Chapter 1222
Suddenly hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and looked along in amazement.

A majestic and majestic young man in a gorgeous costume came into view.

But it was Li Chenggang, the eldest son of the Li family, the number one warrior family in Yangzhou.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be moved.

It seems that the Li family finally couldn't bear it anymore, and now there is a good show to watch!

"Cheng Gang, what do you mean?"

Lin Zhenqi said with a sullen expression on his face.

"Grandpa Lin, my Li family and the Lin family have always had a good relationship between Qin and Jin, and we had a marriage contract.

Although my cousin is incompetent and not worthy of Miss Lin.But if I marry Yaxuan, it will be reasonable and reasonable. "

Li Chenggang came to the arena with his head held high, then he looked around at the warrior circles and said in a respectful voice:

"And I believe that the senior uncles present here will not take advantage of others' danger to embarrass my Li family."

After all, under the gaze of everyone.

Li Chenggang's clothes were calm and automatic, and his momentum suddenly exploded!

The peak of strength!Half step master!
Seeing this, all warriors in the audience could not help but take a deep breath.

It is rumored that although the second son of the Li family is a waste, the eldest son is the complete opposite. He has been gifted since he was a child.

Li Chenggang was accepted as an inner disciple by the ancient martial arts sect when he was just a teenager, and he was already a strong Huajin before he was 20 years old.It can be said that the future is boundless and the status is respected.

Although the ancient Martial Dao Sect no longer exists, Li Chenggang's talent and strength cannot be underestimated.

A half-step master who is not yet 25 years old, even in the current warrior world, is really eye-catching.

"Although due to some reasons, I haven't joined the Guhua Immortal Sect yet.

But please rest assured, Grandpa Lin, as long as I join the Shangzong and learn peerless exercises, with my martial arts aptitude, I will definitely become an elite disciple, and even go one step further! "

Li Chenggang said arrogantly, and then bowed to Lin Zhenqi.

"So please ask Grandpa Lin to complete my marriage with Miss Lin. I will definitely not let you down."

After listening to Li Chenggang's words, all warriors in the audience couldn't help but their hearts moved, but no one doubted this boy's ability.

Some bigwigs who were originally active in their minds also began to weigh the pros and cons.

After all, it is really not worthwhile to offend the family of the number one warrior in Yangzhou because of a marriage.

Besides, the elite disciples of the ancient Hua Xianzong will have better choices in the future, so why bother with a young lady of the Lin family...

At this time, Lin Zhenqi looked at Li Chenggang, and there was a touch of appreciation in his originally sullen eyes, and he nodded and said:
"Well, today, Cheng Gang, you dare to propose marriage to my Lin family in public. Such courage and sincerity are commendable."

Saying that, Zhanyan smiled and said:

"Actually, I have already considered your marriage with Yaxuan.

Half of the purpose of the contest announced just now to recruit relatives is to test you.

If you remain indifferent, then you and my Lin family will have nothing to do with each other, and my granddaughter will find another husband-in-law.

And this time you didn't disappoint Grandpa Lin, and the Qin-Jin friendship between the Lin and Li families will continue. "

As soon as these words came out, Li Yuanting, the Patriarch of the Li family, finally softened his expression.He looked at his grandson with relief and admiration.

"Thank you, Grandpa Lin. Cheng Gang will treat Yaxuan well in the future and will never disappoint your expectations."

Li Chenggang quickly bowed deeply, his excitement was beyond words.

All the children of the Li family around them also swept away their previous depression and showed joy.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, all the martial artists in the audience tactfully did not mention any more martial arts competitions to recruit relatives.

But at this time, Lin Yaxuan, who was another protagonist, was indifferent to everything that happened in front of her, her eyes were numb from the beginning to the end.

As a child of an aristocratic family since she was a child, she seemed to have accepted the arrangement of fate.

Regarding her marriage, she had no choice at all...

A moment later, when all the guests were preparing to congratulate the Lin and Li families on their marriage.

A playful discourse suddenly resounded through the audience.

"I don't agree with their marriage."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall couldn't help being stunned.

Shunsheng looked towards the corner of the hall, only to see that the person who spoke was a young man with an ugly appearance and a smile on his face.

Seeing this, all the guests couldn't help frowning slightly.

Who is that brat?How dare to utter wild words in front of them, it is really a little impolite.

But at this time, Li Chenggang, who was proud of the spring breeze, suddenly changed his face when he saw the young man, and sternly reprimanded:
"What are you, do you have a place to speak here!"

The surrounding Li family children also showed resentment.

The guy who offended Li Chenggang before dared to find his son's misfortune again, he really didn't know what to do!
However, facing the unkind eyes of everyone around, Wu You didn't care, and turned to the old Patriarch of the Lin family with a light smile:

"You are so old, how come your words don't count?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience could not help but gasp.

No one thought that this brat who got out of nowhere would dare to be so rude to Taishan Beidou in the warrior world. Is there really nothing wrong with his head?
And Lin Zhenqi also hesitated when he heard the words, his face sank immediately, and asked in a cold voice:
"What do you mean?"

"The martial arts competition that you just agreed to recruit relatives, you've divided up the prizes before it even started. It's really boring."

Wu You shook his head, smiled leisurely and said:
"So for the sake of fairness, let's continue this martial arts competition."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but startled.

Is this kid crazy?Both the Li and Lin families have reached a consensus in public and announced that they are married.

Who would ignorantly mention martial arts competitions to recruit relatives? Isn't this intentionally disgusting?
Could it be that the seemingly weak young man wants to challenge the eldest son of the Li family?

What are you kidding?Does he not want to live?

But at this time, Li Chenggang seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, stared at the nasty little devil with cold eyes, and smiled angrily:
"Okay, okay, don't you want to compete in martial arts? I will fulfill you today!
See if I don't slap your stinky mouth! "

After all, the aura burst out all over his body, and his clothes rattled, as if glaring at King Kong!

Seeing this, Lin Zhenqi didn't stop him, but he wanted to make that guy who didn't know etiquette suffer a bit.

The big warriors in the field also showed expressions of watching the show.

And this sudden scene brought the absent-minded Lin Yaxuan back to her senses.

Then she discovered that the young man who was messing around in public was Lu Xiaoran's friend.

Sigh, I don't know where Lu Xiaoran met this guy, what a troublemaker!

And just when Lin Yaxuan wanted to speak out to dissuade Li Chenggang.

A tall and thin figure stepped out first, blocking in front of the boy.

Then he bent down, bowed his head to Li Chenggang and begged:

"Cousin Cheng Gang, please spare this little brother."

The person who spoke was none other than the second young master of the Li family, Li Youshan.

(End of this chapter)

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