The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 79 The First Order of the Captain

Chapter 79 The First Order of the Captain
Although Robin and the others haven't lived and died together with Luffy and the others, and they don't completely trust each other in their hearts, but at this moment they choose to shout loudly without hesitation.

Because this is the hope in their hearts.

Together with partners who live and die together, to find dreams and complete missions, and these partners are destined, this suddenly makes the three of Robin feel a kind of excitement and excitement from the bottom of their hearts.

"Well, choose me to announce the first captain's order." Looking at the serious and excited faces of each partner, Luffy roared loudly.

"The captain please give the order." Luffy replied neatly again.

"Nami, you plan the hull construction and guide Franky to renovate the new ship, and then teach Franky, Robin, and Chopper the unique skills of our Straw Hat Pirates, and execute them immediately." Looking at Nami who was about to ask It looks like, Luffy directly ignored the sentence of immediate execution.

"Yes, friends, come with me." She despised Luffy for a moment, but Nami knew that it was Luffy who was following the captain's orders, not casual jokes, so the orders had to be executed immediately.

"Soron, Sanji, Usopp, come with me, let's do something that will cause a sensation in the world." Luffy said very evilly and weirdly.

"Yes, follow the captain's order." At this time, both Sauron, Sanji and Usopp understood what Luffy wanted to do at the moment, but they didn't want to talk too much because Luffy didn't make it clear.

After all, it's not just the three of them, there are also Uncle Rayleigh, the tavern owner, Uncle Rayleigh's wife, and Xiaoba Octopus.

"The captain's order has been issued." Seeing Nami and the others slowly disappear from sight, Luffy breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look in Rayleigh's direction.

This old bird is looking at Luffy in a way that you want to do what you want, uncle, I know everything.

Smiling lightly, it seemed that he had no intention of stopping Luffy and the others.

"Uncle Rayleigh, I'll leave the ship's coating to you." Luffy ignored Rayleigh's eyes that saw right through him, the rogue Luffy is still very good at doing it.

"Uh, remember, it won't take more than an hour for the nearest general to arrive here." After finishing speaking, Uncle Raleigh didn't care how Luffy reacted, and the scholar Luffy directly ignored any expressions of Luffy.

He turned around and left, and he wanted to follow, because the coating of the ship would be much better when it was built, and Raleigh didn't intend to keep this technology.

Don't the Straw Hat Pirates have ship repairers?Just leave it to him, and save this little rogue from bothering me again in the future.

Rayleigh, who was used to a peaceful and stable life, felt a little tired from the turmoil during this period.

"Xiaoba, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Usopp, who had been silent for a long time, was greeting Xiaoba who had stayed aside without saying a word.

At the same time, Usopp's unrestrained big mouth began to announce their deeds to Xiaoba, but among these deeds, it is no different that he, Captain Usopp, is the most powerful existence, repeatedly saving Luffy and the others .

From a character with [-] subordinates, he became a big captain with [-] subordinates.

Xiao Ba, who was also fooling around for a while, knew that Xiao Ba was already an incomparable admirer of Usopp from the golden eyes when Xiao Ba looked at Usopp.

When the three of them left with Robin, Nami knew the reason for Luffy's decision with a simple thought in her heart.

Leaving the three with the most combat effectiveness plus Usopp who has the strongest long-range attack, Nami has clearly figured out the plan in Luffy's heart at this moment.

"Hmph, it really is a group of bastards who only know how to make trouble." After criticizing Luffy in a low voice, Nami happily started talking with Robin.

As for Chopper and Franky, they were naturally ignored by Nami.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Nami, after all, Nami and Robin are both stunning maiden-level characters, and of course they need to exchange a lot of maiden-level experience when they meet on the first day of junior high school.

Although women like cute things, and Qiaoba, the cute little king, can't divert them from the topic of women they care about most at the moment.

Hey, this is a woman.

Regardless of what kind of clothes look better and what kind of cups are more beneficial to the development of the body, the perverted king Frankie has no interest at all.

Simply communicating with Chopper, the two people who were already familiar with each other became more intimate at this moment.

At this moment, Chopper has turned over and climbed onto Franky's two-meter-high mechanical body, sitting comfortably, like the king of the cute kingdom.

In this way, while the two women were chattering, they soon arrived at the place where the Golden Meili was.

Putting away the non-stop talk just now, Nami nimbly got into the biography, and took out a piece of white paper from the room dedicated to her, on which was drawn a very detailed pattern.

A ship structure based on the Golden Meri is being held by Nami at the moment.

"Let's start the work according to the structure of this picture, our Mr. Ship Repairer, oh, no, Mr. Pervert." Nami said to Franky with a smile on her face.


After receiving the blueprint from Nami, Frankie began to examine the blueprint carefully, although Frankie had already had a clear idea of ​​how to transform the ship the moment he saw the Golden Merry .

But since Nami had already taken out the drawings, Frankie had to take a closer look.

But seeing this, Frankie was stunned.

"Nami, who drew this drawing, did you design it?"

Seeing Frankie's surprised expression, as if he attached great importance to this blueprint, although she was very reluctant, Nami still told the truth.

"Except for the room layout inside, everything else was designed by Luffy, how about it, can't you?"

"This blueprint was actually designed by him." Without answering Nami's words, Frankie watched the blueprint carefully again, and at the same time, he began to wonder in his heart how this pair of ideal ships was in his mind. Go to structure and start planning.

After a brief thought, Frankie changed from his usual super perverted appearance, and his whole aura changed in an instant.

"It's enough for me to be here alone. You can do whatever you want." He ordered Nami and the others to evict the guests. After all, for Frankie, he didn't understand that people were just delaying him in shipbuilding.

"Okay, Robin, Chopper, let's go, I'll give you our unique exercises." It was the first time that Nami saw Frankie looking so serious, and for a moment, Nami forgot to despise Frankie's words. in vulgarity.

Regardless of what happens to Nami and the others, for a top boatman, building a boat in his heart is very important and sacred.

"As expected, you are Tom's disciple, boy, let me help you." At this time, Raleigh finally arrived. Seeing Frankie's performance just now, Raleigh felt that Frankie was extraordinary.

"My technology is not bad, and I will also give you the coating technology during the construction process."

(End of this chapter)

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