The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 80 Charles Rose

Chapter 80 Charles Rose
"Xiaoba, you are our friend forever, so you can stay here now and live a good life with Uncle Rayleigh." Looking at the octopus Xiaoba, who is really unflattering in appearance but very righteous, Luffy has a very special way emotion.

"It's time to act, let's go." Without waiting for Xiao Ba to answer, Luffy and others rushed out of the tavern, their target is the No. [-] island.

"Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, let us let it go for a while today." The speed of the four has been raised to a very high level.

None of the four people cared about what a challenge they were doing to their situation. In their eyes at this moment, any dilemma they would face could not stop what they wanted to do at the moment.

"Stop." While running at a high speed, Luffy suddenly stopped abruptly.

"What are you doing?"

As Luffy stopped, Sanji and the others behind him couldn't help but rush.

"I think we should make things bigger." Luffy smiled evilly, but at this moment he felt the arrival of the devil.

"Why don't you make trouble?" Listening to Lu Fei's words, an extremely evil emotion appeared on the faces of the three of them at the same time.

"Then let's do this." Said Luffy and hugged the three brothers together, and the four of them put their heads together.

Although they were very reluctant to be hugged by Luffy like this, the three of them did not resist at this time, but listened carefully to Luffy's plan.

After Luffy's plan was slowly revealed, apart from the initial shock, the three of them snickered at the end. They seemed to be snickering because of Luffy's plan, or maybe they were surprised by Luffy's behavior.

"Okay then, let's split up. I'll leave first. After three days, everything will follow the plan." After talking about the plan, Luffy emphasized and left first.

"Idiot, don't get lost then, remember the location of our ship." Before Sauron could react, Sanji left first.

"Usopp, be careful all the way, remember that your task is the most difficult, and you must succeed." Sauron said to Usopp surprisingly seriously.

"No problem, let's go." Following Usopp's farewell to the ground, only Usopp was left among the five people who had gathered at this moment.

"Woooooo." Feeling a chilly feeling around his body, Usopp not only felt a cool breeze in this warm area.

"It doesn't matter, let's play for a while before talking." Usopp walked slowly towards a building with a very tall landmark playground.

Site No. [-], in the palace, at this moment there is a big fat man wearing a transparent cover like a hood. Looking at it from a distance, he only thinks it is a big pile of shit, and it is Bai Chengcheng's poop, but if you can get closer Some are watching, but can clearly see that it is not a pile of shit.

It's a big mountain of meat piled up.

Especially that fat big face, with a few pieces of fat and oily skin hanging loosely.

And the disgusting appearance of dripping snot, it really makes people feel sick for a while.

It's really more disgusting than the feces and urine in the cesspit.

But at this moment, this lump of meat, which was more disgusting than excrement and urine, did not stay there and lie quietly, but whipped a handsome man very vulgarly.

Yes, he is really a handsome man. If he is in the present world where Wang Haotian is now, if such a handsome man is sold to Thailand, he will become a monster king even more than the legendary one.

But at this moment, it is indeed in the world belonging to One Piece, so this handsome man can only be whipped by this disgusting man named Charles Rose at this moment.

And at this moment, the real Charlos is still in a state of breasts leaking breasts, every time his body jumps, every time he shakes the long whip in his hand.

The flesh on Charlos's body would vibrate up and down with his movements, making people feel a feeling of being alone in it, and letting him throw away the fat.

Just as Charles Rose was excitedly spurring the handsome man he had just bought, a burst of anxious footsteps slowly came from outside Charles Rose's room.

With a tight knock on the door, Charl Rose finally stopped his beating on the handsome man.

"Did you bring something new this time?" Without opening the door, Charles Rose just casually asked the door, and then slowly put on his elegant and luxurious aristocratic costume.

"Return to His Royal Highness Charles Rose, Miss Xia Lulia Palace just asked me to send you a message. She will invite all the clansmen to gather together to celebrate that he has won a new favourite."

At this moment, Charros, who was wearing clothes in the room, heard such a report from his subordinates, and his whole body suddenly lifted his spirits, and the clothes were completely covered in three or two times, regardless of the person who was just covered by his body and spirit. Double abused whether the handsome man had hung up, and rushed to the door.

With a sound of "expansion.", following the strong impact of Charles Rose, the fragile door collapsed and fell apart in an instant under the impact of his fat.

"To hold this kind of ceremony, sister Yagong must have obtained top-quality goods. Then, father, should you go?" At this moment, Charlos was surprised that his sister could get such good goods, but also for his father. Still retain some respect.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty Ya Palace said that this banquet is only an exchange meeting between young people within the tribe. Oh, yes, His Majesty Ya Palace also said that this banquet is not the only one with a new favorite. It seems that His Royal Highness Weige has also won a superb new favorite, so this time the banquet was held by His Majesty Ya Palace and His Highness Weige together." Charles Rose's lackey faithfully performed his duties, All the news he knew was told to the master.

"Ah, get out, it's all you useless things, they've all got new favorites, why can't you get them for me." Charlos was completely angry, and kicked at the man who had always been loyal to him. Jane Ren.

Jian Ren, who didn't have the slightest mood swings because of Charles Rose's anger and beating, slowly took over.

"Your Highness, although the servants did not get you the new favorite you wanted, the target has already appeared, and the servants have prepared everything for Your Highness. Now we only need to go to Auction Hall No. [-], where the auction is currently going on. The new favorite that His Highness urgently needs."

"Really." Charles Rose clearly knew what level the new favorite he wanted to have at the moment belonged to.

Moreover, this new favorite must allow himself to gain a certain advantage in participating in the banquet held by his sister.

There must be a special place for this group of garbage to hold a banquet to display their slaves or new gadgets.

But at this moment, his servant Jian Ren actually told himself that there is a new favorite who is even better than the new favorite that his sister and the others used to hold the banquet. What exactly is it?

"Could it be that Auction House No. [-] got a young mermaid?" Charles Rose asked Jian Ren anxiously, as if only young and beautiful mermaids could meet their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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