I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1013 Canglan Hall

Chapter 1013 Canglan Hall
Thinking of this, although Ye Muye felt unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

No wonder the kid just said that he couldn't afford to provoke him.

Now it seems that I really can't afford it...

No way, no matter how arrogant and domineering she is, she still has to put the overall situation first.

If the entire Ye family gets into trouble because of my own impulsiveness, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"Hmph, remember, sooner or later, the humiliation this young master suffered today will be repaid with interest!
let's go! "

Ye Muye sneered coldly with a gloomy face, and then led the Ye family behind him into the gate in a mighty manner.

Seeing this, Bai Shiqing, the chief disciple of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, immediately instructed Liu Qianyang:
"That honorable young master of the Chen family will be escorted to Canglan Hall by you."

"Yes, Big Brother."

Liu Qianyang bowed and accepted the order without hesitation.

Immediately, Bai Shiqing nodded respectfully at the Chen family boy, then hurriedly turned around, and led a group of disciples from the ancient martial arts sect to chase after those Ye family members...

At this point, in front of the extremely noisy gate, the tranquility of the past has finally returned.

But at this time, Zhao Sihui, who was in a daze, only felt that the short period of time just now seemed like a lifetime away.

"Sister Sihui, don't worry, with my Goudan brother here, everything can be easily solved."

Qin Zixun said proudly.

Hearing these words, Zhao Sihui immediately came back to his senses, and then looked at the unattractive young man beside him.

Immediately, I couldn't help but feel puzzled, and asked:

"Brother Goudan, are you really from the Chen family?"

"My mother was, but I wasn't."

Wu You said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhao Sihui was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this young man was indeed from the Chen family...

And just when she wanted to ask something more, Liu Qianyang walked over immediately, and said earnestly to Wu Youjing:

"Master Li, the trial celebration is about to begin, let's go in quickly."

"lead the way."

Wu You smiled indifferently.

Immediately, Wu You, Qin Zixun and Zhao Sihui followed Liu Qianyang into the main altar of the ancient martial arts sect.


The majestic and majestic gate then slowly closed...

Walking out of the towering and majestic gatehouse, a wide and straight Kangzhuang Avenue paved with white marble suddenly unfolds in front of you.

Looking around, there are ancient and beautiful pavilions on both sides of the avenue.

Huge palaces with flying eaves and corners, majestic and majestic, stand impressively among them.

Walking in this large-scale and magnificent ancient martial arts general altar, you can feel the shocking sense of majesty all the time.

Qin Zixun, who came to the main altar of the ancient martial arts sect for the first time, felt as if he was already in the palace of the gods, and his heart was beyond shocked.

Waiting for Wu You and his party to take a look at the flowers, pass through the heavily guarded palace gates, and the majestic and magnificent buildings.

An incomparably magnificent and majestic hall was displayed in front of the three of them!

"Mr. Li, the young masters and ladies of the five great families are resting in this Canglan Palace, waiting for the opening of the celebration."

Liu Qianyang said respectfully.

"Really, then my cousin is also inside?"

Wu You asked with interest.

However, Liu Qianyang shook his head and replied respectfully:

"Back to Young Master Li, Young Master Chen is discussing with the Sovereign Master about the grand trial event in the main hall of the main altar, so he is not here.

But now the celebration is about to begin, and you should be able to meet the eldest son soon. "

Hearing the sound, Wu You smiled meaningfully and said:
"Okay then, let's go in first and prepare to surprise my big cousin."

"Okay Mr. Li, I believe that the eldest son will be very happy to see you who have returned to China suddenly.

Please come with me. "

After Liu Qianyang said it in a pleasant manner, he respectfully led the three of them towards this magnificent palace.

As soon as Wu You and his party stepped into the gate, a magnificent and solemn hall carved with countless murals decorated with dragon patterns appeared in front of them.

And many men and women wearing brocade clothes and wearing various exquisite badges on their chests are standing in this magnificent hall with extraordinary momentum.

But it is the children of the five great families!
And on the high platform deep in the main hall, there are six simple and solemn seats.

At this moment, except for the two seats in the middle, which are still empty, four young men and women with awe-inspiring breath are sitting proudly on the rest of the seats.

Ye Muye, the young master of the Ye family, is among them!
At this time, everyone in the hall seemed to be discussing something, and everyone was very interested.

As soon as Wu You and his party stepped into the gate, all the children of the five great aristocratic families in the hall immediately turned their heads and looked over.

In an instant, one after another seemed to have real eyes, and they suddenly turned to the person who came.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were focused on the tall and graceful curly-haired beauty wearing a golden sun emblem.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion in the field.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the former girl of heaven really came. This is really surprising."

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw this former peerless genius."

"Hehe, what a genius, it's just a vase now..."

And hearing these mocking comments, Zhao Sihui who had just walked in couldn't help frowning slightly, and said in a low voice with a bit of grief and indignation:
"Well, I'd better leave first. The reason why I came to the Ancient Martial Dao Sect today was just to find my best friend, and I didn't want to get involved with the five great families."

"Okay, as you like."

Wu You smiled lightly.

"Thank you."

However, just when Zhao Sihui turned around and was about to exit the hall, a snorting voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Why does Miss Zhao want to slip away as soon as she sees us? Is waiting really that scary?"

Ye Muye, who was sitting on the high platform seat, stared coldly at Zhao Sihui at the door, and mocked with a snort.

And an elegant young man sitting next to him, wearing a gorgeous red brocade robe, with a smile on his lips, waved a folding fan and said:

"Sister Mu Ye is right, Sister Sihui finally showed her face, we all should catch up on the old days.

It turned out that I was so anxious to leave when I first arrived, it was really chilling. "

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at the cold and stern young man who was sitting beside him, wearing a bright yellow dress and a golden sun badge, with a gloomy face, and said with a deep smile:

"Brother Zhao Hao, don't you want to keep this sister of yours?"

Hearing this, the cold and severe young man snorted angrily, and immediately said in a deep voice:
"Li Shengxiao, stop bothering me here.

Whether she likes to go or not, it's none of my business! "

"Hehe, it seems that the relationship between you two is not very good."

The elegant young man shook his head and smiled strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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