I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1196 Disparity in Strength

Chapter 1196 Disparity in Strength
After a while, wait for the dazzling light to gradually subside.

A mighty monster with an incomparably huge body, covered in fiery red scales, and a dragon head and elk body, is displayed in front of the world!

For a moment, he looked at the huge monster with red flames flowing all over the field, exuding bursts of majesty.Everyone in the entire hall couldn't help but be dumbfounded, shocked inexplicably.

No one expected that the wooden sculpture thrown by the handsome boy just now turned into such a huge monster in the blink of an eye.

This is simply incredible!
"Then, what the hell is that?"

The short-haired beauty stared blankly at the huge and mighty fiery behemoth, and couldn't help exclaiming in amazement.

At this time, Xing Weizhou also looked at the huge monster with the dragon head and beast body in shock, and then suddenly thought of something, and blurted out inconceivably:
"This, is this the auspicious beast unicorn in myths and legends?!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you, a mortal old man, are quite discerning. That's right, this is the fire unicorn, the ancient beast that I subdued by this immortal..."

The handsome young man sneered arrogantly, and immediately ordered to the mighty unicorn beast:

"Xiaohuo, give me a good meal for those guys who disturb my worship hall!"


The Huo Qilin raised its head to the sky and let out a wild roar, then without any hesitation, it walked towards those young men and women in camouflage uniforms, and the place it passed by was suddenly filled with fire unicorns.

All the disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect couldn't help but turn pale with shock when they saw the unparalleled ancient divine beast threatening to come towards him.

"You all stand back and let the old man meet that beast."

Xing Weizhou said in a deep voice, after finishing speaking, he shook off the floating dust and walked straight forward.

Seeing this, the disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect in the field couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is Mr. Xing here today, otherwise they really don't know how to deal with that giant monster.

At this time, the short-haired beauty suddenly stared at the handsome young man, and said in a cold voice:

"I advise you, a counterfeit, to surrender as soon as possible, we, Mr. Xing, are supreme ancient warriors!
No matter what tricks you play, there is no chance of winning! "

As soon as these words came out, the hope ignited in the hearts of the masters of the outer sect and all the warriors in the audience was instantly shattered, and everyone showed an unprecedented look of panic.

My goodness, the Supreme Realm ancient warrior, that is one of the few top fighters in the entire Chinese warrior world!

It's over, it's over now, in front of an ancient warrior of the Supreme Realm, they have no possibility of escaping at all, they can only catch them with nothing...

"Extreme Realm? What kind of realm is that? It sounds pretty bluffing."

The handsome young man said without hesitation.

And seeing that the fake Guhua Xianzong's head teacher had never even heard of the Supreme Realm, the short-haired beauty and the others were even more determined.

Today, this group of villains who ruined the reputation of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect must pay the price they deserve!

And just when everyone was looking forward to it, Xing Weizhou, who had already walked in front of Huo Qilin, showed his supernatural power.

But I saw that gigantic giant unicorn suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and a burst of flames shot out in an instant!

next moment


With a huge roar, Xing Weizhou was instantly crushed by the flames in one fell swoop, and the protective mask was smashed, and he flew upside down without any resistance.


After a muffled sound, he fell heavily in front of the gate, unable to get up again...

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their eyes.

In any case, they never thought that the supreme ancient warrior standing at the pinnacle of the entire warrior world would be defeated in one fell swoop without any power to fight back.

This, this is too unbelievable!
"Why, how did this happen? Elder Xing actually lost..."

The short-haired beauty Huarong looked at the ground in dismay. Xing Weizhou, who was already covered in charred black and in a panic, suddenly set off an unprecedented storm in his heart.

Many disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect around them also turned pale at this moment, beyond shock.

Oh my god, how could that ancient divine beast be so powerful that even Old Xing, who was in the Supreme Realm, could not stand a single blow in front of it.

It's just horrific...

"Hehe, I thought that the Supreme Realm was so powerful. It turned out to be just a Qi training period."

The handsome young man sneered with a sneer, then proudly said:
"I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you, but my little fire has foundation building strength.

Even if a hundred of your so-called Supreme Realms come, they will only be cooked! "

"Foundation period?"

Hearing this, the short-haired beauty suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"You, are you saying that you have broken through the ancient Wu Dao, the legendary immortal realm?"

Hearing the sound, everyone in the audience was stunned and shocked beyond measure.

My God, I have surpassed the Supreme Realm and broken through the Immortal Realm of the Ancient Martial Dao.

Then, what a powerful and terrifying existence it must be!
At this moment, all the disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect, including the short-haired beauty, looked at the young man pretending to be their master in awe.

He, who is he?How can there be such a powerful beast?

You must know that in the rumors, the real headmaster of Guhua Xianzong, among the monsters and ghosts subdued, the most powerful ones are the Supreme Realm.

But the fake Huo Qilin in front of him has already reached the legendary fairy realm!
This, this is too unacceptable...

Could it be that this young man who can subdue such a powerful beast in front of him is actually stronger than his master? !
Thinking of this, the short-haired beauty and the others turned pale with astonishment, inexplicably shocked.

"Hahaha, Master Headmaster really deserves to be a god descending to the earth. It's so powerful and admirable that any of his subordinates are so powerful!"

The master of the outer door couldn't help laughing wildly, his face was full of complacency.

Immediately, he looked coldly at the so-called official disciples of the Gu Hua Xianzong who were wearing camouflage uniforms, and sneered and said:
"Through the matter now, you group of rebels who dare to commit crimes have finally realized the power of the head teacher!

Hmph, now you idiots, do you still dare to doubt the identity of Master Headmaster? "

For a moment, all the outer sect warriors in the entire hall couldn't help sneering and elated.

Today, with the support of the head teacher, those guys who showed off their power before will definitely not end well!

And under the countless cold and mocking gazes, Xing Weizhou, who had collapsed on the ground and was covered in charred black, endured the severe pain and struggled to support himself.Then he looked coldly at the handsome young man, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily:
"No matter how powerful you are and how well you disguise yourself, you are just a counterfeit, and definitely not my Guhua Immortal Sect's head teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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