I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1064 The Triumph Return

Chapter 1064 The Triumph Return
Seeing those terrifying demons completely disappear at this moment, millions of people in the audience couldn't help but look at each other, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

Could it be, did they really defeat those underworld monsters?

At this time, Yan Moye did not expect at all that they, these "miscellaneous troops", actually repelled the huge group of demons without the reinforcements of Lingyou Wonderland.

This, this is unbelievable.

And while countless people were still immersed in the doomsday-like horror scene before, unable to extricate themselves.

An uncontrollable excitement quickly spread in everyone's heart!
In an instant, after a brief silence, the audience burst into unprecedented cheers!

"My God, am I dreaming? Could it be, are we really rescued?"

"Of course it's not a dream. Those terrible demons have already escaped, and we are finally safe!"

"Hahaha, great, really great, we really defeated those monsters!"

"This, this is that man can conquer nature, and evil cannot prevail against good! As long as we are united, all monsters and ghosts will be paper tigers..."

For a moment, everyone on the entire Wuling Mountain showed the excitement of the survivors after the catastrophe, and the excitement and joy in their hearts were beyond words.

And right now.

Above the ground, the vast purple mist that had killed countless demons floated up into the sky and returned to the huge sword formation.

Then the incomparably magnificent purple light circle in the air suddenly dissipated, and turned into eight peerless swords again!

Immediately, Wu You, who stepped on the Ziwei Sword and surrounded his body with the seven-handled Tongtian Sword, hugged the soft and beautiful girl in front of him, and slowly descended from the sky.

Seeing this scene, millions of eyes on Wuling Mountain immediately focused on the handsome young man who was extraordinary and refined, as if he had been born into the world.

Immediately, everyone couldn't help but showed unprecedented reverence and gratitude.

If it weren't for the presence of this amazing Mr. Wu, they would have died tragically on the spot at this moment.

Immediately, countless people spontaneously bowed and bowed their heads to show their respect to the handsome young man who was riding a fairy sword and floating like a fairy.

At this time, Yan Moye, the ghost fairy, also looked at the mysterious boy who decided the final battle, and his heart had already set off an unprecedented storm.

Who is he?How can you have such a powerful ability against the sky?
It's just too unbelievable.

At this time, Duan Gurou, who was in the arms of the young man, saw so many people on the ground bowing to him, and felt extremely proud in his heart.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the handsome young man in front of him, admiringly and inexplicably softly said:

"Brother Wu You, you are really too powerful, those terrifying monsters are no match at all."

Hearing this, Wu You looked at the long-haired girl in her arms, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth and said:
"Really, do you think this seat is worthy of you?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Duan Gurou couldn't help being stunned, and immediately nodded heavily like a conditioned reflex:
"No matter what brother Wu You is, even if he is just an ordinary person, he is Gu Rou's only husband in this life."

At the end of the extremely firm speech, Duan Gurou suddenly reacted, and then her pretty face was flushed with embarrassment beyond measure.

She also did not expect that she would say such bold words, it was too embarrassing.

And at the next moment, Wu You stretched out his jade-like palm, and gently brushed the waterfall-like hair of the girl in his arms, as if falling into memories, he smiled lightly:

"Fool, you are really the same as before, no, it is the same as the future, you are so stubborn."

Hearing the sound, Duan Gurou was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly she was a little confused. So, what does it mean to be the same as the future?
But Wu You didn't say anything more, and then looked at the wreckage of the demons on the ground, which gradually turned into black air and dissipated, shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"It's a pity that those animals in the underworld driven by instinct don't have any intelligence. It's a pity that we can't find clues about my mother's disappearance from them."

Seeing the young man's lost look, Duan Gurou immediately felt distressed, and quickly comforted him softly:
"Brother Wu You, don't be sad, Auntie will be fine.

If we can't find any clues here, then we'll go to the underworld. I believe we will find Auntie sooner or later. "

At the end, Duan Gurou's eyes were filled with firmness.

"You're a little girl, so silly and cute."

Wu You smiled slightly, patted the girl's head lightly, then raised her head and looked into the distance, her deep eyes flashed with a bright light.

"As you said, this seat does have this intention, and the journey to the underworld is imperative!"

After all, Wu You suddenly looked at the sapphire high platform, and said meaningfully:

"However, before that, you can ask a guy to learn about the situation in the earth's underworld."

As soon as the voice fell, he flew back with his sword and the wind.

Preserved egg, Ji Chi, Zhouzi and Zhu Yan all followed behind him respectfully.

Seeing this, Chen Xuanxiao and many other surviving "death fighters" also hurriedly followed.

And Lingyou Immortal Yan Moye also looked at the young man solemnly at this moment, and then stepped on the void and flew forward.

A moment later, under the admiring and grateful eyes of millions of people in the entire square, these heroes who defeated the powerful enemy and returned triumphantly returned to the sapphire high platform again.

And just when everyone was about to cheer and celebrate victory.

Wu You, who was the greatest hero in this battle, came straight to Zhao Sihui who was subdued in the field after stepping down the Ziwei sword to the ground.

And this curly-haired beauty who was originally full of ferocity, like a ghost, has recovered at this moment, but there is a hint of bewilderment in her eyes, as if she has just woken up.

Seeing this, Duan Gurou hurried forward and leaned over to support Zhao Sihui.

"Sister Sihui, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

"Gu Rou, what happened? Why did I suddenly fall to the ground?

Hey, why does my head hurt so much? "

Zhao Sihui rubbed her temples, and asked with eyes full of surprise and bewilderment.

"Sister Sihui, you seem to have been possessed by something just now, and you have become a completely different person."

Duan Gurou frowned slightly.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Sihui suddenly opened her eyes wide, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"Possession? You, you mean I was controlled by some dirty thing just now?"

Duan Gurou hesitated for a moment, then nodded truthfully and said:
"Yes, sister Sihui, you almost hurt sister Zixun just now."

(End of this chapter)

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