Chapter 89 Start

"Do you think you can threaten us?" Luffy turned his head gently to Ke De?Wigg's direction grinned.

After speaking, Luffy put his hands on the necks of the green-haired Zoro and the gentleman Sanji respectively, and at this time the special collar on Luffy's neck also fell off following Luffy's words.

Faced with such a situation, the entire palace became silent for an instant.

The originally hideous Ke De?Wigg also calmed down at this moment, but what followed was something that he couldn't think of anyway.

The collar, which was [-] times stronger than ordinary collars, fell off the rubber man's neck naturally.

And looking at the behavior of the rubber man, it seems that he still wants to get rid of the special collar on the green-haired man and the gentleman's neck.

"It can't be like this." At this moment, Kodd?Wigg thought of how dangerous the three people in front of him were.

At this moment he made a decision.

He pressed the button on the control bug fiercely with his hand.

Seems to have sensed Curd?Vig's actions seemed to make Luffy, who was not moving fast, tremble for a while, and then threw his hands towards the sky.

The object with the three collars quickly rushed to the top of the palace following Luffy's throw, and at this time the order to control the bugs just happened to be conveyed to the special collar.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom." The strong explosives exploded with some fragments of Hailou stone.

At the moment of the explosion, Lu Fei moved, Zoro, and Sanji also moved.

I saw that Lu Fei punched Charlos fiercely, and there was a huge energy in this punch. This energy made Charrosna's huge body like a mountain of meat move towards the center of the explosion like a kite with a broken string. Floating over, and at this time Charl Rose's brain has gone blank.

A single punch almost killed him, but what he had to face next was the impact of the violent explosion, and he would definitely die.

But it was only for a split second, Charlos seemed to wake up for a microsecond, and then he desperately moved his hand to his chest, and hammered it hard.

A switch hidden in his chest "tick" rang for a lifetime, and then Charlos' whole body dissipated in a strong explosion.

At this time, Luffy had already landed at the exit of the palace.

When he turned around, he saw Sauron's three swords crossing Kodd respectively?Wigg, Curd?Weller and Shar?Sabie's neck.

He then sprinted to the palace gate before the explosion covered his body.

"Where's Sanji?" Luffy asked, because he didn't see Sanji at the moment he turned around.

"That idiot went to save that woman, let's go out first and wait for him outside." Sauron seemed to disdain Sanji's so-called chivalry.

"I have a bad feeling, we have to hurry up, it seems that the intelligence has gone wrong." Luffy clearly heard the ticking sound originating from Charlos's chest.

That voice made Luffy feel a hint of danger.

At this moment, a bright red flame streaked across the dark sky, and the flame took the shape of a phoenix, but this phoenix was changing shape rapidly in the air.

In the end, it turned into an arrow-like rocket and quickly moved towards the highest point belonging to the No. [-] land.

Where is this white flag with this very special pattern in the center, and that pattern represents the world government.

But Luffy and Zoro didn't seem surprised at all, but smiled instead.

"Usopp succeeded." Looking at the remaining fireworks in the sky, Sauron roared happily.

"It's not over yet, it's not over yet. When Sanji comes out, let's run quickly. After meeting Usopp and completing the last step, we will leave here." Luffy was surprisingly calm.

"That idiot hasn't shown up yet, I'll go and have a look." Zoro said worriedly.

"No, he's out." Luffy looked at the shaky figure at the door, rushed forward, and carried Sanji on his shoulders.

"Zoro, let's go."

Just like this, Luffy carried Sanji on his back, and the three of them speeded up for an instant, rushing towards the direction of the flames, and at this moment a flute sounded.

The entire Bubble Island area was filled with intense searchlight lights at this moment, but these searchlights did not seem to be facing the direction of the flames, but the direction of the palace of Shalulia Palace.

Just about a minute after Luffy and the others left, a mysterious figure stayed above the palace where the banquet was held just now.

Although the sound of the explosion is still ringing at this time, there are too many things in the palace and it is still very sealed, and the three special collars detonated at the same time, which naturally caused those places to detonate.

So the explosion in the palace has not stopped until now.

"Huh." The mysterious man seemed to have noticed something, and the whole person rushed towards the palace in an instant.

This is a dead corner, surrounded by walls, and the entire palace is constantly bombarded, but no impact can be felt here.

At this time, a comatose person was lying here.

"Her Majesty Shalulia's palace was able to escape this disaster."

After taking a look at the shattered bodies in the center of the explosion, the mysterious person felt uncomfortable.

His eyes also became more fierce.

"No matter who did it, the death of His Royal Highness Charles Rose cannot be forgotten like this."

The mysterious man picked up Shalulia Palace and left the dangerous area after a few ups and downs.

Finally, it landed in a square outside the palace, and at this time the navy that heard the news also began to arrive here.

When the marines saw this person in front of them, they were all stunned.

Just when they were about to give a military salute to the man they must adore.

The mysterious man beckoned, telling them to take the time to rescue the wounded and see if there were any survivors.

At this time, any false courtesy is not as important as saving the next person.

The mysterious man didn't immediately wake up Xia Lulia Palace who was in a coma, but slowly raised his head, looking at the flag at the top of Land No. [-].

Although I felt it just now, I was too concerned about the situation on Charros' side and didn't have time to observe it, but at this time I clearly saw the irregular hole in the middle of the flag.

The mysterious man could no longer calm down the anger in his heart.


The soaring roar covered all voices at this moment.

At this time, Luffy and others who were running had successfully connected with Usopp.

"Usopp, the last step, implement..."

(End of this chapter)

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