I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1236 1 years

Chapter 1236 One Year

"One year?"

Wu You looked at the young man in front of him indifferently, and immediately flicked his sleeves.

"Okay, I'll just wait for this year. I want to see who your master is."

After finishing speaking, he withdrew his gaze and stopped entangled in this matter.

Leading his parents and sister, he turned back in front of everyone.

"God see you, Mingyuan, you guys are really still alive, that's great, it's really great."

An old man in white came out of the crowd excitedly.

Wu Mingyuan saw that the person who came to him was Duan Shuping, who was so kind to him and loved him like his biological father, and suddenly he had mixed feelings, and his eyes were rosy.

Immediately bowed deeply to the old man, thousands of words were merged into two heavy words:


Chen Mengyao also bent down with tears in her eyes, she was very grateful to this old man who always took care of her family.

"Get up and see that you are safe and sound, and I will die without regret."

Duan Shuping, who was in tears, helped Wu Mingyuan and his wife up tremblingly, and his relief was beyond words.

Afterwards, the three old friends who hadn't seen each other for more than ten years confided in each other for a long time before calming down their excitement.

At this moment, a long-haired girl in a long snow-white dress came to Wu Mingyuan and his wife in a fairy-like manner, bent down and bowed respectfully:

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

And when they saw this holy and gentle girl who seemed to be a fairy, Wu Mingyuan and Chen Mengyao immediately felt like a spring breeze, as if the whole world was lit up.

"Wow, what a beautiful young lady!"

Wu Ran's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Girl, please, are you..."

Before Wu Mingyuan finished speaking, Duan Shuping laughed loudly and said:

"What girl, she is your daughter-in-law!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Mingyuan and the three of them were stunned.

After they learned that the fairy in front of them was Duan Shuping's granddaughter, Duan Gurou who had been engaged to Wu You since childhood, they suddenly realized.

Immediately, Chen Mengyao stepped forward quickly and helped Duan Gurou up herself, her eyes were full of appreciation and love.

"Son, it's such a blessing to marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law."

Wu Mingyuan praised and nodded repeatedly.

"So this is my sister-in-law, she is so pretty, so beautiful!

Compared with my sister-in-law, the meeting gifts I prepared for my brother are really superfluous. "

Wu Ran jumped up and down, full of joy.

At this moment, Duan Gurou's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Well, that uncle and aunt, in fact, Brother Wu You and I haven't married yet..."

In the end, the sound was like mosquitoes, almost inaudible.

Seeing this, Wu You smiled and announced without hesitation:

"Mom and Dad, Rou'er and I have decided a year ago that after our family reunion, we will get married."

Hearing this, Duan Gurou's cheeks became more rosy.

But Rushui's eyes are full of unprecedented happiness...


When Wu You brought back his parents and sister from the heaven, it was already the end of the year.

On New Year's Eve, Wu You, Duan Gurou, Wu Mingyuan, Chen Mengyao, Wu Ran, and Duan Shuping all gathered together to welcome the New Year happily.

However, on the first day just after the first month of the lunar year, grand celebrations suddenly started all over the world.

Countless people cheered and flooded the streets, as if they were celebrating a festival.

At the same time, billions of disciples of the ancient Huaxian sect all over the world worshiped in one direction, and everyone was extremely devout.

And this spectacular scene of universal celebration is all because of one thing.

The head teacher of the Guhua Immortal Sect who saved the world and brought hope to all mankind is getting married today!
The capital of Liuzhou Province in China, the main altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong.

After countless years of reincarnation, the test of life and death.

Wu You and Duan Gurou finally entered the palace of marriage today, with the sincere blessings of all relatives and friends.

And just after this grand wedding that shocked the whole world.

Two newlywed teenagers and girls resolutely left everyone behind, stepped through the void, and embarked on a cosmic honeymoon journey...

The stars shine in the universe, and the blue falls in the yellow spring.

On a wild and huge planet.

Wu You looked at the boundless and magnificent tide of giant beasts under his feet, his deep eyes were full of memories.

"Brother Wu You, is this the place where we first met in the previous life?"

Duan Gurou, holding the boy's arm, looked around in surprise.

"It's not just the previous life, according to your memory fragments, we also met here in our first life."

Wu You let out a sigh of relief.

Then he suddenly hugged the girl into his arms, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"What did you just call me?"

Duan Gurou immediately blushed, and could only whisper:

"Old, husband..."

The next moment, the small mouth was blocked, and the two lips met and couldn't speak...

After the young couple stayed tender for a while, Duan Gurou leaned on Wu You's arms and murmured softly:

"Husband, Gu Rou is really happy to be your wife in this life, and I have no regrets in my heart."


Wu You smiled slightly,
"However, I still have a regret. I believe we should have this regret in previous lives."

Hearing this, Duan Gurou couldn't help being taken aback, curiously said:
"Regrets from previous lives? What is that?"

"You really want to know?"

"Well, think."

"Silly Rouer, we don't have any children of our own yet."


Time flies, under the eager anticipation of all human beings on the earth.

Master Zhangjiao and his wife, who had been "missing" for nearly a year, finally reappeared in the public eye.

And just one month later, the news that Mrs. Zhangjiao gave birth to an heir quickly spread throughout the world!
In an instant, the world was boiling.

Countless people rejoiced that Master Zhangjiao was happy with his precious son, and celebrations of all sizes were blooming everywhere.

The senior officials of Guhua Xianzong, Wu You's apprentices and subordinates also sent their most sincere blessings.

The addition of Wu Mingyuan, Chen Mengyao and Duan Shuping, who are close relatives of the younger generations, is even more joyful and gratifying.

At the same time, in an exquisite and warm bedroom in the main altar of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect.

Wu You stood in front of the large and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the long-haired woman with a baby in her arms on the snow-white bed, her eyes were full of tenderness and affection.

"Rou'er, in this life, I will take you two, as well as our loved ones, to completely transcend the reincarnation of the universe and never be separated."

Duan Gurou looked at her husband's rare solemn expression, her eyes were rosy, and she nodded heavily:

"Husband, I believe in you."

And at the next moment, Wu You seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around, looking out the window at the vast sky.

A powerful and strange aura is galloping towards the earth from outside the sky at this moment!

"...One year later, my lord will come to this world in person and solve all the confusion in your heart..."

The words of Wang Haoran back then came to mind again.

Wu You's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light.

"After waiting for so long, it's finally here!"

(End of this chapter)

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