Chapter 1063

At the next moment, following the boy's order.

Above the sky, the majestic and huge sword array suddenly burst into sky-high purple flames!
In an instant, under the inexplicable eyes of millions of people in the audience.

Thousands of small purple swords the size of a palm rose slowly from the purple sword array like smoke and mist.

In an instant, countless small purple light swords, like a majestic and vast purple mist, rushed greedily towards the countless demons above the ground!
"Puff! Puff! Puff..."

Following bursts of piercing sounds, countless small purple light swords that covered the sky suddenly descended on the demon tide!




In an instant, there were extremely shrill screams that resounded throughout the entire Wuling Mountain!

Under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience, the hideous and terrifying demons seemed to be cut alive in the purple light sword fog, and gradually fell into pieces...

At this moment, the countless demons who were originally full of arrogance finally felt fear for the first time, and faintly retreated.

Seeing this unbelievable scene, the millions of people in the entire square couldn't help being stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

My goodness, what formation is that?It's amazing!
Immediately, countless people looked into the void. The eyes of the handsome young man standing proudly above the purple light sword array were filled with unprecedented shock and admiration.

It turned out that the young Mr. Wu actually possessed such miraculous abilities, it was even more inscrutable than that fairy from the Ghost Wonderland.

But at this time, Yan Moye looked at the field with eyes full of shock, the countless purple light swords like smoke, the spectacular scene of torturing and devouring the demon tide, and his mind couldn't help shaking inexplicably.

The mysterious and unparalleled sword formation composed of several powerful flying swords is simply unbelievable!
And the young man who can display such a superb formation and activate it independently is really just a qi cultivator?

You must know that such an incomparably exquisite and powerful formation would consume an incalculable amount of spiritual energy.

Even at the Foundation Establishment stage, she might have to use up most of her aura to activate it.

And if that young man is just a qi cultivator, how could he have so much aura to support the consumption of that peerless sword formation.

Could it be, could it be that he is not practicing Qi, but building a foundation!

Thinking of this, Yan Moye suddenly opened his eyes wide, showing unprecedented shock.

God, this, how is this possible?

How old is that boy, how could he have stepped into the foundation building stage at such a young age?
No, no, definitely not, he should have some kind of elixir to replenish aura, or possess a magic weapon to store aura, so he was able to display this shocking sword formation.

Yan Moye tried to comfort himself...

But at this moment, Duan Gurou, who was high above the sky, looked at his feet in amazement, the mysterious huge sword array rising from the purple light.And above the ground, the purple sword mist that crazily harvests demons.The beautiful eyes with double pupils were already full of shock.

She never thought that Brother Wu You actually possessed such an unimaginable ability, it's really amazing.

For a moment, the long-haired girl with a fairy and jade body quietly turned her head and looked at her future husband with tenderness, with admiration and admiration in her heart.

A moment later, under the vast sword mist of purple air coming from the east, the originally raging demon tide began to recede steadily.

Seeing this, the morale of the "Death Squad" was immediately boosted, and immediately followed Mr. Wu's four powerful subordinates, together with eleven supreme ancient warriors, they began to pursue the victory and beat the dog in the water!
And Yan Moye, the ghost fairy who was standing above the void, suddenly came back to his senses, took a deep look at the transcendent young man, and then stopped thinking so much, and started to attack those demons from the underworld. Furious bombardment.

In an instant, a group of hideous and terrifying demons from the underworld were killed and shattered, turned into bursts of black air and floated into the sky, and were absorbed by a shiny black egg...

After a long time, under this fierce attack, countless demons gradually gathered together and slowly retreated towards the back mountain of the ancient martial arts sect.

And in the next moment.

An incomparably huge ancient giant sword with a height of nearly [-] meters, shining with dazzling purple light, slowly emerged from the big formation in the sky!

Following Wu You's order.

In an instant, the majestic and massive [-]-meter giant sword in the air suddenly fell towards the group of demons with an earth-shattering momentum!

In an instant, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the audience.

The majestic ancient giant sword shining with purple light slashed at the countless demons gathered together!


With a huge roar that shook the sky.

The dense group of demons in the underworld were cut in two by a single sword!
Many demons didn't even have time to scream, and they instantly shattered under the giant sword!
For a moment, all the people on Wuling Mountain stared at the [-]-meter-tall quaint giant sword that was cut above the ground in dumbfounded amazement.

No matter what, they never thought that the huge purple light formation in the sky could cut down such a huge sword.

This, this is simply a miracle!

At this moment, Lingyou Immortal Yan Moye raised his head and looked up in front of him. The magnificent ancient giant sword that covered the sky and the sun was also completely stunned on the spot, shocked inexplicably.

It seems that she still underestimated the power of the peerless sword array.

This shocking sword is comparable to a full-strength attack in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment!
This is simply incredible.

You must know that she has been in the world for so many years, and she is only in the early stage of foundation establishment.

But that young man who only had a cultivation base in the Qi training stage was able to display a sword array comparable to the strength of the mid-stage Foundation Establishment, which is really unbelievable!
And at the moment when Yan Moye and the millions of people in the audience were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Just listening to the sky, the young man who was floating like a fairy spoke again.


In an instant, the [-]-meter-high purple light giant sword suddenly disintegrated and collapsed!
In an instant, it turned into a dense, countless small purple light swords, which merged with the vast sword mist before, and swarmed towards those evil spirits!

Immediately, there were extremely shrill screams and roars, resounding through the world!

The next moment, the demons of the underworld, who had been completely terrified by those purple swords, turned around and fled without any hesitation.

The defeated soldiers all rushed to the back mountain of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect.

After a long time, the vast and boundless group of demons in the underworld disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this point, the entire Wuling Mountain has finally returned to its former tranquility...

(End of this chapter)

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