Chapter 88
"Share? Shabi, are you doubting His Majesty Charles Rose?" Yagong took a deep look, as if he felt that today's situation is not normal. This kind of connection is constantly provoking the authority of the five major families. , is absolutely intolerable.

Although he spends so much money on his elder brother in his heart, this moment is not the time to delve into it.

Yagong just glanced at his elder brother who was never particular about spending money.

"20 billion, what's the matter, as a descendant of the Creator who created this world, no matter how much money you spend, you are allowed, do you understand, humble commoner." As for Shar?Shabi's questioning made Charles Rose very uncomfortable, and the feeling of being superior for a long time made him unable to bear any questioning of him.

However, is 20 billion really worth it?

Charles Rose couldn't help but look at the rubber figure behind him.

"Are you doubting yourself?" Feeling Charles Rose's gaze, the rubber man, who had been closing his eyes slightly at this time, suddenly looked at Charles Rose.

A powerful momentum rushed to the bottom of Charlos' heart. At this moment, the feeling of uneasiness that had been suppressed by him surged up again in his heart.

"Can you prove yourself?" Reluctantly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Charloise wriggled the fat on his face and faced the pet worth 20 billion that he had been unable to see through in front of him.

Quietly looking at the person in front of him, his ugly side in memory.

Although after I traveled to this world, time and space changed a lot for unknown reasons, and many things changed strangely.

Cammy was not caught, let alone an auction involving her.

So there was no such thing as attacking him in a fit of anger.

In this way, the rubber man looked at Charles Ross for more than ten seconds, and the rubber man was thinking about his own memory in his previous life.

But at this moment in the position of Charles Rose, his heart is constantly changing, oppressing his nerves, and seems to be in danger of being strangled at any time.

At the moment when Charloise was about to erupt, the aura that was oppressing him dissipated in an instant.

At this moment, Charros was surprised to find that he didn't get angry at this moment, and he didn't pull out the revolver in his waist.

"Of course." Slightly smiled at the fat man in front of him.

The rubber man squatted down slowly, although his whole body was thrown out like a cannonball.

At this moment, the two people in the middle of the palace also smiled slightly.

Then the fight between them became more violent.

It seems that the addition of the rubber man is like a catalyst to catalyze their nerves.

"Rubber~rubber~two guns."

The arms don't seem to be restrained by the special collar on the neck.

The rubber man joined the battle circle very forcefully.

"The bell has already sounded, and the plan will be implemented in the next quarter of an hour, OK." The rubber man said in a low voice.



The green-haired Zoro and the gentleman Sanji have a surprisingly tacit understanding at this moment.

"Then, let's start a brawl~ hahahaha." Luffy suddenly roared loudly.

"bring it on."

At this moment, the momentum of the three people in the center of the field soared.

At this moment, the originally balanced battle between the two was completely disrupted.

And because of Sanji's joining, Sauron's explosive momentum was offset.

But at this moment, there are three people fighting, and these three people are all proud of their abilities in the bottom of their hearts.

So when they were able to fight without reservation and discard any concerns, the three of them suggested a direct fist-to-foot dialogue.

However, the battle between Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji began at that moment.

Those who originally attended the banquet in the palace felt another big meal at this moment.

This big meal was after they experienced the delicious Donghai cuisine and felt the power of the sword. Although there was a moment of danger, only Charles Rose and the others were really facing the moment of danger, and then the gentleman On the stage, the evenly matched duel between the gentleman and the green hair made them feel a wonderful competition.

Finally, at this moment, the three people's chaos.

But let them feel what a real battle is.

Such a close battle caused the palace to become chaotic in an instant, and the sword energy, leg strength, and shaking momentum burst out at any time, impacting the crowd.

And with the outbreak of these auras, bloodshed incidents continued to occur.

But fortunately, no one has been hung up.

But the damage received is constantly increasing, and the amount of bleeding is also constantly increasing.

The originally quiet and peaceful palace began to become chaotic, but no one stood up ahead of time, even if the damage they suffered became enough to threaten their lives.

Time also began to speed up at this moment.

It was getting closer and closer to a quarter past nine.

At this time, the chaos between the three people gradually reached its peak.

"Stop it for me~ don't call stop again, don't stop, I will press the button and let you die without a place to bury you." At this time, Ke De?Wigg summoned up his courage and roared loudly.

However, his roar seemed to remind him that they still had that special collar hanging around their necks that could threaten their lives at any time.

With this loud roar, the battle that was at its peak subsided in an instant.

The three of them stopped slowly, and after standing still, they looked at each other.

"This thing can threaten our lives, are you afraid." The rubber man said indifferently.

"Why are you afraid of him? Aren't you here?" Zoro and Sanji, the green-haired idiots, said in unison in surprise.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee~." Luffy was very satisfied with Sanji and Zoro's reactions.

"Hahahaha~ Be afraid, be afraid, you dare to calm down at this moment, grandma, I almost crippled me." He held the control bug in his hand.

Curd?At this moment, Wiig completely lost the calmness that belonged to him.

But looking at his bloody left arm, anyone can understand how he feels at the moment.

And at this moment, he wasn't the only one like this, most of the people present all failed.

Even Charlos was furious at the moment, if Yagong hadn't pulled him, he would have already pulled out the Hailoushi revolver specially designed for him at this moment.

"Curd Wigg, calm down, I believe my gentleman definitely did not do this on his own initiative, it was caused by those two vulgar people, so after my friend leaves, you guys deal with it." Even if Arriving at this place, Yagong still hasn't expressed any dissatisfaction with the love in his heart.

At this time, a quarter past nine has already arrived with the pace of time.

(End of this chapter)

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