Chapter 84

"20 billion."

With the roaring voice of Charles Rose completely destroyed the confidence of others in the bidding.

"This beast." Charloth's superior posture at the moment really defeated Willer, who was originally full of confidence.

He is not Charles Rose, so it is impossible for him to spend so much money on a plaything as recklessly as Charles Rose.

"Let's go, Shabi, that guy is here, it's useless for us to struggle." She gently advised Shabi who was beside her, and at the same time directly rejected Shabi's offer of two people making a joint bid. Require.

However, Sharbi's Shar family and Willer's Curd family are allies. Although the Curd family is not as powerful as Charles Ross and the others, they can still be regarded as the number one figure in the entire aristocratic circle, belonging to the upper class.

The Shar family is the richest civilian family. They are in charge of most of the business chains in the entire world, but things above power cannot be obtained with money.

Therefore, the cooperation between the Ke De family and the Shar family is an inevitable trend. One is rich and the other is powerful, and the cooperation between the two has their own benefits.

The Ke De family can get a lot of money from the Shar family to decorate the facade, and the Shar family can make more high-level people through the Ke De family and improve the family status.

"Okay, but this time it's cheaper than that bastard Charles Ross." At this moment, Shabi also knew that it was too much to spend 20 billion Baileys for a purely famous and fun toy, and as the eldest son of the Shar family , Shabi knew that many times she had to control her emotions.

"Brother Shabi, I know what you're thinking, but listen to me, we can't mess with Charlos, after all, they belong to the five core families, although our Ke De family is also a descendant of the top [-] families, But there is indeed an essential difference with their five big families, forget about that." Looking at Shabi's righteous indignation, Wheeler also knew Shabi's mood at the moment.

After all, if anyone's childhood sweetheart's wife who has been in love for many years is wantonly defiled by a beast like Charles Ross, it will not be easy to let it go.

Even if he is not someone who can be provoked by Charles Rose, but no matter what the occasion, Shabi always wants to fight with Charles Rose.

"I know, I'm sorry, Wheeler, I shouldn't be impulsive." At this moment, Shabi seemed very weak and powerless. In the hands of such a beast, Shabi's heart was bleeding.

"Let's go. Although Charles Rose has won such a new favorite with status, there is still a big gap compared with the one of Wig's brother. Believe me." At this time, Wheeler couldn't help thinking, today How cool it was when his brother let his newly acquired item perform for them in the morning, thinking of this, Wheeler couldn't help but feel confident.

"What's wrong with the 20 billion, the plaything you Charles Rose bought for 20 billion is still not as good as our Ke De family, hmph, can that nympho Xialulia Palace get anything that can compare to 20 billion? Hmph, you still dare to hold a banquet to show off, this time I want to let you know that although our Kord family cannot compare with you in terms of power, we are not necessarily inferior to you in other aspects." Wheeler secretly thought thought of.

Just when Charles Rose got the new favorite Meng Qi bought for 20 billion? After D Luffy, Charles Rose fell into a state of madness, and the first little bit of calm thinking was completely replaced by madness.

With the younger brother of the protagonist of this big event, the grandson of the naval legend Garp, and possessing the most suitable rubber fruit ability to play with, Charles Rose felt extremely happy at the moment.

In Charles Rose's heart, the banquet an hour later was exactly the same as what his sister and the eldest son of the Curd family had specially prepared for him.

"Jian Ren, you take my baby to wash it off, wash off all the mortal breath on his body, and then send it to me here, I'm going to the banquet." Charles Rose shook like a mountain of meat With his excited laugh, his face showed a distorted and disgusting shape that made people feel sick.

After giving simple instructions, Charlos began to dress up himself.

Although the man's appearance was indeed a little too shabby, he never underestimated Charles Rothko when he participated in a noble gathering like a banquet, and every time he dressed himself in a sleek and sleek manner.

After carefully washing off the grease accumulated on his fat face, Charles Rose picked out a pure white aristocratic tunic that he specially prepared for the banquet from the exclusive clothing shop.

The whole body was carefully dressed up, and at this time, Jian Ren just came to Charles Rose with the playthings that Charles Rose bought for 20 billion.

"It's no wonder that he is the younger brother of the protagonist of the big event, the grandson of the legendary Karp, and he is indeed very proud." He learned from Jian Ren that when his plaything would not kneel no matter what, Charles Ross was not angry. , but happily praised this plaything.

"Jian Ren, you can stay here, this kind of banquet is not worthy for you, a lowly person." Seeing that Jian Ren, who usually knows etiquette, is planning to go to the banquet with him, Charles Rose couldn't help but feel a little angry. But today he was in a good mood, that's why he didn't lose his temper, he just asked Jian Ren to stop.

Seeing that Charles Rose slowly disappeared from sight, Jian Ren couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's time to pack up, or else." Thinking of the situation just now, Jian Ren couldn't help but gasped.

However, this is not the scene that Jian Ren has always wanted to see, and now with the trust he has gained from Charrose, if he takes this opportunity to escape, it is absolutely impossible to be chased back.

After all, imagining what the man said, Jian Ren felt a cold war in his whole body.

As the night of the Chambord Islands slowly climbed up the mountain in the west, the banquet belonging to Charros was about to begin.

Just when Charlos happily walked towards the Ya Palace with the new favorite of 20 billion, all the preparations have been completed in the Ya Palace at this moment.

Xia Lulia Gong, who is usually domineering and domineering, is sitting gently at an elegant table behind a handsome man with a special collar on his head, watching the man who is dancing with the knife in his hand.

From the first time he saw this man, Ya Gong's heart was completely attracted by the elegance shown by this man.

Although when this person appeared, his neck was already surrounded by a collar representing slave status, and his body was full of filthy things.

But in the eyes of Ya Gong, the man under the mast was not panicked at all, not even a little unnatural, it seemed that being arrested and being treated as a slave could not change his behavior in the slightest.

Everywhere reveals elegance and chic.

What amazed Yagong the most was the other party's hands, fair, slender, without any blemishes, which captured Yagong's heart that had been settled for 25 years in an instant.

"Oh, Ms. Yagong, I didn't expect to see such an infatuated side of you. It seems that this time, Ms. Yagong has got her ideal plaything." Suddenly, a young man about 25 years old Walked in from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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