The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 91 Ghost Qi Zoro VS Shining Yellow Ape

Chapter 91 Ghost Qi Zoro VS Shining Yellow Ape
"You can stop me." The green-haired man in front of him suddenly blocked it with his body.

Huang Yuan didn't seem to be in a hurry, but said to the person in front of him.

"Then give it a try, three-sword style? Tornado." Without any hesitation, the three knives returned to their positions in an instant and then rushed towards the one in front of him at the fastest speed.

The three knives created a brief air flow in the air, and then violently wrapped the yellow ape. In this air flow, the knife energy created by You Dao cutting the air was constantly scurrying around.

A random wisp of such saber energy can easily cut through a hard wall.

But with so much saber energy at this moment, he couldn't deal with this general Huang Yuan who kept a half-smile unless he met a character like General Hook.

"Is that enough?"

The yellow monkey took a step back abruptly.

"Speed ​​is weight. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Huang Yuan easily dropped such a sentence, and then a series of light spots erupted from his left leg in an instant.

It's not because the yellow monkey turned his left leg into light at this moment, but because the kicking speed of his leg has exceeded the speed of light at this moment.

Just like that, he kicked abruptly at the intersection of Sauron's three knives.

Even though Sauron had already made preparations, at this moment, a powerful energy hit Sauron's whole body, like a mountain, making people feel irresistible.

"That's right." Sauron was not completely hit by such a leg kick. Although he suffered a certain amount of damage, his body was indeed able to bear it.

However, at this moment, Sauron finally understood a sentence, a sentence that Luffy once told him.

"In my memory, there is such a master. He said: In the world of martial arts, there is no strength that cannot be broken, only speed can't be broken."

"Yo, it seems that your strength is not bad, so next, you can take over." Sauron's muttering to himself was ignored.

The whole body of the yellow ape exploded with a violent impact, and the feet rotated at this moment, making it photochemical. At this time, it seemed that the whole body of the yellow ape had become a light man.

Light spots are shining all over the body.

"Huh." Taking a deep breath, Sauron seemed to be ready to be kicked left and right by the light spot, because at this moment he knew that his speed could not be compared with that of the yellow ape at this moment. .

If it is a muddled defense, let him take advantage of this gap and follow his own rhythm. As for the light-speed kick of the yellow ape, let him kick it.

Only people like Sauron dare to make such a bet with his own body.

"Bang bang bang~." The continuous light-speed kicks landed on Sauron's body at the same speed as the yellow ape's light, and each kick actually hit Sauron's body.

But each time they kicked at different positions, and none of these places could cause direct damage to Sauron's body.

"One foot, one foot..."

Constantly kicking and beating, Sauron's body also began to become dusty during the constant kicking, a dark gray breath slowly emerged from Sauron's body.

This is an aura from the Nine Nether Hells.

And at this moment, Sauron's body, who was originally only passive to be beaten, blocked the light speed kick of the yellow ape continuously for an instant.

Of course, it's not because Sauron's speed has become so fast, but Sauron has become superhuman at this moment, ghostly?Nine swords.

"Asura? Magic Nine Flashes."

The whole person turned sideways at an instant speed, the body and the sword became a straight line at this instant, and then slashed fiercely in the direction of the yellow ape.

However, at the moment when the sword in his hand exploded, Sauron's whole body trembled for a moment, and this tremor was transmitted from his body to the sword in his hand.

Although the three swords turned into a line at this moment, this line did not reject the trembling of the three swords, but absorbed the trembling into the sword energy.

In the end, it turned into a strong slashing force and slashed towards Huang Yuan's right shoulder.

"This kind of attack." Although he knew that ordinary attacks would not cause much harm to a person with abilities like himself who ate the fruit of the natural system, at this moment, the yellow ape felt the order attached to this bunch of slashes. He sensed a hint of danger.

So at this moment, he raised the Tianzhongyun sword in his hand without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom."

It was just a single impact, but roaring sounds continued to erupt in the sky.

This is an absolutely powerful confrontation.

It has actually caused the resonance of the air to produce the sound of an explosion.

Looking at the Tianzhongyun Sword in his hand, Huang Yuan knew that he was not at a disadvantage in this confrontation because of the help of this sword this time.

Although such a slash is not enough to endanger one's life, it is inevitable to be hurt.

Of course, even if this is the case, I have absolute certainty and slight damage to take the opponent's life, but my task is not just the kid in front of me alone, let alone dealing with such a newcomer, if everyone is injured, I will lose face. How much can't hold it.

No matter what Huang Yuan thinks at this moment, Sauron has indeed escaped from his light speed kick, and the whole person has also activated the Nine Swords Style?Asura's state, and he has learned some ways to integrate martial arts into swordsmanship.

"Sure enough, it's much less powerful than when it was in Ximi Village. Otherwise, even if that old guy resists it, nothing will happen."

Sauron thought in his heart.

"Boy, you are looking for death yourself, Tianzhongyun sword, slash." Huang Yuan jumped up with the swordsman in his hand, and then bombarded in the direction of Sauron.

"As a swordsman, if you choose to avoid the real slash, you are not worthy of being the greatest swordsman." This was Sauron's thought.

In the face of such a slash, Sauron's whole body instantly lifted up.

The state also exploded to the extreme at this moment.

"Ghost energy? Nine swordsmanship? Asura? Piercing power." With the explosion of the move, Sauron's whole body exploded at a speed comparable to that of a yellow ape.

The whole person rushed forward and slashed alternately. The two swords collided again in the air. When the two swords touched together, this time there was no deafening explosion immediately. sound.

Instead, it was surprisingly quiet.

Like the quiet before the burst of rain.

But in this confrontation, Sauron was completely at a disadvantage, even if the full state was turned on, even if it was the nine-sword style, even if it was the skill that shook the sky.

It is impossible to get any advantage under the sword that surpasses the speed of light in the hands of Huang Yuan.

So Sauron fell down with this slash.

(End of this chapter)

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