I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1221 1 Conditions

Chapter 1221 A Condition

"I don't know good from bad? Are you laughing at yourself?"

Wu You smiled lightly, and threw the pastry into his mouth indifferently.

Seeing that this young brat dared to contradict him in public, Li Chenggang suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"Sharp-mouthed thing, get out now, don't let me see you again, or you will bear the consequences!"

And at this moment, Li Youshan who was next to him hurriedly pleaded:
"Cousin Cheng Gang, calm down, this little brother is still young after all, and he is also a guest of the Lin family..."

"Shut up! Do you have a voice here?"

Li Chenggang scolded angrily.

Li Youshan, who was interrupted, lowered his head submissively and stopped talking.

It's just that there was a rare anger in the originally kind eyes.

And when Li Chenggang saw that the kid was still eating and drinking, he was even more furious when he ignored his own words.

Just about to attack, a commotion suddenly came from behind.

Looking along the prestige, I saw two imposing old men coming from the back of the hall.

Among them, the white-haired old man in a black robe was his grandfather, the old head of the Li family in Yangzhou, Li Yuanting.

And another old man with long beard wearing a green shirt is the initiator of this banquet, the number one martial artist family in Liuzhou, the old head of the Lin family, Lin Zhenqi.

Seeing this, Li Chenggang knew it was not time to cause trouble, and immediately said coldly to that nasty little devil:

"Hmph, count your luck today, don't let me run into you again in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he led many Li family children to leave.

"Sorry little brother, my cousin has a bad temper, why don't you go first, I'm afraid he will really do something."

Li Youshan quickly persuaded in a low voice.

"It's okay, I think it's quite interesting."

Wu You took his time to talk, and his mouth didn't stop tasting delicious food from the beginning to the end...

Looking at the appearance of a young calf not afraid of tigers in front of him, although Li Youshan was worried, there was nothing he could do.

At this time, seeing Li Yuanting and Lin Zhenqi, two leading fighters in the martial arts world entering the arena, many guests came forward to say hello.

After a long time, after a meal of pleasantries.

Lin Zhenqi, head of the Lin family, the number one family of warriors in Liuzhou, said loudly without anger:
"Recently, the Shangzong suddenly summoned all the disciples to return to the sect. Although Lin doesn't know the exact news, he can vaguely guess it.

Your lord is coming back. "

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all warriors in the audience were shocked.

A year ago, the head teacher of the ancient Huaxian sect who dominated the warrior world, conquered the ancient martial arts sect, commanded the army, fought against the sky to eliminate demons, and shocked China, is finally about to show up again!
For a moment, everyone showed great yearning and excitement.

There is nothing more to worship that god-like Lord Lord.

"Today, all the lords gathered in Liuzhou from all over the world to participate in the grand event. It is a great honor for my Lin family to be able to clean up the dust for you.

In addition, Lin wants to announce one more thing. "

When Lin Zhenqi said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Li Yuanting, the head of the Li family beside him, had an even more gloomy face.

Immediately under the curious eyes of all the guests.

Lin Zhenqi looked at Lin Yaxuan beside him, and said loudly:
"Everyone here today is the mainstay of my Huaxia warrior world, and of course there are also outstanding young talents.

Taking this opportunity, Lin wants to hold a contest to recruit relatives in the near future, so as to find a good wife for my granddaughter! "

As soon as these words came out, the guests in the banquet hall couldn't help being stunned, and everyone was extremely surprised.

No one thought that what Lin Zhenqi announced in public was to recruit relatives for Lin Yaxuan, the eldest daughter of the Lin family.

However, although he was surprised, as a martial artist, he was still understandable about this matter.

After all, the Martial Artists World has always upheld that the strong should be respected.

There is nothing wrong with finding a powerful son-in-law through marriage to enhance the prestige of the family.

It's just that he didn't expect that the dignified family of Liuzhou's number one warrior would do the same.

And some people suddenly thought of something and looked at Li Yuanting beside Lin Zhenqi.

Sure enough, the old Patriarch of the Li family is already sinking like water...

"The Lin family and the Li family have always had an interest in intermarriage, it seems that Lin Yaxuan had a marriage contract with the second son of the Li family.

Now that Lin Zhenqi wants to recruit relatives for his granddaughter's martial arts competition, this is a public slap in the face of the Li family. "

"Yes, but I heard that the second son of the Li family has been weak and sick since he was a child, and has no foundation in martial arts. It is absolutely impossible for the Lin family to fulfill the marriage contract."

"Well, it can only be said that the current Lin family is not what it used to be. You must know that the main altar of the Immortal Sect is located in Liuzhou. As the number one family of warriors in this place, the Lin family is naturally close to the water, and its prestige has skyrocketed.

And I heard that Lin Zhenqi has opened up various relationships and has been promoted to the deputy head of the Liuzhou Outer Sect of the Guhua Xianzong. "

"Well, now that the Lin family is backed by the Shangzong, naturally there is no need to take the Li family seriously.

However, if he wanted to become the son-in-law of the Lin family this time, it might not be so easy. "

For a while, everyone in the venue whispered and whispered.

But Li Yuanting and a group of Li family disciples were already pale.

Li Chenggang gritted his teeth and cursed secretly:

"Damn it, if it wasn't for that useless piece of trash Li Goudan, my Li family wouldn't have been humiliated like this."

At this time, Lin Zhenqi didn't care what the Li family thought, and then announced:
"For this martial arts competition, regardless of status or family background, young talents under the age of 25 can participate.

As long as you can win the first place in the competition and meet one more condition, you will be my son-in-law of the Lin family! "

Hearing this, the young people of the right age around couldn't help but be eager to try.

If she can really marry that beautiful young lady of the Lin family, and become in-laws with the Lin family, her future will be limitless!
Someone also thought of something and couldn't help but ask:
"Patriarch Lin, what is the condition you mentioned?

Hearing the sound, everyone also reacted.

That's right, apart from winning the contest of recruiting relatives, what other conditions are needed?
"It's very simple, the condition is:

Become an elite disciple of the Ancient Hua Xianzong! "

Lin Zhenqi said proudly.

As soon as these words came out, all the warriors in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

You must know that an ordinary Xianzong disciple who is scattered outside, even the master master, should be polite to him when he sees it.

Not to mention those elite disciples who stayed behind at the main altar of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect with outstanding aptitude.

Those are all dragons among men, big men who will be in charge of one side in the future!

No wonder Lin Zhenqi would propose a martial arts contest to recruit relatives, so it turned out that he was such an old fox for such a wishful thinking!
For a man who can meet this kind of condition, whether Miss Lin is worthy or not is something to say...

However, thinking of the help and resources that the Lin family can provide, and becoming his in-laws, he can also consider it.

Immediately, many bigwigs in the martial arts world who had elite disciples of Xianzong among their clans fell into deep thought.

But at the next moment, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

"There's no need to compete in martial arts, I'm married to Miss Lin!"

(End of this chapter)

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