The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 82 The Only Auction Item

Chapter 82 The Only Auction Item
"Hmph, let you be arrogant for a while now, and when I put the special collar on you, you will be at the mercy of me." Disco thought evilly in his heart.

However, when facing the merchandise, Disco did not show any abnormalities.

Before returning to his room, Disco whispered a few words to the captain of the guard, Charlie, and then checked the time, only to realize that there was not much time left until the auction started, and he had to act quickly.

Disco once again returned to his exclusive room, adjusting his mood, tone, and expression.

At this moment, Charles Rose was sitting in a row of seats specially opened for them in the auction venue.

But at this moment, Charles Rose discovered that he was not the only one who was interested in the items in this auction.

There are also several rivals of Charloise in existence.

One is to hold a banquet with Charles Rose's sister today for Wig's younger brother Willer, and the super second ancestor Shabi who is of an inferior race but has an extremely noble status.

"But this time I will definitely get this item." Looking at the people around him, Charloise knew that the item this time would definitely not be something casual, otherwise there would not be so many opponents, and he would be able to become His rival to Charles Rose, of course, would not be a minor player.

Just as Charles Rose was secretly speculating, the curtain of the auction house was slowly drawn.

The auction is about to start, put away the little things in my heart, and wait for the arrival of the auction, no matter how much I imagined the end of the goods at the beginning, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Charles Rose would not have fully believed it.

"The auction is about to start, please come with us, the disco auctioneer is waiting for you now." Charlie carefully dealt with the figure in front of him who seemed to be killing him at any moment.

Standing up slowly, he came to the back of Charlie, and he said slowly.

"Put the thing in your hand on."

Hearing the other party's words, Charlie felt relieved at once. Originally, Charlie had prepared a lot of excuses to let the other party wear this special collar. At that time, they all died because of a word about the product at this time, but this is what Charlie wanted the most. the situation you want.

The moment the special collar was put on, Charlie completely relaxed.

"It is a hundred times heavier than the original collar, and the purity of the hollow stone mixed in it is ten times that of the original one. It is true that it is more than ten times more difficult to break this collar than the original one. times, but for me, hum." Feeling the larger collar, Luffy thought to himself.

"Let's go, I thought you were an uncle. The guy wearing this collar has never escaped, just wait to be played to death by us, hahahaha, idiot." After changing the initial respect, the guard Captain Charlie also became rude, as if he was not afraid of any resistance from the commodity at the moment.

A brief glance at this self-righteous guy did not pay attention to his arrogance, but slowly calmed down the initial unbearable in his heart.

After all, because he killed the entire auction house by himself, he would not have the slightest bit of embarrassment for those cadre-level figures who made black-hearted money. However, there are still many innocent guards in the auction house. At first, he thought so .

But at this moment, he finally understood how it is possible for the goods in a dye vat to have another color.

The curtain was drawn in an instant, and the first person to appear in everyone's eyes was of course the auctioneer, Mr. Disco.

The disco at the moment is dressed like a gentleman, and every movement pursues a high degree of perfection.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. In order to show the dignity of our blockbuster auction item and our respect for him, we decided to release all other items in this auction. There is only one item in this auction."

"Oh oh oh."


As soon as Disco's words fell, all the photographers were incomparably shocked.

What is the role of the goods that allow the auction house to perform such a feat?

This must be something more noble than a young and beautiful mermaid, so that the auction can make such a decision.

Satisfied with the reaction of the photographers in the audience, Disco waved his hand at the right time, and asked Charlie, who was ready, to push forward the products with the special collar.

When the product slowly appeared in front of all the photographers, everyone was shocked.

Of course, it also includes Charles Rose, Wheeler, and Shabi who are determined to win this time.

The auction house was silent for 3 minutes.

"You fooled us." With the loud abuse of the first person who reacted, all the photographers became angry for a moment.

Everything that could be thrown was thrown over to where Disco was.

But at the moment, Disco seems to be more satisfied watching people's reactions, as if the angrier they are, the happier Disco is.

When Disco was still immersed in controlling everyone's emotions, Charles Rose moved, Wheeler moved, and Shabi also moved.

All of them walked towards the door of the auction house.

Because they are extremely disappointed at this moment, although they are extremely angry in their hearts, they know that this is not the time for them to vent their anger.

When they leave the gate of this auction house, it will be the time for this auction house to be destroyed.

"Lord Charles Rose, Lord Wheeler, please wait, please let me introduce our products this time." Seeing the three big customers who could affect the survival of the auction house stand up, Disco couldn't help but panicked. , I no longer enjoy the pleasure of controlling everyone's emotions.

Hearing Disco's words, the three of Charles Rose couldn't help but stopped curiously and returned to their seats to do a good job. If Disco can't make them feel the strangeness of the goods this time, then this time they won't No more consideration for face, but will directly order the destruction of this auction house.

"I know the reason why everyone is so angry. After all, anyone who sees an unknown person in his eyes but is held to such a high standard by the auction house will of course be angry, but I believe you have heard my introduction. Afterwards, I will definitely not feel angry at the despicable actions, maybe you will feel crazy."

After speaking, Disco gestured to Charlie who was hiding in a dark corner.

The originally brightly lit auction room fell into darkness in an instant, and the goods that were originally on the stage had been dragged down by Charlie.

Only the sophisticated disco was left on the stage.

Just when everyone thought disco was going to bring back the young and beautiful female mermaids they wanted to see.

Disco said to everyone very elegantly.

"Please watch a short film with me. This short film is the best introduction to our goods just now. I believe that you will not be disappointed this time, so please follow me to watch this short film together. A short film."

Seeing that the three of them seemed about to go mad again, Disco couldn't help but add such a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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