The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 92 Dark Domain

Chapter 92 Dark Domain
"Boom bang bang."

The deafening sound began when Sauron fell to the ground.

Three meters deep, a three-meter-deep human-shaped cave was forced out by Sauron's body. No matter how you look at this cave, you will feel how perfect this cave is.

Because there is no even a little bit of unevenness or irregularity around the cave.

The entire cave was a complete one-off success.

It can be seen how serious the injury Sauron suffered in this confrontation with the yellow ape.

However, Huang Yuan didn't give Sauron such a little time buffer, he followed the trajectory of Sauron's fall and chased after him, and he also lifted the Tianzhongyun Sword by him.

It seems that he wants to take advantage of Sauron before he can react, and kill the **** in front of him who has hindered him for a while with a sword. In the dark, in the middle of the night, this cave is extraordinarily dark , even the spot of light of the yellow ape cannot penetrate through it.

All this could not make Huang Yuan hesitate at all, Tianzhong Yunjian cut through a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and was only a few centimeters away from the cave. At this time, Huang Yuan's body followed.

The whole person was in place in an instant, and then he slashed over with a sword, without any special tricks. At this moment, Huang Yuan just wanted to kill the oil bottle as quickly as possible.

Rumbling voices came from behind, and Usopp's worry about Sauron was completely written on his face at this time, but at this moment, there was really no one paying attention to his expression.

Sanji was still in a daze, showing no sign of waking up, and Luffy was also silent with a frosty face at the moment, but his steps accelerated a lot.


"Uh." For Luffy's sudden call to himself, Usopp lost his mind for a moment, but quickly realized, "What's wrong, Luffy."

"How far~ah~." There was a breath in Luffy's voice. The running of this distance did not make him feel tired, but the heavy psychological pressure made him feel a little breathless.

Carefully calculated the road signs marked by myself.

"According to our current speed, we will be there in about 5 minutes."

"5 minutes." Luffy muttered to himself, "How long have we been separated from Zoro, we need the exact time."

"Four and a half minutes." Usopp reported the exact time like a Swiss gold watch.

After a short conversation, the two surprisingly recovered their silence, and they were still running towards their destination at the same speed as Usopp's signpost.

two minutes later

"Usopp, it's up to you. Take Sanji, go back to the boat, and tell Nami that the boat is about to sail. The plan has changed, and you must leave immediately."

Without the slightest pause, just after finishing speaking, Luffy lightly threw Sanji on his back, and it naturally fell on Usopp's shoulder.

"It must be fast, it must be fast." Waiting for Usopp to say a word, Luffy rushed towards the place where Sauron stopped.

And although Usopp had a lot to say in his heart, he didn't say a word at this moment, because even a second at this moment would be related to Sauron's life.

Whether it is Luffy, Sauron or Usopp, they all know that they must evacuate Bubble Island before the arrival of the large naval forces, so even if Luffy is confident that he can successfully repel the yellow ape with Sauron, he will not take any action. , because the retreat must be carried out immediately, every second is more dangerous, and that unknown danger is far more terrifying than a navy general.

So at this time, no matter what the price is, they must retreat, otherwise they will not only face an admiral of the navy headquarters, but also a mysterious mysterious person in Luffy's heart.

Of course, it is impossible for Luffy to let his partners and brothers die at the gate of this new world for himself and others to survive.

Usopp's physical strength is not enough to take a Sanji to complete the entire distance, so Luffy didn't choose to let Usopp retreat first, but let Sauron arrive for a while.

Because in Luffy's heart, he didn't want to lose any of his partners. Brook's death was already a heavy blow to him, and if there was another one, he couldn't stand it.

Fifteen points, Sauron, you must persevere, I will come right away.

Just when Luffy started to return to the voyage, Huang Yuan's Tianzhongyun Sword had cut through the dark atmosphere outside the cave, and it only took a second for the Tianzhongyun Sword to cut through Sauron's heart.

But at this moment, a deep, slow-sounding voice slowly came out from the dark cave.

"Ghost Qi? Nine Swords Style? Asura? Nine Nether Hells."

A dense darkness suddenly passed out from the cave.

Miserable cries in hell, miserable cries, all the devilish aura enveloped them in an instant, making the yellow ape who symbolized light lose his mind for a moment.

And it was this loss of consciousness that gave the dark aura an opportunity to shoot towards the yellow ape's chest.

However, Huang Yuan is a battle-hardened person after all, with incomparably rich combat experience.

At this time, any dispersion has no effect, and the natural protective effect of the natural fruit has no effect at this time, because at this moment, this dark breath completely locks the breath of the yellow monkey.

Huang Yuan's whole body was slightly elevated by a distance of one centimeter.

It is the distance of this centimeter that determines the outcome of this eleven-minute battle.

Sauron had already stood up from the cave, and his whole body was covered with dark airflow, but none of this was important, what attracted the most attention was the pair of eyes, which were completely blinded by the darkness at this time , meaningless breath.

With this powerful blow, it hit a centimeter below the yellow monkey's heart, avoiding the vital point.

However, such a blow still caused the yellow ape to suffer a huge injury, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood flowed out like this.

Where the hole was pierced, light spots continuously surged up.

This time, the yellow ape's body did not recover immediately, but healed slowly.

Sauron, who was standing three meters away from the yellow ape, was completely enveloped in a dark atmosphere. At this time, Sauron was not well, and his whole body was covered with blood.

And this dark aura doesn't seem to be controlled by Sauron's own willpower.

After Biao shot out that dark airflow, it began to pour in along the main seven large holes on Sauron's body.

The dark air flow gradually dissipated, and at this time, the wounds on Huang Yuan's body were gradually swallowed by the golden light spots, and finally formed a whole.

The yellow ape also recovered exactly, and the opposite was Sauron.

(End of this chapter)

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