I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1119 Spirit Weapons

Chapter 1119 Spirit Weapons
However, at this moment, seeing the seven cyan giant swords again, it is obvious that they are completely different from before.

These giant cyan swords, which were a lot bigger in size and imposing, suddenly reached the level of spiritual weapons!
This, this is too unbelievable!
At this moment, Duan Gurou also saw the seven familiar blue giant swords, and blurted out in surprise:
"Brother Wu You, are those seven cyan swords the flying swords from Wuling Mountain? Why do they seem to have grown bigger?"

"That's right, these seven flying swords are the Tongtian Sword."

Wu You nodded, smiled lightly and said:
"The sapphire statue that I obtained at the main altar of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect a week ago is a rare material for flying swords in the practice world, spiritual pivot chalcedony.

During this retreat, I fused it with the Tongtian Sword and refined it for a while, and finally promoted the semi-finished Tongtian Sword from a quasi-spiritual weapon to a spiritual weapon. "

As soon as these words came out, Yan Moye, Xiao Fuxue and other people in the fairyland present were shocked and stunned.

Oh my goodness, that, those are seven magic weapons!
To them, the rare and powerful spirit weapon is extremely precious, but in the eyes of that young man, it is something that can be easily refined, so he doesn't care...

This lord really deserves to be a fairy king of the heavens. He is so miraculous and omnipotent. It is really unattainable and unattainable.

For a moment, the awe in the hearts of these men and women who came from the fairyland and claimed to be immortals was beyond words.

And at the next moment, Wu You looked at the fluttering skirt beside him, the holy girl with long hair, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and said:
"Okay, now use these eight flying swords to try your new magic weapon."

As soon as the words fell, the Ziwei Sword and the upgraded Tongtian Sword with seven handles in the air suddenly turned into eight purple and blue rainbows, shooting towards Duan Gurou with a shocking momentum!

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

No one thought that the experimental method that the boy said was to directly launch an attack.

This, this is too dangerous!
However, at this moment, Duan Gurou, facing the powerful flying sword that came towards him, did not show any panic, and his eyes were full of determination.

Just when the eight long rainbows coming from all directions with extreme speed were about to bombard the long-haired girl who was as beautiful as a fairy.

Immediately, the Qianhuan snow clothes lit up, and a layer of snow-white light curtain shining with holy brilliance suddenly covered Duan Gurou's whole body!
"When! When! When..."

With a crisp sound, under the incredible eyes of everyone.

The originally majestic eight-way blue rainbow flew backwards in an instant after touching the snow-white light curtain!

The eight powerful flying swords that were spiritual weapons were all knocked away by the sudden snow-white light curtain, and they couldn't hurt Duan Gurou at all!
There was an incredible scene in front of them, and everyone in the hall couldn't help being shocked.

No one expected that that gorgeous long dress, which seemed to be flexible and elegant, would possess such terrifying defensive power!
"This, is this the power of the defensive spirit weapon? It's too powerful!"

Ju'er exclaimed in disbelief.

"Oh my god, it's incredible that that long dress can block the combined blow of eight flying swords!"

Zhu'er blurted out in a daze.

Lan'er and Mei'er also looked at each other at this moment, seeing the unprecedented shock in each other's eyes.

No matter what, they never expected that the magic weapon obtained by the girl would have such an unparalleled defensive power.Even if they are the fairy masters of the Demon Suppressing Wonderland, I am afraid that they do not have such a powerful magic weapon.

"Master Xianjun is worthy of being a giant from the heavens. He is so generous. He actually gave Gu Rou such a powerful spiritual weapon. I really envy my old lady."

Yan Moye couldn't help but exclaimed, then looked at the dumbfounded young man in purple robe, and reprimanded with a snort:
"Now you know the gap between yourself and Lord Xianjun, don't be an old toad who wants to eat swan meat, remember that there are people outside of heaven and man, and there is heaven outside of heaven!"

Had he heard this remark in the past, Xiao Fuxue, who was competitive, would have already become angry from embarrassment, and started to retaliate.

However, at this very moment, he couldn't raise the slightest rebuttal to the celestial celestial monarch who was superb and possessed a treasure.

Now Xiao Fuxue has been completely overwhelmed, and she no longer dares to have any unreasonable thoughts about the fiancée of that Lord Xianjun...

At this time, Duan Gurou was already extremely astonished. Although she had expected it in her heart, she was still deeply shocked by the powerful power of the Thousand Illusion Snow Dress on her body.

"This Thousand Illusion Snow Clothes not only has a certain amount of defensive power, but it can also allow you to transform into anyone like the Thousand Illusion Black Clothes on me.

And it can also change into any clothing you can imagine, so you don't need to buy any clothes in the future. "

Of course Wu You smiled.

As soon as these words came out, all the women in the entire banquet hall couldn't help but their eyes lit up, showing an unprecedented shock.

My God, with this fairy clothes, wouldn't it mean that I have all the beautiful clothes in the world, and I don't have to worry about the closet being too small anymore!

This incomparable miraculous effect is simply too yearning!
"Gu Rou, my little brother is so kind to you. This birthday gift is probably what all women in the world want most."

Seeing this, Zhao Sihui couldn't help admiring, her eyes full of envy.

Hearing this, Duan Gurou came back to his senses, and then looked at Wu You's Qiushuijian pupil, full of gratitude and admiration.

"Of course, the main ability of this spiritual weapon is to enhance your primordial spirit and strengthen your existing spiritual consciousness."

Wu You smiled.

Hearing these words, Yan Moye, Xiao Fuxue, and the four daughters Mei Lan Zhuju all opened their eyes wide and were extremely shocked.

You must know that for a monk, the most important ability is neither an invincible attack power nor an impeccable defense power.

It is the powerful consciousness!
A person can only be regarded as a true practitioner after possessing divine consciousness.

Because of the spiritual consciousness, there is an essential difference between monks and mortals.

Practice is no longer just a physical improvement, but also a spiritual sublimation!
And spiritual consciousness needs to reach the foundation building stage at least before it can be possessed.

That's why they call themselves immortals...

But looking at the entire earth practice world, they have never heard of any magic weapon that can directly enhance a person's primordial spirit and spiritual consciousness since ancient times.

Such a heaven-defying effect is simply incredible!
For a moment, these immortals from the fairyland were even more in awe of the heavenly celestial monarch with amazing skills, and cast their eyes on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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