Chapter 1053

And at the moment when everyone in the audience was completely shocked by what they saw before them, and they were puzzled and puzzled.

But I saw the huge and incomparable body of the mysterious black Youlong suddenly turned into a mass of majestic and dense black mist, which completely enveloped the old Patriarch of the Chen family in an instant!
After a while, wait for the billowing black mist to converge.

I saw that Chen Xuanxiao in the field was grabbed by the neck and lifted up by a bearded old man in a white robe and a childlike face!

Seeing this, everyone in the field couldn't help being shocked and inexplicable, and couldn't believe their eyes.

No one thought that the terrifying black dragon that covered the sky and the sun would suddenly turn into a fairy-like old man in white robes. This is really unbelievable.

And at the next moment, countless people in the audience suddenly realized that the long-bearded old man transformed from the black dragon looked familiar, as if he had seen it before?
And Chen Xuanxiao, who was strangled by the neck, opened his eyes wide when he saw the person in front of him clearly.

An unprecedented look of shock suddenly appeared on the pale face!
Immediately exclaimed in disbelief:

"God, you, how come you are so like the patriarch?"

As soon as these words came out, millions of people in the field were stunned, a little confused.

Patriarch?What patriarch?

And at the next moment, countless people suddenly discovered something, and immediately showed unprecedented shock.

I saw that the white-robed old man who came out of nowhere looked exactly like the giant statue that was [-] meters high!
God, this, how is this possible?

It is rumored that the sapphire statue is the founder of the ancient martial arts sect more than 200 years ago!
And how could the old man transformed by the black dragon be so similar to him?

Could it be that this black dragon is transformed into a human form according to the sapphire statue?
At this time, the ten Supreme Realm ancient warriors on the edge of the high platform were also completely dumbstruck, revealing an unprecedented look of horror.

There is only one person in the whole world who can protect the ancient martial arts sect for more than 200 years, and the person who can instantly rebel and submit.

That is the patriarch who single-handedly created the entire ancient martial arts sect!
And the old man in the white robe in front of him is so similar to the patriarch.

Coupled with the old man's previous words, everything is already self-evident.

This old man with white hair and childlike face is none other than the founder of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect!
"Hmph, you bastard with no eyes, now you know who this deity is!"

The old man in white robe held the old head of the Chen family high and shouted angrily.

At this time, Chen Xuanxiao, who had already reacted, was horrified and lost his soul, and exclaimed in disbelief:
"You, are you the patriarch?"

"A guy with eyes but no pearls, only now recognizes this deity, he is really stupid!"

Turning into a preserved egg that looked like it was alive, he shouted angrily, and even threw Chen Xuanxiao to the ground hard.


After a horrible muffled sound.


The old Patriarch of the Chen family, who was lying on the ground, spat out a big mouthful of blood again, and almost couldn't hold back his breath...

"Hmph, I, Hao Changfeng, have only been in a deep sleep for two hundred years, and the ancient Martial Dao Sect only has you all left, which really disappoints me!"

Preserved egg shouted angrily, hating iron for being weak.

And after hearing the old man with long beard say "Hao Changfeng", a name that almost only the highest level of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect knew, all the patriarchs of the aristocratic families present were very sure.

The old man with white hair and childlike face in front of him is exactly the patriarch Hao Changfeng who gathered five great families and founded the ancient martial arts sect more than 200 years ago!
My God, the number one powerhouse who stood at the peak of the entire world back then, the founder of the ancient martial arts sect, really returned today!
At this time, paralyzed in a pool of blood, Chen Xuanxiao, who had already exhausted his spiritual energy and was seriously injured, felt even more terrified and inexplicably terrified in his heart compared to the severe pain on his body, and his liver and gallbladder were torn apart.

It turned out that the rumor 200 years ago was actually true!
The patriarch did not really fall, but abandoned his physical body and survived in another unknown form to this day!

No wonder the Zhenzong fairy from before "rebelled against the water" without hesitation as soon as he saw this long-bearded old man.

It turns out that people are its real masters!
And he actually ridiculously ordered that sapphire puppet to attack this ancient martial arts ancestor, this is simply asking for humiliation...

All of a sudden, Chen Xuanxiao only felt flushed and extremely embarrassed.

At the next moment, the old Patriarch of the Chen family endured the severe pain and struggled to get up.

Immediately without any hesitation, he knelt down on the ground, bowed his head to the immortal white-robed old man, and bowed respectfully:

"Chen Xuanxiao, the ninth generation of the Chen family, pays homage to the patriarch."

Seeing this, the ten Supreme Realm ancient warriors on the edge of the sapphire high platform also dragged their seriously injured bodies and tremblingly came to the white-robed old man.

Immediately, they all knelt down on the ground, bowing their heads in awe and inexplicable worship.

"The tenth generation member of the Chen family, Chen Yaozong, pays homage to the patriarch."

"Wang Xuancang, the ninth generation disciple of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, pays homage to the Patriarch."

"The ninth generation of the Ye family..."

And seeing his elders, they all bowed their knees and kowtowed to the immortal old man.

Chen Haofan, Ye Muye, Li Shengxiao, Zhao Hao, and Long Qingtian, who had already been inexplicably shocked, also knelt down on the ground and kowtowed in unison to the white-robed old man with the white hair and youthful face:

"The children of the five great families pay their respects to the patriarch."

At the same time, all the disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect, including Bai Shiqing, also knelt down and bowed down in amazement at this moment:
"The disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect pay respects to the Patriarch."

All of a sudden, bursts of shouts of greeting resounded throughout the entire Wuling Mountain!
Seeing this incomparably shocking scene, the millions of people in the audience were stunned, and their hearts were filled with turbulent waves one after another.

No one thought that the long-bearded old man who appeared suddenly was actually the patriarch who founded the entire ancient martial arts sect more than 200 years ago!
If the ancient Martial Dao Sect is the birthplace of modern Chinese martial arts, then this patriarch is the founder of this source!
If this sage hadn't been born in the past, there would be no Chinese warrior world now.

It can be said that almost all Chinese warriors today are their disciples and grandchildren!
Thinking of this, the millions of warriors gathered from all over the country on the entire Wuling Mountain also bowed and bowed their heads with great excitement, facing the old man who established the current pattern of the Chinese warrior world, Kowtowed:
"Disciple pays homage to Patriarch Master!"

The earth-shattering sound of prostration suddenly resounded through the sky!

The entire Ancient Martial Dao Sect main altar trembled at this moment!

After 200 years, the patriarch of the ancient Martial Arts School who once looked down upon the stars is finally reborn today!

(End of this chapter)

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