Chapter 1233
"This is the Nantianmen?"

Wu You looked at the huge golden gate with great interest, which was hundreds of meters high, standing majestically, exuding boundless power.

Duan Gurou and other women beside her also looked around, full of curiosity about this vast world full of sacred and majestic atmosphere.

"Yes master, this is the main entrance of the former heaven."

Ying Long bowed and replied, feeling more in awe of his master in his heart.

He led the people on a long journey before, and finally found the location of the entrance to the heaven, but he was blocked by the Zhuxian formation here, and he himself was almost wiped out by the backlash.

Thanks to the master's timely action, the terrifying celestial magic circle was wiped out with a flick of a finger.

After that, the master destroyed several large formations in succession, and even killed all the powerful guardian spirits along the way.

Finally, at the end of the entrance, the ancient teleportation array that had been abandoned for a long time was repaired and restarted miraculously.

Only in this way can they successfully come to this once glorious heaven and god domain that has been isolated from the world for thousands of years.

However, although the master is the mighty Yuanying Tianjun, it is not so easy to open the completely closed Nantian Gate in front of him.

After all, the strength of the lair built by the heavens through countless years and resources can be imagined. I'm afraid it will take some time for the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Although Ying Long considered it this way, Wu You didn't intend to fight a protracted war at all. He had waited too long for today.

For every minute wasted, parents may be in danger.

He didn't want to fall short at the last minute and regret for the rest of his life.

Therefore, in order to achieve his goal as soon as possible and avoid accidents, he can be said to have devoted all his energy and concentrated all his strength this time.

Behind him are not only Duan Gurou, Ying Ning, Tao Xiaomeng and other women, but also a group of servants such as Preserved Dan, Ji Chi, and Dayu Mengdie.

All the powerhouses in the fairyland, demon world, and underworld were also ordered to come to help.

Even Wu You's Chaos Spirit Ring "stored" tens of millions of disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect to enhance the power of this holy weapon...

With these powers and his own strength, no matter what kind of opponents there are in this heaven, even the Nascent Soul cultivator, he is confident to defeat them in one fell swoop!
Thinking of this, Wu You changed from his usual indifference, and his gaze became even colder.

If anyone dares to prevent himself from reuniting with his parents today, it will be his death day!

A mighty holy sword, a sacred weapon, suddenly appeared in the young man's hand.

He stared at the great gate coldly, and the power of the previous immortal emperor suddenly exploded at this moment!
The earth-shattering terrifying aura swept across the entire Divine Realm in an instant!

The countless powerhouses behind him only felt a huge shock in their minds, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and the respect and awe in their hearts became stronger.

And just when Wu You slowly raised the fairy sword, about to split the Nantianmen in front of him in half.


A loud bang.

The giant golden door, which was originally closed, opened without warning...

Looking at the two doors that were slowly opening, although Wu You was a little surprised, he was still concentrating on it, and was always ready to launch a thunderous blow!
Is that guy who is hiding in the dark and has been targeting him finally showing up?

For a moment, Duan Gurou and the others also became nervous, staring at the gate of the Heavenly Realm intently.

And under the uneasy gaze of everyone.

Suddenly, a blue figure sprang out from the crack of the Nantianmen's door that hadn't been fully opened, galloping straight towards Wu You!

"Brother Wu You, be careful."

As Duan Gurou spoke, she wanted to strike and kill the invading enemy.

"and many more."

Wu You spoke suddenly, looking at the blue figure with a slight frown between his brows, but he didn't swing down the fairy sword in his hand.

After a while, the blue figure came close and stopped.

A little beauty wearing a gorgeous sky blue dress, radiating brilliance all over her body, and faintly lingering with fairy air, is impressively displayed!

In an instant, looking at the innocent little girl who looked only eight or nine years old, everyone in the audience was stunned.

They never expected that the first "strong enemy" to come out of the heavens was actually a little lolita with a milky heart.

This, this is too far-fetched.

And when Duan Gurou and other women saw this person clearly, they were even more terrified and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Isn't this girl the same little ghost who pretended to be the head teacher of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect and openly robbed the girls of the people in the grassland to marry her, and was later rescued by the man in gray?
It turns out that she is really a person from the heavens.

But, why did she come out like this now?Do you throw yourself into the trap?

At this time, Wu You was also a little confused.

Back then, this little guy slipped away from him by chance, why did he come to the door by himself now?
And it looks very happy...

At the same time, the little girl in front of Wu You was also looking at him.Big eyes that are as bright as stars, flickering and flickering.

For a while, the audience fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

"You guy..."

After a long time, just as Wu You spoke.

But seeing the little loli jumping up suddenly, she cheered incomparably excitedly:

"Like, it's too similar, there's nothing wrong with it!"

As he said that, he suddenly stretched out his arms and rushed towards the boy in front of him.

However, before he could succeed, he was bounced away by an invisible force, and fell hard on his buttocks.

"Who exactly are you?"

Wu You frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice.

Under the suspicious eyes of the crowd.

The little girl stood up rubbing her buttocks, looked up at Wu You pitifully, and said with aggrieved face:

"Brother, I'm your sister Wu Ran."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned.

younger sister?How could this little girl from heaven be the younger sister of Master Zhangjiao?

Duan Gurou and all the girls also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.

They have never heard that Wu You has a younger sister. What's going on?

But if you take a closer look at this little loli, it's really similar to Wu You.

And Wu You, Wu Ran, are you at ease?This is too coincidental...

"Sister, sister?"

Wu You stared blankly in front of her eyes, this innocent little girl couldn't help but feel a little in a trance.

No way, could it be that his parents "created" a younger sister for him when they were idle in the heavens...

Just when his thoughts were in confusion, the majestic Nantian Gate was completely opened, and two figures, a man and a woman stepped out.

"But run slowly, we can't catch up with you."

Hearing this, the little girl named Wu Ran turned her head, pursed her mouth and said:
"Mom and Dad, why are you so slow, my brother has come to pick us up."

And when Wu You saw the eager middle-aged man walking quickly, his mind was shocked and his body trembled involuntarily.

This person is his father, Wu Mingyuan!

(End of this chapter)

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