The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 83 Shocking High Price

Chapter 83 Shocking High Price
"Everyone, the young man in front of you is a pirate, and he is also the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates, a famous pirate group in the East China Sea. His name is Meng Qi? D Luffy." Disco told all of Luffy's basic life experience in one breath.

However, the auctioneers at the auction house were very cooperative at this time, giving Disco a big roll of their eyes.

Not to mention the weakest captain of the East China Sea, even the captain of the great pirate group before the great route, they have all seen it, and this kind of goods can only be regarded as top-quality goods for them.

"The video we watched just now is a major event that shocked the world that happened not long ago. I believe you have all watched it before." Disco slowly threw out his trump card at the right time.

At this time, many people who seemed to understand something sat up straight all of a sudden, and when they looked at the goods sitting on the auction stage again, they discovered one thing at this time.

That is, this product turned out to be sitting instead of kneeling, and he wore a special collar around his neck. Suddenly, all the photographers seemed to be interested.

"Of course the protagonist of the big event is Fire Fist Ace, who is still alive and dead, and we also know such news from the video just now, that is Fire Fist Ace is the One Piece Gore? D Roger is the only one son." Seeing everyone's renewed interest following his words, Disco certainly would not let go of any opportunity to increase the value of the goods.

"Just when you were invited to participate in the auction organized by my disco, another thing happened, that is, our product opened all the top-quality goods that we were going to auction to you at this auction , and at the same time threatened me that if I don’t let those people go, then either he will die or we will die, so this auction will only have him as an item.” Disco’s words made the auctioneers break out in a cold sweat. The existence of breaking the shackles of the collar must have special strength. For a while, these people have some small money by relying on the inheritance of their parents. If you go back, it means that you directly hugged a time bomb, which will blow up your money bag or life at any time.

Just when someone was about to open their mouths to bombard Disco for their lack of professional ethics, Disco spoke again at the right time.

"Everyone has seen that what we are wearing on the only item in this auction at the moment is a special collar of our auction. This kind of collar has never been broken so far, because this kind of collar The cost is [-] times that of ordinary collars, so in terms of safety, everyone can feel at ease." Disco's words let those guys who were originally worried about their own safety breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's continue. I believe everyone knows the power of Fire Fist Ace. After all, he is a world-class powerhouse, and Fire Fist Ace also started in the East China Sea."

"This guy won't be in the same place as Fire Fist Ace, that's okay." A young man in a gorgeous costume sitting in the front seat said slowly.

"And the Meng Qi we auctioned this time? D Lufei is the younger brother of Fire Fist Ace, a brother who is just like his own brother. They grew up together and practiced together, just because Fire Fist Ace is a few years older. , will go out to sea first." Disco shook out the fierce news again.

Because he knew that after he said this sentence, the goods they auctioned this time could be called super top quality, and only then could they be able to enter the eyes of Charles Ross and the others.

"I also want to tell you the most shocking news, that is, the young man in front of you is a devil fruit capable user, and his ability is rubber. I believe that this kind of ability will allow you adults to research enough for you to enjoy. .” The ability of the rubber fruit is different from other abilities.

And from the point of view of having the ability of devil fruit, the goods this time are already top-notch.

What's more, such a product also has the identity of the younger brother of Fire Fist Ace, and the devil fruit is the most suitable rubber fruit for fun.

For a moment, Charles Rose, who was sitting on his seat, became excited.

His eyes were staring like hungry wolves. At this moment, what Charlos needs most is such a new favorite. Only such a new favorite can make him shine at the upcoming banquet, and he will not be called by that Wigg The guy refuted the face.

"And there is an even more shocking news." Disco once again wanted to throw out such a heavy news.

Although Disco didn't believe his ears at all when he heard the news at the very beginning, but after careful reconciliation with Disco's powerful intelligence-gathering capabilities, he seriously read Luffy again. , because in his heart he couldn't connect Luffy with that person, the difference between them was too great.

"This captain named Meng Qi? D Luffy turned out to be the legendary lieutenant general in the chaotic era of our naval government legend, and the grandson of the now retired lieutenant general Garp."

This time the audience was completely silent, and everyone, including Charles Rose, looked at the short kid wearing a straw hat, and there was no trace of a ripple on his hearty smile.

"However, what we know is that the great Lieutenant General Karp will not be angry with any of us because his grandson was trafficked, killed, bullied, and beaten, because the great Karp Lieutenant General Pu believes that as his grandson, he has the right to choose the future, and from the moment he chooses pirates, the friendship between Lieutenant General Garp and his grandson will officially dissipate."

After a slight pause, Disco took a deep breath, and then roared loudly.

"Everyone can bid without any scruples. I announce that the auction will officially start." With a powerful hammer, Disco's move completely detonated the emotions of the auction house.

"I offer [-] million."

"I offer [-] million."

The price has been climbing upwards in units of 3000 million, but at this moment, Charles Rose, who is usually the most impatient, has not yet bid yet, while his two competitors, Willer and Shabby, have offered [-] million and [-] million respectively. s price.

The entire auction house did not appear purely one-sided because of the high price.

After all, the auction this time was carefully planned by Disco, and at the same time, his subordinates informed the wealthy tycoons of the entire Chambord Islands, and at the same time, the second-generation ancestors who regarded money as dung.

There is no one who can come here who is not a guy with a lot of money.

But these people are much worse than Charles Ross than a dude.

At this time, the auction house's price for this figure with many legendary identities has risen over time to 2000 million.

And looking at the current trend, it seems that this price is not the upper limit, breaking through one billion does not seem to be a difficult task, the difference is only time.

Not bad. At this time, Charles Rose slowly stood up from the seat that belonged to him.

Everyone who watched the fierce competition at the moment coldly, at the same time fixed their eyes on Willer and Shabi who were most likely to compete with him in this auction.

Looking at the cold sweat on their foreheads, Charlos knew that although the family they belonged to was rich, there was not much money that could really be used for them to spend for their extravagance. Too much money had to go through their owner or Said it was the father who was able to confirm.

But Charles Rose was not them, so Charles Rose stood up suddenly, and with one shot, the sky-high price was born.

(End of this chapter)

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