Chapter 1197
Hearing the sound, the short-haired beauty and many other disciples of the Guhua Xianzong also came back to their senses, and immediately showed the color of the same hatred.

No matter how powerful the counterfeit is, they will never compromise with it.

"Hehe, it seems that you guys are still not convinced, that fairy... I will let you experience what despair is!"

The handsome young man sneered contemptuously, and immediately waved his sleeves.

More than a dozen small, exquisite and lifelike wood carvings of alien animals suddenly flew out.

In an instant, a dazzling and monstrous flame filled the entire hall!

When the dazzling and majestic light dissipated, under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

A huge number of immortal birds and beasts with different shapes and huge bodies suddenly appeared!

At this moment, looking at the dozen or so hideous and mighty giant beasts, everyone in the arena showed unprecedented shock.

"Bifang, Taotie, Baize, Pixiu, Bixi...these are all ancient beasts that I have subdued."

The handsome young man said arrogantly, then looked at the disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect in the field, and said with a proud sneer:

"Hehe, let me tell you the truth, these strange beasts are the same as Xiaohuo, each of them has the strength to build a foundation!

Are you guys who disturbed my worship now convinced? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience opened their eyes wide, showing unprecedented shock.

None of them thought that the handsome young man possessed so many powerful monsters in the realm of immortality, which is really unbelievable!
"This, how is this possible? He, who is he?"

Xing Weizhou, who was seriously injured, looked at the field with a bloodless face. The handsome young man who pretended to be his master couldn't add more surprise in his heart.

At this time, the short-haired beauty and all the disciples of the Guhua Xianzong were also deeply shocked by the scene before them, dumbfounded...

"Master Headmaster is mighty! With such a powerful legion of beasts guarding him, those rebels are like ants, vulnerable!"

The master of the outer door couldn't help admiring.

All the warriors from the outer sect in the hall were also excited and excited.

Immediately, everyone looked coldly at the field, those so-called official disciples of Guhua Xianzong, all of them showed contempt and resentment.

Those idiots who don't have long-sightedness actually questioned the identity of Master Headmaster over and over again. They are simply treacherous and unforgivable!

"Hmph, what are you treacherous people below doing? Kowtow to the head teacher to make amends and ask for forgiveness!"

The master of the outer door scolded domineeringly.

Immediately, all the warriors from the outside sect shouted proudly:

"Kowtow to make amends! Kowtow to make amends!"

However, at this moment, Xing Weizhou was still fearless in the face of the ridicule and clamor around him, as well as the mighty herd of beasts in front of him.

Immediately gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Even if you guys kill me today, I won't bow to that villain pretending to be my master!"

For a moment, all the disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect in the hall also showed a tragic look of seeing death as home.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you guys to have tough bones, I'm a little moved.

However, if you delay your wedding ceremony, you will have to pay the price!
For the sake of your loyalty to Guhua Xianzong, everyone leave a leg today to feed these guardian beasts of mine, and then they can leave. "

The handsome young man sneered, and immediately pointed forward casually, with an innocent smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"Go and eat, but don't kill yourself."

Hearing the sound, more than a dozen huge and powerful immortal birds and beasts moved violently, and forced them towards the disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect with ferocious faces.

"Go! Let the helicopter cover your retreat!"

After speaking anxiously, Xing Weizhou, who was already seriously injured, wanted to use up his last strength, try to hold back those terrifying beasts as much as possible, and buy time for the short-haired beauty and others to escape.

However, at the next moment, there was a huge red-crowned crane in the air with blue wings all over its body and only one leg.It suddenly fell from the sky and completely sealed the entrance of the hall!

Seeing that there was no way out, all the disciples of Guhua Xianzong felt a little sad even though they were not afraid.

"Why, how could this be?"

The young female teacher stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and the hope that had been ignited in her heart was extinguished again.

She never imagined that the demonic Guhua Immortal Sect Headmaster would be so powerful.

Even the army can't do anything to him, it's just too scary.

It seems that today they are really doomed...

For a moment, all the captive brides in the field fell into deep despair.

"Okay, ladies and sisters, don't worry about those who are in the way, let's continue to pay homage."

The handsome young man smiled slightly, then ignored those disciples of the Guhua Immortal Sect who were about to become disabled, flicked his sleeves, and swaggered towards the front of the hall.

However, before he took a few steps, a playful remark suddenly came from behind.

"Interesting guy, what's your name?"

Hearing these words suddenly, the handsome young man couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to follow the prestige.

The person who spoke was sitting at the wedding banquet table in the corner of the hall, an ordinary young man with an unremarkable appearance.

Seeing this, the handsome young man couldn't help but frowned slightly, and blurted out:
"Do you still need to ask, this seat is the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect, Wu You."

"I'm asking what's your real name?"

"My name is Wu..."

Before the handsome boy could finish speaking, he suddenly reacted, and immediately said with displeasure:
"My seat is called Wu You, who are you? Why do you care so much?"

Seeing that the head teacher was a little angry, the master of the outer sect immediately reprimanded the talkative foreign disciple:

"Shut up! Don't even look at your status, dare to talk nonsense in front of the head teacher, you really don't know your life!"

Immediately, all the outer sect warriors in the audience also showed contempt and disdain for the young man from other places.

How can the honorable status of the head teacher be disturbed by this mere outsider?It's really beyond self-control, it's extremely hateful!
At this time, the young female teacher in the bridal gown looked blankly at the ordinary boy.

I don't understand what this young martial artist, who had teamed up with those villains from the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect and captured himself up the mountain, wanted to do?
And at the next moment, under countless contemptuous and puzzled gazes.

The ordinary boy swallowed the delicious food indifferently, then looked at the handsome boy in the big red robe, with a faint smile on his lips and said:
"Okay, now I'm almost done eating, and it's time for the show to end."

Saying that, looking at the girls beside him who were eager to try, he smiled slightly and said:
"It's all overwhelmed, now you can go and capture the so-called Guhua Immortal Sect Master."

(End of this chapter)

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