in her heart.

Unlike Sauron and the others, Nami was born to survive for fighting, eager to fight, not afraid of fighting.

Nami's battles are more based on her own wisdom. In addition to the weather stick made by Usopp and her understanding of exercises, Nami's more fighting power lies in her understanding of the sea. That's her job.

In half an hour, the Golden Meili approached the shore of Bubble Island with the sea breeze blowing.

"Let's go to Uncle Rayleigh." Luffy was the first to jump off the boat and walked forward.

"Luffy, Bubble Island arrived earlier than we expected, and we also know something about what happened on Bubble Island, so I hope this time we can directly avoid these battles, and we can not let our friends Take any damage." Nami took a step faster, walked to Luffy's side, and said to Luffy.

"Of course." Luffy replied simply.

Luffy is not a person who likes to be reckless. Instead of saving his friend and punishing his opponent after being hurt, he wants to stop him before these things happen.

"Xiao Hachi's takoyaki, I miss it so much." After hiding the boat, Usopp also rushed up first.

In the wine tavern, there are several grotesque figures sitting at this moment.

In addition to Octopus Xiaoba, there is also a blue-nosed guy who looks like an animal that is not one meter tall.

A man over two meters tall, with his head back erect, if he had to use one word to describe him, it would only need two words.


A dark-skinned lady wearing a mature professional attire and wearing a denim black winger hat.

Of course, there is also this man wearing glasses, with some slight scars on his face, and the beautiful woman standing beside him who is mixing wine for him.

The person wearing the glasses is the former deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, "Pluto Rayleigh."

"They're here." Suddenly, Lei Li stood up and walked towards the door. At this time, several people who were sitting quietly also stood up one after another.

If Luffy saw them at this moment, he would definitely recognize them.

The ship repairman, Franky the pervert.

The ship doctor, the reindeer who ate the human fruit, and the cute little Chopper.

A historian, a character who is burdened with hatred for the world government and a desire for unknown history, a person with the power of flowers and fruits, Nicole?Robin.

Except for Brook, the skull-controlling man, all the partners in Luffy's memory have appeared beside them at this moment.

After passing through several areas, Luffy and others, under the leadership of Nami (among them, only Nami is not lost in the direction, and Luffy also knows the area where Rayleigh lives) appeared in the area where Rayleigh and others lived. in front of people.

This moment is the moment of witness.

Before Raleigh appeared in Franky, Chopper, and Robin, they didn't know anything about the Straw Hats. When Raleigh appeared, they chose to join without hesitation, just because After they saw the note left by Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, in Rayleigh's hand, they followed Rayleigh without hesitation.

Of course, before that, with Rayleigh's help, they also completed their respective missions.

Rayleigh helped Chopper to get rid of the king of the Drum Kingdom, and at the request of Doctor Doriel, his follower Rayleigh came to Bubble Island.

Chopper arrived here first, because Chopper's position was closest to Raleigh's.

Then there's Robin.

What happened to Robin was not just about Sha Abbas. After the sand crocodile was dealt with and the stability of the country that Princess Wei Wei wanted to protect was destroyed, Raleigh took Robin to Judiciary Island once.

Rayleigh will not be as crazy as Luffy in the original book, and deal with such things. Obviously, Rayleigh's handling measures are more harmonious and safer than Luffy at that time.

After successively assassinating Lucci with the greatest combat power and the evil leader of CP9, Spandam with the golden phone bug, Rayleigh took Robin to find Franky who was still the gangster.

At the same time, he told Franky the purpose of his trip and gave Franky the note written by Luffy.

He took the two of them back to Bubble Island, let them recharge their batteries, and waited for the arrival of Lu Fei and others.

This wait lasted for half a year, and during this half year, Lei Li went out for a trip, but when he came back from this trip, Lei Li became a little irritable.

He doesn't seem to like talking.

At that time, the message Luffy asked Octopus to bring to Rayley included not only helping Princess Weiwei, but also helping Luffy find those partners.

Because Luffy had a hunch at that time that starting from Ximi Village, the road behind was no longer what he could imagine in his head, so if Luffy wanted to complete his mission and return to the present world, he had to find all partner only.

But for the uncertainty of the future, Luffy directly threw this task to Rayleigh, the former hero.

Luffy is not worried that Rayleigh will not help him, because Luffy knows that he is completing Roger's unfinished journey. As Roger's best partner, it is impossible for Rayleigh not to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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