I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1232 New World

Chapter 1232 New World

A year ago, the catastrophe that ended tens of millions of living beings and almost destroyed the entire world is still fresh in the memory of the world, and the color of talking about it has changed.

I still remember that time, when everyone was in despair.

A superhero suddenly stepped forward and defeated the terrifying beast with thunderous momentum, saving countless lives.

However, after the incident, the identity of this mysterious hero who was regarded as the savior by the world has always been a mystery, and he has never shown his face until now.

There is only one oriental female reporter in the world who was lucky enough to see her face, but she was hidden under official control.

And until today, one year later, the identity of the savior who quelled the catastrophe and was crazily worshiped by countless people was finally revealed to the world.

The whole world suddenly fell into an unprecedented boiling.

No one thought that the superhero who had saved the world was actually the shocking Huaxia boy last night.

It's just unbelievable.

But think about the ability to implant a large amount of information into the minds of nearly 20 billion people only through video images. This kind of miraculous ability may only be achieved by the savior back then.

For a while, countless people who had questioned the ancient Huaxian sect's teaching and its skills changed their attitudes instantly after learning the identity of his savior.

After all, with their terrifying strength, there is no need to lie to them...

And according to what the boy said last night, maybe I can really become a superhero with supernatural power through the exercises in my mind!
Thinking of this, countless people are excited and excited.

Many people around the world have been unable to bear it anymore and began to try the mysterious exercises in their minds.

A new trend of practice is gradually spreading around the world...

And just seven days later, a sudden and strange plague quickly broke out all over the world.

Countless people contracted diseases without warning, and they could not avoid it even if they stayed at home.

According to the research results of experts and scholars, this plague has no transmission route at all.

Pathogens are bacteria and microorganisms that fill every corner of the world and are everywhere!

These common pathogens, which are not very harmful to humans, have mutated and evolved one after another for unknown reasons.The human immune system suffered a heavy blow, which triggered the super plague that swept the world.

And just when human beings were at a loss, a series of disasters such as large-scale locust plagues, floods, earthquakes, hail, tsunamis, forest fires, etc. broke out one after another around the world.

There are even creepy supernatural events in many places...

In an instant, the whole world fell into panic, as if the end was coming.

And all this seems to prove one thing.

The earth-shaking changes that the head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect talked about at the beginning have already begun!

For a time, unprepared human beings were helpless in the face of this catastrophe, and could only suffer in despair.

And in this suffocating doomsday, an exciting news spread quickly.

None of the people who have tried to practice the ancient Huaxian sect's skills have been infected by the plague so far.Even those who were already infected miraculously recovered after practicing the exercises!
Not only have these people become invulnerable to all poisons, but their physical fitness has also been improved to an unprecedented level, and they can recover quickly even if they are injured.

And he can break the Olympic record casually, and he has a tendency to develop into a superman.

Even some "dirty things" didn't dare to get close to these people, so they could only slip away...

As soon as this news came out, the people of the world were shocked!Boiling!Jealous!
Immediately, countless people began to practice the exercises in their minds, eager to change their fate.

And those who haven't obtained the exercises are even more anxious, and quickly flipped through the video images of the Huaxia New Year's Eve party...

In an instant, an unprecedented frenzy of cultivation swept the world!

Only three months later, the doomsday that was originally frightening and hopeless turned into a new world full of opportunities and hope.

The savior who once saved countless lives has now saved all mankind again!
At this moment, the world's admiration for the Guhua Immortal Sect's head teacher has reached the point where it cannot be increased.

It is not enough to express one or two of his behaviors such as singing praises, worshiping, writing books and setting up biographies, and building temple statues...

At this time, many people were no longer satisfied with the simple version of the exercises in their minds, and began to rush to Huaxia, wanting to formally worship the ancient Hua Xianzong and practice the complete exercises.

However, the people of Huaxia had already taken a step ahead, grabbing all the places for trials in the Liuzhou Main Altar and the Kyoto Branch Altar of the Ancient Huaxianzong.

It is said that the ranking has already reached ten years later, and foreign people can only "look at China and sigh"...

Another three months passed, just when countless people at home and abroad were waiting to see through.

Great fairylands all over the world have appeared one after another, and magnificent sub-altars of the ancient Huaxian sect have sprung up one after another!

People from all over the world were overjoyed and eagerly flocked to the nearest sub-altar to participate in the trial of the disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect.

In this way, under the fanatical promotion of countless people.

Five months later, more than 50 billion people around the world have practiced the ancient Hua Xianzong Kung Fu and become its outer disciples.

Among them, the official disciples of Guhua Xianzong who have obtained complete exercises have also reached 5000 million!

Today, the billions of origin points in Wu You's dantian surround the Golden Pill of Absolute Beginning mightily, like an incomparably magnificent and vast galaxy, which is breathtaking.

And this young man who controls billions of disciples around the world and enjoys the highest reverence of all human beings is now in the main altar of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, receiving a person he has been looking forward to for a long time.

"You mean you've found the entrance to the heavens?"

Wu You suddenly got up from the fairy jade throne, looking at the young man in the golden robe under the stage, there was a touch of excitement in the deep eyes.

"Yes master, with the increasing spiritual energy now, the originally hidden entrance to the heaven finally showed its clues, and the old slave discovered it."

Ying Long, who had turned into a human form, bowed his head respectfully.

"very good."

Wu You nodded in satisfaction, and casually injected a golden light into the young man's body.

"This is the exercise that I promised you back then, allowing you to recast your physical body."

"Thank you master for your grace."

Ying Long was so excited that he knelt down and bowed down.

"That's great, brother Wu You, we can go pick up our uncles and aunts."

Duan Gurou beside him said happily.

Around [-] beautiful apprentices also gathered around one after another, and everyone showed joy.

Duan Shuping, Chu Yuntian and many other high-ranking officials of the ancient Huaxian sect in the main hall were also very excited.

"Okay, without further ado, we will set off tomorrow and go to the so-called heaven!"

Wu You was resolute, looking into the distance.

All the mysteries will finally be revealed...

(End of this chapter)

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