I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1014 5 Great Aristocratic Families

Chapter 1014 Five Great Families
"Stop talking nonsense, there is no need for you to talk about my Zhao family's affairs!"

Zhao Hao, the cold and stern young master of the Zhao family, shouted angrily.

And hearing this unceremonious scolding, Li Shengxiao, the young master of the refined young Li family, couldn't help feeling angry.

Since childhood, the two young masters of the Zhao family and the Li family have a natural comparison relationship. Naturally, everyone dislikes the other and often ridicules each other.

And the children of the five great families are not surprised by this...

"Okay, stop arguing."

The next moment, a burly young man in the seat, the oldest of the four, was wearing a dark black suit, and ordered without a doubt:

"Zhao Sihui, as a child of the five great families, you will stay here before the celebration begins, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

As soon as these words came out, Li Shengxiao, who was about to retort at Zhao Hao, snorted coldly, but didn't speak again.

This majestic and burly young man is the strongest among the four of them, and also the young master of the Long family, Long Qingtian, who is second only to the Chen family in the five great families.

Therefore, what is said is very important, and generally no one will refute it.

At this time, Zhao Sihui heard the order from the young master of the Long family, although she was very conflicted in her heart, she finally turned around helplessly.

Seeing this scene, Wu You couldn't help but smile with interest and said:
"It's quite interesting here."

Then he walked towards the field indifferently.

Hearing the sound, Qin Zixun and Liu Qianyang came back to their senses immediately, and hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Zhao Sihui had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow up.

At this time, everyone's eyes were shifted from Zhang Sihui to the unremarkable young man in cheap casual clothes.

I saw this strange young man who seemed to be the leader, he was out of tune with the people around him, and he didn't have the aura that a warrior should have, as if he was just an ordinary person.

Seeing this, many children from the five great aristocratic families present could not help but frown slightly, showing surprise on their faces.

Naturally, they have already learned from the Ye family that this seemingly weak boy is actually a powerful peak martial artist, which is really unbelievable.

Of course, the Ye family automatically omitted the fact that their young master lost to this young man, without mentioning a single word.

Otherwise, it will definitely be more shocking...

But to be able to become a half-step martial saint at such a young age, except for the young masters of the five great families and a few elite children, I am afraid that no one in the entire Chinese martial arts world can match it!
Therefore, after hearing that the young man was a relative of the Chen family, everyone present did not have any doubts.

Moreover, the Chen family who came to the ancient martial arts this time are now following their young master, the eldest son of the Chen family, to discuss matters with the Daozong suzerain in the main hall.

So at this moment in Canglan Palace, it can be said that no one has heard of this Chen family disciple...

A moment later, under the amazed gaze of everyone in the audience.

The unremarkable young man led the three people behind him to the high platform deep in the hall, smiled slightly and stopped in his tracks.

"Are you the young master that Sister Mu Ye mentioned?"

Li Shengxiao, the young master of the Li family, asked with great interest.


Wu You nodded casually.

At the next moment, Zhao Hao, the young master of the Zhao family, sneered strangely and said:
"I heard that your name is Li Goudan. This name is quite in line with the Li family's style."

Hearing the words of pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, everyone in the audience was stunned, and then they almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

It seems that this young master of the Zhao family is deliberately trying to get back the place from the Li family.

Seeing this, Li Shengxiao, who was dismissed, suddenly became furious!

Immediately, not to be outdone, he sneered and said:

"Hehe, I see that Mr. Li and the eldest lady of the Zhao family are so close, and they look like a husband and wife.

Maybe some people will soon be promoted to the brother-in-law of this son of a bitch. "

As soon as these words came out, the people in the hall couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly chuckled.

Seeing this, Zhao Hao suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and shouted in a deep voice:

"Dare you say it again!"

"Hmph, just say it, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Li Shengxiao snorted indifferently.

"Shut up and stop messing around."

Long Qingtian scolded majestically, then looked at the unattractive young man in the field, and said solemnly:
"You can wait here for a while, your Chen family should arrive in a while."

"OK then."

Wu You smiled indifferently, then stepped aside.

Seeing this, Zhao Sihui and others hurriedly followed.

After a while, the group stopped in an open space in the hall,

But at this moment, many people from the five great families took the initiative to go forward and greeted the unremarkable Li Goudan eagerly.

It was a joke before, but in all the five great families that respect strength, no one will really despise a boy who has such a peerless talent at a young age.

Especially since this young man is still the son of the Chen family who is the head of the five great families, his future future is bound to be limitless!
Therefore, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with him now...

Those who had such thoughts were not only the children of the five great families, but even Bai Shiqing, the chief disciple of the ancient martial arts, who led many personal disciples, went forward to greet the young man warmly.

Not long after, Li Shengxiao, the young master of the Li family who was sitting on the high platform, got up suddenly, with a refined smile, waving a folding fan to get acquainted with the Chen family disciple.

Seeing this, Zhao Hao, the young master of the Zhao family who was not to be outdone, also stood up, and also went to say hello to that Li Goudan.

Even in the end, Long Qingtian, the young master of the Long family, couldn't help wanting to get to know this talented child of the Chen family, and immediately stepped down from the stage to chat with him.

And the young master who saw his own family was polite to Li Goudan and spoke respectfully.Many children from the Li family, Zhao family and Long family in the field rushed forward even more eagerly.

For a moment, the entire hall was filled with words of praise for the Chen family boy.

In the audience, only the Ye family remained indifferent and watched coldly.

His young master, Ye Muye, was even more angry when he saw that the hateful guy who played tricks on him and almost hurt him before was so popular.

But for the young man from the Chen family, she had no choice but to sulk...

And in the main hall, many children from the five great families eagerly surrounded Li Goudan, flattering and flattering him, and not hesitating in their praise.

A grand discourse reminiscent of morning bells and evening drums suddenly came from outside the gate of the main hall.

"What's going on here? Why is it so loud?"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then looked along in amazement.

But I saw a handsome young man wearing a white and flawless flowing robe, with a detached demeanor, walking into the hall impressively.

(End of this chapter)

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