I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1118 Phantom Snow Dress

Chapter 1118 Thousand Fantasy Snow Dress
And just when the young girl was dreaming and shy.

In an instant, Duan Gurou, who was in Wu You's arms, only felt a layer of warm and smooth things wrapping her body in an instant.

And when she came back to her senses, she suddenly found that she was wearing a flowing and gorgeous ancient-style long dress that shone with pure white light!

For a moment, Duan Gurou couldn't help being dumbfounded looking at the sudden and beautiful dress on her body.

It turned out that I had misunderstood, the gift Wu You brother wanted to give me was this beautiful long dress...

This gorgeous and holy ancient costume is so beautiful, it is simply the most beautiful dress she has ever seen in her life.

But, why do I feel a little bit lost...

"Fool, don't think too much, but at the most appropriate time in the future, I will naturally fulfill your wish."

Wu You smiled meaningfully.

Suddenly hearing this, Duan Gurou reacted immediately, her face turned red and her ears turned red, she was very embarrassed.

It turns out that brother Wu You has already seen what he is thinking in his heart, this, this is simply too embarrassing...

"Okay, I'm already this big, so don't let me hold you all the time."

Wu You shook his head and smiled.

Hearing the sound, Duan Gurou was even more shy, and nodded obediently.

Then reluctantly left the young man's warm embrace, and stood gracefully on the ground.Looking at her future husband tenderly, her beautiful eyes rippling with autumn water are full of admiration.

And at the next moment, Wu You waved his sleeve casually, and the golden and blue light ball covering his body suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Duan Gurou, who put on new clothes, also appeared in front of the world!
For a moment, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked and stunned when they saw the fairy-like, white light-flowing gorgeous dress on the long-haired girl.

At this moment, Duan Gurou was wearing this holy and gorgeous snow-white long dress, as if a real fairy descended from the earth, and everyone present had an urge to worship.

"Okay, so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful dress in my life!"

Zhao Sihui's eyes widened, her pretty face was full of admiration.

"This, is this the costume of the gods in ancient times? It's so beautiful..."

Bai Lulu couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the magnificent and splendid dress.

"Wu Dao cuts and sews dance clothes, bright make-up and beautiful clothes capture the brilliance of spring. Raise your eyebrows and turn your sleeves like snowflakes, the allure is rare in the independent world..."

The four daughters of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum stared blankly at the young girl's gorgeous dress with fluttering sleeves, and couldn't help muttering to themselves.

For a moment, everyone in the entire banquet hall was deeply attracted by Duan Gurou's snow-white dress that looked like a fairy dress, and couldn't extricate themselves...

At this time, Yan Moye, who was standing by the side, couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the elegant long dress that flowed with precious light and had a vast aura.

Immediately, he couldn't help but opened his mouth and said:

"Master Xianjun, is the clothes on Gu Rou a magic weapon?"

Hearing this, all the guests in the audience also came back to their senses, and their eyes instantly focused on the young man who was floating like a fairy, and everyone showed surprise.

Hearing this, Wu You nodded, smiled lightly and said:

"That's right, the main body of this dress is made of the Thousand Illusion Ice Silkworms spit out by the ice silkworms that devoured the cold scales of the Northern Netherworld.

Later, it was fused by this seat into several rare treasures of heaven, material and earth, and finally the spiritual weapon and magic weapon, Qianhuan Xueshang, was refined. "

"Spirit, spirit weapon? This, this magic weapon is actually a spirit weapon!"

Yan Moye exclaimed in disbelief.

You must know that magic weapons in the world of practice are divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and holy weapons from low to high.

And she is already in the foundation building stage, and she has been in the fairyland for hundreds of years, but she only has a quasi-spiritual weapon on her body...

Even so, she still treats this quasi-spiritual weapon as a treasure, and generally dare not use it lightly.

As for the spirit weapon, I dare not even think about it, it is something that only the masters of the great fairyland can have!
However, at this moment, his young and precious apprentice already possessed an extremely powerful spiritual weapon!

This huge gap is really unbearable...

"This, how is this possible? He, he actually gave Miss Gu Rou a spirit weapon!"

Seeing this, Xiao Fuxue blurted out in disbelief, with unprecedented shock in her eyes.

In his previous conception, spiritual weapons were the treasures of towns in the great fairylands.Even he never dared to expect extravagantly, let alone give it away.

But today, the gift that the young man casually gave was a powerful spiritual weapon that shocked the world!

This, this is simply too unbelievable.

Only now did Xiao Fuxue truly realize how insignificant she was in front of that celestial lord.

Perhaps compared to this extremely powerful Lord Xianjun, I am really not worthy of Miss Gurou.

At this moment, Xiao Fuxue, who had been continuously shocked and fell into extremely low self-esteem, completely gave up the idea of ​​pursuing her true love...

At this time, Wu You looked at the field, the long-haired girl who was wearing a thousand fantasy snow dress and looked like a fairy, smiled dotingly and said:
"This Thousand Illusion Snow Dress is the magic weapon that I promised to prepare for you before. I don't know if you like it or not?"

Hearing this, Duan Gurou, who was already in shock, suddenly came back to her senses, and then said with great excitement and gratitude:
"Thank you brother Wu You, this dress is so beautiful, I really like it."

"As long as you like it."

Wu You smiled lightly, then raised the corners of his mouth and said playfully:

"Then try the power of your magic weapon now."

The voice just fell.


A sword cry, like an ancient dragon, suddenly resounded through the audience!

Immediately, the Ziwei Sword shining with deep purple light hovered in front of Wu You like a dragon with purple energy coming from the east.

And when he saw the majestic purple giant sword, Xiao Fu Xuebiao was stunned, his face full of disbelief.

As a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he can clearly feel that the magic weapon of the flying sword is absolutely extraordinary, and its rank is at least above the spirit weapon!

Oh my god, this, this is another powerful magic weapon!

And in the next moment.








Followed by seven mighty and unparalleled sword cries.

The seven rays of light circulated, exuding bursts of supreme aura, like a blue giant sword made of jasper, which was displayed in front of the world!

Yan Moye's eyes widened suddenly at the unimaginable scene in front of him, and an unprecedented turmoil suddenly set off in his heart.

She seemed to have seen this somewhat familiar seven-handed cyan giant sword during the battle between immortals and demons in Wuling Mountain.

At that time, these cyan long swords with extraordinary aura should all be quasi-spiritual weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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