Chapter 81 Riot
Auction House No. [-] is the auction house located on the No. [-] island in the center of Chambord Island, and it is also the headquarters of all auction houses in the Chambord Islands.

It is more appropriate to say that it is an auction house than it is a place for human trafficking, because all the people auctioned here are people, no matter what race there is, there are auctions here.

Whether it's dwarves, giants, aliens among humans, or normal humans, all of them are sold here, but the most popular ones here are really powerful pirates and unique races.

Among them, the most popular ones are young and beautiful mermaids. According to legend, the speed of mermaids in the sea is the fastest among all races. Disgusting people who buy these young and beautiful mermaids, except to trap them in captivity In addition, threatening them with their lives to do some dangerous behaviors for people's pleasure, and even using this beautiful mermaid to vent their animal desires.

Therefore, among the mermaids, young and beautiful mermaids are the most popular.

But today, when he heard his subordinate Jian Ren say that Auction No. [-] had a top-quality auction, the first thing Charros thought of was mermaids, because in his eyes, only young and beautiful mermaids were enough for him. Save face.

"The specific auction house is not disclosed, but this time the auction is hosted by the owner of the auction house and the most famous auctioneer, Disco." Jian Ren is fulfilling his duty as a slave of Charles Ross all the time. .

"In this case, let's go, you can bring my mount here." Charlos said lightly.

Although on the outside, people will definitely think that Charles Rose is a pure fool, at that time, he actually had his pursuit in his heart.

Auction No. [-], Disco is in a particularly good mood today, because just this morning, their hunting team captured a super monster.

And this super thing is enough for him to get enough money for his luxurious lifetime in this transaction.

Although there is still an hour before the start of the auction, Disco has come to his exclusive room in the auction house early. At this moment, he needs to fully adjust his emotions.

Organize your own language to make your expressions richer, and at the same time, Charles Ross also asked his subordinates to send messages to the rich people living on Island No. [-].

I believe that there will be a large number of second-generation ancestors in a short while, and the prodigal son will come to the location of the auction house.

"Hmph, with my Disco's ability, if I haven't pulled out a pot of blood from you guys, I will be sorry for my reputation." Disco thought leisurely.

The continuous knocking on the door interrupted Disco's thoughts.

Disco, who was adjusting his mood, couldn't help but frowned slightly. Everyone in the auction house knew Disco's habits. When he walked into his own room, no one could easily disturb him, except Disco himself. walk out.

Unless it affects the fate of the auction house, such as the arrival of the big boss, such as the arrival of the Tianlong people.

So at this moment, Disco didn't lose his temper in a hurry, but after frowning slightly, he slowly stood up and adjusted his expression.

After gracefully opening the door, Disco turned his attention to the outside, but found that guards and "goods to be auctioned" were running around the backstage of the auction house at this moment, as well as the chief guard of the auction house who was anxiously standing in front of Disco at the moment. , Charlie.

"Charlie, what's going on here." Disco tried his best to keep his tone calm. He knew that if he was also irritable at this moment, then the auction that started an hour later would be a farewell to Disco's life. meeting.

"Big~big~big~ man, the man who was captured this morning said he wanted to see you, and he also let go of all the goods. Our escort team is chasing the goods at the moment, but we don't have any information about the existence of that man. What a chance." The guard captain Charlie's words made Disco understand what was going on in an instant.

"Tell all the guards, don't worry about the goods that have been let go, open a hole in the back door, let them go where they go, and don't disturb our guests." After sending the mission to Charlie, Disco began to attack them this morning. Where did the captured cargo go.

"Being able to easily let go of so many commodities, and these commodities dare to run away, then it means that this commodity must be able to easily break their collars, or he has the keys to the collars, but no matter what, it will cause damage. In such a chaotic situation, the person who does not choose to escape is definitely not the person who wants to create chaos and escape, there must be some kind of conspiracy." Disco thought carefully, and finally he characterized the person who created the riot in the auction house For "a person with a problem."

Disco's exclusive room was not too far from the place where these commodities were kept, so when Disco figured out the link, the most important commodity of this auction appeared in front of him.

"You are the owner of this auction house, right?" The commodity that didn't even raise its head raised such a question very calmly.

"Of course not, the boss, but my words can count in this auction house." At this moment, Disco couldn't feel any smell of the goods on the other side.

In fact, Disco did not believe that their hunting team would capture such a super-excellent commodity at the very beginning. When the collar representing life and death was put on his neck, Disco was relieved, because the collar had Once it goes up, this product cannot escape.

Looking at the collar that was still hanging on the neck of the product at this moment, although Disco could not feel any breath of the product, although Disco felt that it was tricky, he did not completely give up at the moment. After all, the collar that represented life and death was still on the other party's neck.

Although the rope that can control the collar is being played by the opponent at the moment, Disco still has a way to detonate the collar before the opponent can't get close.

"Since you can say what you want, let me tell you, this auction will only auction me, and the price of anyone else will be added to me, and you are not allowed to chase them, otherwise, you will be killed." Choose to auction them, and accept the death of me, or the death of you." For a moment, the merchandise that had lowered its head suddenly stood up and looked at Disco and the others.

"Ah~." Feeling the endless murderous intent in the opponent's eyes, Disco's back burst into cold sweat, and the chilly feeling made this auctioneer who had experienced countless big scenes unable to maintain his composure.

"Okay, but you are not allowed to commit suicide, and you are also allowed to move this collar." Disco asked calmly.

"As long as you let those people leave here safely, I will not leave here, nor will I commit suicide."

"Okay, I promise you."

Hearing the other party's answer without hesitation, Disco seemed to understand something in his heart.

This is a guy who wants to be a hero, and seems to be able to get rid of the broken collar by himself, but let himself auction him off. In fact, I see a lot of people like this in disco.

Taking himself as the auction item, after auctioning himself, he left after extorting a lot of money from the owner who bought him back at the auction.

Although this would cause damage to the auction house's reputation, it was impossible for Disco's auction house to be on guard after several incidents like this.

(End of this chapter)

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