I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1234 No Regrets

Chapter 1234 No Regrets
Wu Mingyuan, who lost his wife because of the obstruction of the Chen family in his previous life, could only depend on his newborn son.

In order to win back his lover and prove his ability, he founded the Wu Group from scratch.

Regardless of humiliation and threats, he went to the Chen family in Kyoto again and again.

In the end, he was murdered six years later, leaving behind his young son to die...

Although for Wu You, Wu Mingyuan has only been with him for a few short years, but this taciturn father is the only pillar in his life and the sustenance of his feelings.

Because of this, after learning that his father did not die in an accident, Wu You always harbored deep hatred.Even after crossing the catastrophe and becoming a fairy, he is still disturbed by the demons in his heart and cannot be at ease.

But at this moment, the father who had been separated from him forever, appeared in front of his eyes safe and sound.

For a moment, Wu You felt a little dazed and at a loss.

Originally, he had envisioned countless scenes of reuniting with his relatives, and he thought he could deal with it calmly.

But now that he really saw it, his calm thoughts instantly collapsed, and his mind went blank...

At the same time, the middle-aged couple who quickly chased out from the Nantian Gate also saw the bewildered young man in the field.

In an instant, beside Wu Mingyuan, the beautiful woman in green clothes fluttering, gentle and loving, trembled all over, and immediately ran over desperately.

"Yu'er, my Yu'er, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The grief-stricken woman hugged the boy tightly into her arms, tears pouring out of her eyes like a bank bursting.

In the tear-filled eyes, there are endless longings and heart-wrenching debts.

Wu You, who suddenly felt like a dream, felt the warmth coming from his body, as well as the strange and friendly atmosphere.

This feeling is so long ago and so familiar, as if returning to the infancy in an instant.

This, this is my mother...

Chen Mengyao, the eldest lady of the Chen family with golden branches and jade leaves, ran away from the family without hesitation for love and married Wu Mingyuan, who came from an ordinary background.

After being discovered by the Chen family, she forced her to die to save her husband and son, but she was taken back to her family and imprisoned for life.

It wasn't until the underworld invaded six years later that Chen Mengyao took the opportunity to escape, but she didn't know that she had been possessed by Yasha.

And when she returned to Jingxian again, she saw Wu Mingyuan's cold body.Chen Mengyao, who had long been ill from longing, completely collapsed physically and mentally, and was completely controlled by the possessed demon.

In the end, with regret and despair, he died tragically...

Although Wu You didn't know all this until after he was reborn, he still has indescribable respect and love for his mother who has been miserable all her life but has a strong character, and even deeply blames herself.

I blame myself for being too weak in my previous life, which caused my mother to suffer so much, so much despair.

Every time Wu You thinks about this matter, Wu You just feels so painful that he wants to live, and his heart feels like a knife is piercing his heart.

"Mother and father, I'm sorry for you, I'm late."

The young man in the woman's arms had red eyes and silently shed the first tear in his long life.

The next moment, under everyone's shocked and inexplicable eyes.

The head teacher of the ancient Huaxian sect who controlled the entire world and was so mighty, suddenly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed heavily to the couple in front of him.

In his past and present lives, he has gone through countless years, slaying demons and killing immortals, submitting to all gods, and worshiping all living beings in the world.

In this huge world, Wu You does not kneel to the sky or to the ground, only his parents can let him bow down from the bottom of his heart.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on, and the child wants to support but the kiss does not wait.

The biggest regret in Wu You's life can finally be made up for now.

For a moment, the audience fell into silence, and everyone was deeply touched by the scene in front of them.

Duan Gurou and the other women also shed tears silently, each pear blossom was raining with joy and sorrow.

They were overwhelmed with grief over the boy's life experience, but also sincerely rejoiced at the reunion of their family.

After a long time, Wu Mingyuan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, suppressed the excitement in his heart, smiled and said:
"Son, get up, if you kneel like this again, your mother will cry into tears."

"Yes, Yu'er, get up quickly, get up quickly."

Chen Mengyao hurriedly supported the boy's arms, her gentle eyes were full of love.

After Wu You calmed down the backlog of emotions for two lifetimes, he slowly stood up.

Then he looked at the living parents in front of him, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

Until this moment, all the pent-up hatred deep in Wu You's heart completely disappeared.

He even believed that, with his life without regrets and his unfettered Taoism, even without the Back to the Origin technique, he would be able to enter the happy state and break free from the shackles of the universe.

"Mom and Dad, let's go home."

Hearing these sincere and simple words, Wu Mingyuan and Chen Mengyao were very pleased.Suppressing the tears that were about to overflow, Qi Qi nodded:

"Go home, let's go home."

And just as the three of them were reuniting with their families, an inappropriate voice suddenly came from the side.

"Hmph, you all go home, Xiaoran stays here by herself, woo woo woo..."

Following the sound of crying, it turned out to be that innocent and lovely little girl named Wu Ran.

But at this moment, she, who had been left out for a long time, had endless grievances and injustices in her big watery eyes.

Crystal clear teardrops dripped to the ground...

"Oops, I almost forgot."

Wu Mingyuan slapped his forehead, pointed at the little girl and said to Wu You:
"Son, this little girl is your sister Wu Ran."

Then he coughed twice, and said earnestly:
"For more than ten years, your mother and I have been thinking about you in this heaven without thinking about food and tea.

Later, I thought that you are an only child, and you will be lonely in the future, so I gave birth to this younger sister for you eight years ago. "

Seeing Wu Mingyuan throwing the pot away without blushing, Wu You could only shake his head helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

It seems that my once taciturn father has really changed his temperament after the nourishment of "love" in the past ten years.

"elder brother……"

The little Lolita tiptoed up to the boy with her head down, pinching the corner of her clothes with her small face in grievance.

Wu You sneered, leaned over and hugged his "leisurely content" younger sister.

The little girl who got what she wanted immediately broke through her tears and smiled, refreshed.

"Brother, I have always wanted to see you since I was very young, even in my dreams I often dream of my brother.

It's great that Xiaoran finally has her wish come true. "

As he spoke, Wu Ran put his small head on Wu You's shoulder, and rubbed back and forth affectionately.

Seeing this, Wu Mingyuan and Chen Mengyao couldn't help chuckling.

Before Wu You could speak for a moment, the little Lolita in her arms suddenly raised her head, her small face said indignantly:
"Brother, I had already prepared a gift for my brother, but it was snatched away by a bunch of shameless people a year ago."

(End of this chapter)

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