I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1231 Time and Space Inversion

Chapter 1231 Time and Space Inversion
Suddenly, Wu You woke up as if shocked by an electric shock, and waves arose in his deep eyes.

At that moment just now, he actually noticed that time went backwards!

How can this be?

He looked at the countdown on the big screen in shock.

"Brother Wu You, what did it look like when the universe collapsed and returned to the singularity?"

Duan Gurou's voice sounded beside her.

But this time, she didn't get any response.

Wu You stared at the countdown, and there was an unprecedented storm in his heart.

What's going on?Isn't space the only thing that collapses in the universe?Why is time also affected?
happy New Year!

Seeing this, Wu You was slightly relieved.

It seems that this time there is no time-space inversion like before.

And then.


A huge roar that seemed to come from the ancient prehistory resounded across the universe in an instant!

In an instant, a misty cyan mist rose up in the whole world, and then drifted away, invisible to the naked eye...

For a moment, hearing the loud noise that shook the soul, everyone in the world couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what happened.

"Brother Wu You, is that sound a sign that the universe is beginning to collapse? Just for a moment, I felt that the aura around me has increased many times. It's really amazing!"

Duan Gurou couldn't help exclaiming.

At this time, Wu You was also completely relieved. Now that the universe has begun to shrink towards the singularity, the golden age of spiritual recovery has officially come.

Time travel should never happen again.

Perhaps the collapse of the universe in the previous life was the same as today, but I was still an ordinary person at that time, and I couldn't perceive this cosmic space-time phenomenon at all...

Thinking of this, Wu You temporarily suppressed his doubts.

Fortunately, this time reversal is only a short moment, otherwise think about the orderly development of the world, and suddenly change to reverse.

People live from old age to youth, then from youth to childhood, and childhood back into the mother's womb, until it turns into something indescribable, I am really not used to it...

What is even more frightening is the natural law of eating and going to the toilet. If it is also performed in reverse, the scene will be insane!
Sensing that there seemed to be something wrong with the young man beside him, Duan Gurou asked with concern:

"Brother Wu You, what's the matter with you? Are you a little hungry? How about we go to have a midnight snack?"

"No, no appetite."

Wu You shook his head again and again, then changed the topic and said:
"The Age of Dharma Doom is over now, but it will take some time before the spiritual energy can fully recover.

As I said before, this prosperous age of practice is not only an opportunity, but also a crisis for all mankind. It is difficult for the weak to survive.

Although I have taught the exercises to the world tonight, many people will still lose their lives.If you want to save your life, you have to look at their own efforts. "

"Well, I hope everyone can live a good life."

Duan Gurou couldn't bear it.

"You don't have to worry too much, the major forces hidden on this planet have surrendered to me now.

As long as they don't come out to make trouble, most human beings will have time to improve themselves by relying on returning to the source. "

Wu You lightly wrote that with his current strength in the Nascent Soul stage, he is still a strong man even if he looks at the entire world of cultivation, let alone this small earth.

In the future, if there is any old man who dares to come out and make trouble, he will be killed casually...

But even though he was already invincible on this star, there was always an inexplicable doubt lingering in his heart.

Since his rebirth to the present, although it has only been a short period of more than a year, all the events he has experienced, no matter accepting apprentices to pass on skills, winning treasures and refining weapons, accepting slaves, repaying gratitude and revenge, etc., all feel surprisingly smooth .There was never any resistance, and no time wasted.

Of course, this is also inseparable from one's own ability.

But his parents are still alive in this life, so how to explain it?
In his previous life, it was because of his father's death that he embarked on the path of cultivation full of hatred and regret.

In the end, it was also because of the stagnation in his heart that he could not step into the happy state, could not escape the shackles of the universe, and could only fall helplessly.

And through Duan Gurou's memory fragments, he learned that his mother had not escaped the bad luck in the previous life, and had already died tragically at the mouth of Yasha.

Originally, all these happened before Wu You was reborn, and he couldn't stop it at all.

Even though Duan Gurou, who was reincarnated in the fourth life, tried every means, she failed to change history in the end.

But in this life, the appearance of a mysterious young man saved everything.

Who is he?Why take my parents to heaven?

Wu You frowned slightly, and couldn't help but think back to those two people who met by chance in the grassland a few days ago.

Could it be that the gray-clothed youth who Ying Ning identified as his father, who came from heaven, was the one who took his parents away?

Who is that little girl who pretended to be "cheat marriage"?

During this period of time, Wu You thought a lot, but still had no clue.

It seems that someone has carefully designed all this in the dark, and the goal is directed at himself!

This feeling made Wu You very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do.

Now only by going to the so-called heaven can we unravel these countless mysteries.

Wu You sighed secretly, more urgent to go to the earth and heaven.

"Okay, Rou'er, the rest of the matter will be handled by the official, let's go."

"Okay, Brother Wu You."

Immediately under the shocking gaze of more than one billion people around the world.

The pair of gods and couples with vast aura in the sky instantly turned into two bright stars and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Only the huge golden monument is still standing upright and shining brightly...

The next day, the shock and surprise that swept the whole world continued from night to day, and intensified.

Countless people found that not only the nearly 20 billion viewers who watched the live broadcast of the show that night, but also the miraculous exercise was imprinted in their minds.

Even those who watched the replay video later, or saw the golden stele through the video pictures, were all "successful".

Even disabled people who are blind, after being irradiated by the light of the golden tablet on the screen, they also miraculously obtained exercises.

And all of this shocked countless people all over the world, and they were in awe of the young man who claimed to be the head teacher of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect.

However, although many people have obtained the so-called exercises, there are very few who dare to try to practice.

After all, people don't know anything about it. If it's some evil magic or witchcraft, or the brainwashing technology of aliens, then it's all over...

And at this moment, Dongyang Kingdom suddenly announced a piece of news to the world.

On the eve of the tsunami, Miki Hashimoto, a female reporter who risked her life to report live on a skyscraper, said with great certainty and responsibility:

The young man who surprised the Chinese New Year's Eve party last night was the savior who wiped out the ancient giant beasts and saved the world by himself in Dongyang!

(End of this chapter)

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