The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 94 Heavenly Cloud Sword, Level 1 Liberation

Chapter 94 Tianzhongyun Sword, Liberation of First Layer

Looking at Sauron's appearance at this time, Luffy's heart felt extremely painful, and saw that there were two more identical scars next to the scar that had completely healed.

I still remember that after that battle, you raised the knife in your hand and said to me.

"Luffy, I promise never to lose again."

I still remember that when we first met, you and I got together by mistake.

Remember, we crossed the Upside Down Mountain together
Rescue the people in Ximi Village together, and defeat the powerful devil spokesperson Bendo together?Jayden, together with Mei Li, flew to this great route full of adventure.


Many, many, in memory, our shoulders are always together.

With you here, I can safely leave all my worries to you, because in my heart you will never fail.

And at this moment, you, fell down.

But you didn't fail.

You did it, you successfully blocked this general from the Navy Headquarters, the yellow monkey, here.

I, Luffy, am lucky to have a partner like you.

It was my fault that you were hurt so much. I shouldn't just know how to escape from the beginning, but only know how to protect yourself.

However, all this has changed.

Seeing you lying on the ground, I think everything has changed.

"Kill ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah."

Regardless of the presence of an admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Huang Yuan, who could threaten his life at any time, Lu Fei raised his head to the sky and screamed.

The depression in his heart completely broke out at this moment, although he knew that Sauron's life was not in danger, it did not reduce his anger at all.

Stand up slowly, put one hand on the ground, "Second gear."

A faint mist began to emerge with Luffy's body, which was caused by the high temperature caused by turning on the second gear to accelerate the blood flow in the body.

When practicing, Nami always likes to say that this shape is like a steam engine, constantly radiating heat and bursting out strong energy.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have left Sauron alone in the first place. I should have chosen to try to kill you." Luffy said slowly to the man in front of him who had been looking at him without making a move.

"Are you the captain, Straw Hat Luffy." Kizomaru was not at all annoyed by Luffy's fierce words, but rather curious about Luffy's identity.

"Yes, I'm Straw Hat Luffy, so can I kill you now?" He didn't directly attack Kizaru, maybe because Kizuru didn't take the opportunity to attack when he was defending Sauron just now.

"Can you kill me?"

"Then try it."

With a big step forward, Luffy shot forward with his whole body, clenched his right fist, and then slammed fiercely at the place where the yellow monkey was.

"This kind of attack." Feeling the aura of Lu Fei's fist, Kizaru was in a trance, it seemed that this fist was the same as the sword just now.

Pushing the Tianzhongyun sword forward, the sword surface just touched Lu Fei's fist.

"JET pistol~." The moment the face of the fist and the face of the sword met, Luffy roared, and the fist miraculously accelerated in the final stage.

A double combo was formed on Huang Yuan's Tianzhongyun sword.

"Boom~." Being blasted out by Luffy's unexpected blow, the natural fruit ability of the yellow monkey didn't play the slightest role at this moment.

It cannot be its own speed effect or the defense ability of natural fruits.

The blow worked, and Luffy didn't stop. He put his left hand on the ground, and he jumped up all of a sudden, and then once again made a move towards the place where the yellow monkey fell with both feet.

At this moment, Luffy's feet showed a parallel seal, and then he attacked violently.

"JET seal."

It hit the ground at night fiercely, splashing earth-yellow dust.

However, this attack obviously missed the target.


Suddenly a monosyllabic word rang out from above Luffy's head.

There, countless golden light spots began to gather together, and finally formed the whole body of the yellow ape.

In his hand, a ray of light developed and diverged, and finally formed a brand new light wave line, which shot towards Luffy violently.

At this moment, Luffy is in a stage where his moves have just been used up, his front strength has been exhausted, and his rear strength has not continued.

This kind of attack completely fell on Luffy's body, and suddenly a powerful force oppressed Luffy's body, as if there were hundreds of millions of catties tied to Luffy's body.

It made his whole body fall to the ground at this moment, and at the same time his body was extremely close to the ground.

The closer to the ground, the smaller the pressure, but when Luffy got closer to the ground, he realized that the only thing that reduced the pressure was the gravity of the earth, and the force that pressed Luffy's body still existed. .

At this moment, Luffy has no ability to resist, and what awaits him is the next ruthless ruling.


Glancing at Luffy who was oppressed by the laser and fell to the ground, Kizaru sighed lightly, and then aimed the Heavenly Cloud Sword in his hand towards Luffy's heart.

"Heavenly Clouds Sword, the sword is transformed into one."

This was the first time Huang Yuan felt that the ordinary attack of the Tianzhongyun Sword alone could not kill him in one blow. At this moment, Huang Yuan chose to release the Tianzhongyun Sword in his hand.

Although it is only the first level of liberation, it should be enough.

After all, the opponent is just a rookie who has just debuted.

If he hadn't rushed into Base No. [-] rashly, if he hadn't killed His Royal Highness Charles Rose rashly.

If not for an attack on the flag of the world government.

Maybe you can still go through a period of experience on the stage of the new world, and then become a great and dreaded pirate.

However, you seem to be in too much of a hurry.

For the Navy Headquarters, you must die, even if you are the grandson of the teacher.

The Tianzhongyun sword in his hand fell to the ground following Huang Yuan's words, and slowly turned into a pure ray of light.

Although the length of this light is longer than that of Tianzhongyun Sword, overall, there is not much change.

"Heavenly Cloud Sword, one layer of liberation, the sword naturalized into one, after attacking the heart of the human body, it will leave heavy metal particles condensed by light spots in the heart, and these particles are enough to make a body as strong as Luffy Total death."

A ray of light crossed the distance of space in an instant.

Then it shot towards Luffy's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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