The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 95 1 Minutes of Life and Death

Chapter 95 1 Minutes of Life and Death
At the moment when Luffy must die after the yellow monkey, a color suddenly appeared on the body of Luffy who was suppressed by the laser and could not move.

Then there was a violent explosion, and the moment the color exploded, Huang Yuan was in a trance for a moment, and even the Tianzhongyun sword that had been shooting soared stopped for a moment at this moment.

And at this moment, Luffy also released the laser's pressure on his body with the explosion of this color, and returned to his free body.

"In this world, I met Kizaru for the first time, but the pictures in my memory are so clear. It is impossible for Lu Fei not to let go of what kind of ability Kizaru has, but even Lu Fei himself didn't know that the Tianzhongyun sword in this old guy's hand could still be released, but these are not important, this moment is Luffy's best chance to fight back."

"Third gear~." Without the slightest pause, Luffy left the planned attack area of ​​Tianzhongyunjian after a few leaps, and the attack of Tianzhongyunjian was just a bang, splashing a pile of yellow dust, and nothing else has been achieved. At this time, Luffy has turned to the back of Kizaru and turned on the third gear at the same time.

"Giant? Fist of the Giant."

The right hand flicked back and stretched continuously. At the same time, as Luffy's body continued to change, the right fist began to grow bigger, and finally resembled a giant's fist.

It was just a punch to Huang Yuan, and Huang Yuan really endured this punch without dodging in the slightest.

The moment when the domineering look broke out just now, it just stayed for that moment, plus his confidence in the first level of liberation of the Heavenly Cloud Sword.

So his thinking was short-circuited for a while, causing him to have no reaction for nearly three seconds. It was for this reason that he was unable to react in time under the attack of Luffy's fist.

This time, after the Giant Fist also attacked the yellow monkey once, it naturally made an acceleration in the fist and arm, and gave the yellow monkey another two-combo attack.

After hitting this blow vigorously, Luffy spun a few times in the air, and then turned into a smaller Luffy, standing on the ground.

But fortunately, Huang Yuan was not feeling well at this time, and a mouthful of bitter blood spurted out from his throat strongly.

This is the second time he has spurted blood today.

Huang Yuan suddenly felt a little enlightenment, because at this moment he suddenly realized that he understood a problem, which had arisen from the very beginning of the fight between Huang Yuan and Lu Fei.

That's why Luffy's attack was surprisingly similar to Sauron's attack just now, but why he used the same method to defend but didn't have any effect.

Originally thought it was because of Luffy's arrogance, but at the moment when Luffy burst out with domineering arrogance, Kizaru thought it was like this.

But when Luffy's giant fist really hit the body of the yellow monkey, the yellow monkey realized that this is not the case.

The front part of their attack is the same, it is the effect of a special technique, but at the back, Luffy seems to have a little change, and Sauron did not understand this change.

This technique is amazing.

The ability user who can directly attack the fruit of the natural system, if he can obtain this skill from Luffy, then the position of the Navy Headquarters will be much stronger.

At this moment, Huang Yuan didn't expect that at this moment, he had just been blown away by Lu Fei a few times, but he was thinking about the coming of the exercises on Lu Fei's body.

"Tell me the exercises you have learned, and I can let you go without pursuing all the mistakes you made. I can even introduce you to Straw Hat Luffy to become Qi Wuhai."

Huang Yuan suddenly jumped out of the mound, and then said to the place where Lu Fei was just now.

"Hey, where's Luffy?"

It seems that he didn't notice the one-size-small Luffy who was already hiding behind the tree pile at this moment.

"Pounding." A faint sound of heartbeat erupted from Huang Yuan's body, and a faint whitish color burst out from Huang Yuan's body.

"The main function of knowledge-colored domineering is to explore and find."

After thinking briefly in his heart, Huang Yuan began to carefully feel various objects around him.

"Sauron is still there, so Luffy definitely didn't run away, did he hide and prepare for a sneak attack?" Sensing Sauron's breath, Kizaru became alert.

Because he knew in his heart that it was impossible for Luffy to put Sauron here and escape alone.

Then his purpose of hiding is obvious.

Of course, Huang Yuan would never have imagined that Luffy had to become a smaller Luffy because of the sequelae after using the third gear.

At this time, the one who regrets the most is Luffy himself.

"I only thought that the third gear is very handsome, but I forgot. After the third gear, there is such a stinky burn, and I will never use it again."

But it's okay, plus it has been more than 40 seconds since Huang Yuan thought about it just now, as long as he can hold on for 20 seconds, it will be fine.

The duration of the side effect of the third gear is only 1 minute.

After carefully searching the area behind him without finding anything, the yellow ape began to gradually move forward.

With 1 seconds left and [-] minute left, Kizaru finally discovered the existence of Luffy with his knowledgeable arrogance.

"It's actually here, no." As if feeling something was wrong, Kizaru once again let his knowledge-like arrogance burst into a more in-depth exploration of the place where Luffy was.

"This breath, the momentum is definitely Luffy, yes, but why has this system become smaller." Huang Yuan thought a little puzzled.

"At this time, it will take three seconds before Luffy's body fully recovers."

"Could it be some new powerful move." Huang Yuan thought with some guesswork, after all, just now Luffy escaped the first-level liberation attack of Tianzhong Yunjian, which made Huang Yuan feel a little nervous.

"One more second."

Lu Fei said softly, no matter what, he can't use this form to fight against a character like the yellow ape, otherwise he will die miserably.

"It doesn't matter, let's get him out first."

It seemed that he had made a decision, and Huang Yuan stopped thinking about it.

Stretch your hands forward, and then form a strange state.

"Yataka Qiong Quyu."

With the change of Kizaru's moves, a series of light spots floated in the air, and then turned into light bullets one by one, shooting towards the direction of Luffy.

"One minute." At this moment, the side effects of Luffy's third gear completely disappeared, and the whole person returned to normal in an instant.

Facing the attack of Kizaru, Luffy just dodged and avoided it.

(End of this chapter)

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