I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1195 Official Disciple

Chapter 1195 Official Disciple
For a moment, the disciples of the Gu Hua Xianzong who were holding assault rifles all looked at the immortal old man with long beard.

This person's name is Xing Weizhou, and he is an apprentice who was personally recruited by Master Zhangjiao in the military. Naturally, he can distinguish the authenticity of that young man.

At this time, Xing Weizhou, who came to supervise the battle, couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words of the short-haired beauty, and looked away in surprise.

Then he saw the handsome young man in the hall in the hall at a glance.

Immediately opened his eyes wide, exclaimed in disbelief:

"Master, Master!"

Seeing this scene, the short-haired beauty and the others couldn't help being shocked.

Could it be, is that young man really the head teacher of their Guhua Immortal Sect?

However, at the next moment, Xing Weizhou, who was originally shocked, suddenly had a hint of doubt in his expression.

Then he frowned and looked at the boy in front of him carefully, then shook his head again and again and said:
"No, no, he is not my master."

"Who are you old man? Why are you staring at me?"

The handsome young man who was looked at with horror said with displeasure.

Seeing this, the short-haired beauty and the others suddenly felt relieved.

Hmph, this young man who claims to be their master is indeed a counterfeit just like these so-called outer disciples of the Guhua Immortal Sect!
"Bold villain, who are you? How dare you pretend to be my master to do evil here, it's really abhorrent!"

Xing Weizhou stared coldly at the handsome young man, and angrily reprimanded him.

"It's the other way around! You group of blind rebels are so disrespectful to the head teacher, it's a heinous crime!"

The master of the outer door yelled furiously, and immediately his mighty aura suddenly erupted, and a layer of vigor visible to the naked eye instantly enveloped him!

Surprisingly, he is a Gang Jin Grandmaster!
Seeing this, the many warriors in the hall couldn't help but cheer up.

Their sect master is a strong man at the pinnacle of strength, and he is only one step away from stepping into the ancient martial arts avenue!
He is not afraid of the guns in the hands of those soldiers at all, and can even fight back easily!

"Now immediately kneel down and apologize to Master Zhangjiao, or you will bear the consequences!"

The master of the outer door was full of energy, and shouted proudly and disdainfully.

However, at the next moment, all the young men and women who were armed with live ammunition gently placed the assault rifles in their hands on the ground.

And when he stood up, the powerful shields of stellar energy suddenly appeared!
These young people are all masters!
Seeing this unbelievable scene, all the warriors in the hall were dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

Who would have thought that those seemingly ordinary soldiers would possess such great strength.

This, this is too unbelievable!
At this time, the master of the outer sect stared blankly at the dozens of young men and women who were the same masters as him, and whose aura was not even inferior to his own.Already completely sluggish on the spot, my brain went blank...

In any case, he could never have imagined that those young people who were only in their early 20s had all reached his current achievements.

And he's almost eighty now...

My goodness, the peak strength of the 20-somethings, a half-step martial artist...

This, this is simply a fantasy!

You must know that even the few elite children of the five major families of the ancient martial arts sect, and even the young masters of their families.With the nourishment of countless elixir since childhood, the teachings of many strong men, and the blessing of top-level ancient martial arts, he was able to barely step into the realm of half-step martial arts in his 20s.

And at this moment, those dozens of ordinary young soldiers have reached such an astonishing height, it's really unbelievable!
This, is this the strength of the official disciples of Guhua Xianzong?
For a moment, all warriors, including the master of the outer sect, were deeply shocked at this moment, unable to extricate themselves.

"Hmph, it's just asking for humiliation if you want to show off in front of my Ancient Hua Xianzong with your little ability!"

The short-haired beauty snorted coldly, and immediately stretched out her jaded hand, grabbing the master of the outer door in the distance.

In an instant, the master of the outer door felt horrified that his whole body seemed to be frozen in an instant, and he couldn't move an inch!
"E, imprisoned in the air! How, how is this possible? You are an ancient martial artist in the Martial Saint Realm!"

The master of the outer door exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes showing unprecedented horror.

He never dreamed that that young beauty with short hair was actually a powerful ancient warrior!
Oh my god, these disciples of the Ancient Hua Xianzong are simply monsters, they are truly terrifying!

"Today, you group of scum who pretend to be disciples of my Ancient Hua Immortal Sect and commit all kinds of crimes are doomed to escape the law!"

The short-haired beauty Dayi sternly shouted, and immediately ordered:
"Come on, arrest all these villains, whoever dares to resist will be severely punished!"

"Yes, Captain."

In an instant, dozens of disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect suddenly took orders, and with great power, they walked towards the warriors in the arena.

Seeing this, all the outer disciples in the hall couldn't help but panic.Facing the powerful warrior whose strength was at least half-step martial saint, they couldn't afford to resist at all.

At this time, the young female teachers in the field, as well as the many young brides who had been robbed by force, could not help being excited and delighted to see this scene.

Great, they are finally saved now.

And just when the master of the outer sect and others were all ashamed.

An angry voice suddenly resounded through the audience.

"You guys who disturb this seat are really disgusting, let's see how I deal with you!"

As soon as the words were finished, the handsome young man who claimed to be the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect impatiently waved his sleeves.

Immediately, a small black shadow flew out, drew a parabola in the air, and fell to the ground with a "crack!"

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then looked towards the past in amazement.

But the black shadow that fell to the ground was actually a small and exquisite wood carving of a strange beast.

Seeing this, everyone in the hall frowned, wondering why the boy suddenly threw a toy?

"Hmph, ridiculous counterfeit, who is scaring anyone with a piece of broken wood, it's extremely childish!"

The short-haired beauty snorted contemptuously.

The disciples of the Guhua Xianzong who were wearing camouflage uniforms also sneered at the young man's bluff.

However, at the next moment, the handsome young man raised his palm casually and snapped his fingers suddenly.


With a crisp sound, the lifelike wood carving of alien beasts on the ground suddenly lit up, and then burst into a monstrous flame!
For a moment, being captured by the dazzling light, everyone in the audience couldn't help turning their heads away, not daring to look directly...

(End of this chapter)

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