Chapter 1054
Seeing this, Pi Dan calmed down the anger in his heart a little bit, waved his hands impatiently and said:

"Okay, everyone get up."

Hearing the sound, the millions of warriors in the audience straightened up, looking at the fairy-like old man in white robes, their eyes were filled with inexplicable admiration.

But the disciples of the five great aristocratic families and the disciples of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect still knelt on the ground, trembling in astonishment.

At the next moment, Chen Xuanxiao could no longer bear the horror in his heart, and begged for mercy very sadly:

"Master Patriarch, today I blame my disciple for being blind and ill-spoken towards you, he deserves death.

Also please see that I really don't know, just bypass the disciple this time. "

After finishing speaking, he bent down again and kowtowed repeatedly.

However, Preserved Egg was not moved at all, staring coldly at the old Patriarch of the Chen family, and sternly reprimanded:
"Damn idiot, the person you should apologize to is the deity!"

Then, under the inexplicable gaze of everyone in the audience.

This lofty master of the ancient martial arts sect suddenly came to the field in front of the detached young man in a gorgeous ice blue robe, and bowed down in reverence:
"The preserved egg pays homage to the master.

I also ask the master to give instructions on how to deal with these rebellious things. "

Countless people showed unprecedented shock at the unimaginable scene in front of them.

They almost forgot that this incomparably noble patriarch was also created by Mr. Wu...

But now it seems that he is actually the boy's servant!
My God, this is not a hallucination, is it?
The dignified ancestor of the ancient martial arts sect, the founder of the entire Huaxia martial artist world, actually enshrines Mr. Wu as his master. This is simply unbelievable!
"This, how is this possible? The Patriarch is actually his servant..."

Chen Haofan, the young master of the Chen family, blurted out with a blank face, the horror in his heart could not be added anymore.

And Ye Muye, Li Shengxiao, Zhao Hao, and Long Qingtian, the children of the five great families, were also completely stunned, their minds went blank...

In any case, they never thought that that young boy could actually be called a slave by the Patriarch of the Ancient Martial Dao School.

This really makes them unimaginable even in their dreams...

"Oh my god, that little beast, no, is that boy really the third sister's child? How could he have such heaven-defying energy?"

Chen Yaozong, the Patriarch of the Chen family with a pale face, couldn't believe it.

And the patriarchs of the five great families beside him also showed unprecedented expressions of horror at this moment.

Who would have thought that the humble illegitimate son of the Chen family could make the ancestor of the ancient martial arts sect bow down to him, this is simply unbelievable!
"My God, my little brother is actually the master of Dao Zong Patriarch, am I dreaming?"

Zhao Sihui exclaimed in shock.

At this time, Qin Zixun was already inexplicably shocked, and his face paled.

It never occurred to her that the terrifying Youlong sent by Mr. Wu to destroy the entire Qin family in Liuzhou Lingxi back then would be the patriarch of the ancient martial arts sect.

This is too unbelievable!
"It turns out that brother Wu You is so powerful."

Seeing this, Duan Gurou couldn't help showing tenderness in Qiushui's beautiful eyes.

And just when everyone in the audience was so shocked by everything in front of them.

Chen Xuanxiao, the old patriarch of the Chen family, stared blankly at the scene where the patriarch kowtowed to the illegitimate son of the Chen family, and his heart was already filled with unprecedented and unprecedented storms.

Who would have thought that that young boy not only had his own strength beyond the past, but also possessed a powerful spiritual weapon that was unparalleled in the world, and even had many terrifying servants.

Even the No. [-] powerhouse who dominated the world back then, the ancestor of the ancient martial arts sect, bowed his head to him.

And all of this made Chen Xuanxiao, who claims to be the most powerful man in China, couldn't help but feel that in front of this mysterious young man, he had become so small, not worth mentioning...

At the next moment, there was a loud shout of exasperation.

"What the hell are you still doing in a daze? Don't you understand what I just said!"

Hearing these words suddenly, the old head of the Chen family came back to his senses.

Seeing that the patriarch was staring at him angrily at this moment, Chen Xuanxiao couldn't help being horrified and trembling like chaff.

Immediately without any hesitation, he immediately begged the handsome young man who was floating like a fairy, with a face full of sorrow:

"Grandson, no, no, my lord, I blamed the old man for not being able to see Mount Tai, and repeatedly made things difficult for you, and even beat you up. It is an unforgivable crime.

For the sake of Mengyao, my lord, please forgive me, an old bastard with no eyes. "

As he spoke, he bowed deeply and never got up again.

Seeing this, Chen Yaozong, Wang Xuancang and other big figures of the ancient martial arts sect also bowed down to the young man in horror and inexplicable, begging for mercy:

"My lord, forgive me, I blamed me for being so disrespectful to you earlier.

I also beg you, my lord, to have a lot, so let me wait this time today. "

At this time, Chen Haofan, the eldest son of the Chen family, saw his grandfather and father humbly pleading with Mr. Wu, and couldn't help feeling unprecedented pain in his heart.

It wasn't until this moment that he really realized that he was no bullshit in front of that Mr. Wu...

But before, he actually wanted to snatch other women's women, which is simply courting death!

If this big man held a grudge against this, even if he killed himself on the spot, no one would dare to say anything...

Thinking of this, Chen Haofan immediately lost his soul, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart.Immediately, he knelt down and begged for mercy to Mr. Wu desperately:

"Cousin, no, my lord, please forgive me, everything just now was my fault.

Also please look at the extrajudicial mercy in Sangu's face and let me go this time. "

As he said that, he hit his head on the ground and trembled all over.

Seeing this, Ye Muye, Li Shengxiao, Zhao Hao, Long Qingtian and many other children of the five great families also knelt down in horror and bowed down to Mr. Wu one after another, begging for mercy.

For a moment, the endless pleading voice suddenly resounded through the audience.

Seeing this inconceivably shocking scene, the millions of people on Wuling Mountain couldn't help being dumbfounded, and they were even more in awe of Mr. Wu who covered the sky with his hand.

But at this time, Wu You ignored the constant begging for mercy from the people around him, stared at the old Patriarch of the Chen family intently, and said indifferently with no expression on his face:

"Stop talking nonsense, where is my mother now?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuanxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then a strange look appeared in his eyes, as if there was something unspeakable hidden, and he remained silent for a long time with a shocked expression.

Seeing this, Wu You was startled suddenly, and a bad premonition hit his heart instantly!

Could it be that something happened to his mother?
Immediately he asked desperately:
"Tell me! What happened to my mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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