I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1237 Nine Dragon Palace

Chapter 1237
The main altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong.

The sky, which was originally blue and clear, is now full of fiery red.

The whole world seemed to be in a melting pot, scorching unbearably hot.

The nine-headed giant red dragon, hundreds of meters long, is standing proudly above the sky.

And behind him is pulling a fiery red palace that can block out the sky and block out the sun!
In an instant, waves of heat rolled and spread, and streams of red light shot in all directions.

The huge palace, which is as dazzling as the sun, looks like an emperor who dominates the world, looking down on all living beings proudly.

"Hehe, what a huge formation."

Wu You stood in the void with his hands behind his back, looking at the sudden fiery red palace, he couldn't help sneering.

Behind him, Ying Ning, Tao Xiaomeng, Han Shuangyue and other female disciples, Yu Jian Chengfeng, are like a rainbow.

Big Yu Mengdie, Preserved Dan, Ji Chi and other subordinates also set up their positions, eager to try.

Tens of millions of powerful disciples of the ancient Hua Xianzong from all walks of life in the world are dotted across the void, waiting in full force.

All of a sudden, the sky above the main altar of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect was full of celestial shadows, as if ten thousand immortals were coming to court!

Duan Gurou stood on the thousand-meter-high white jade palace, looking up at the fiery red palace, whether it was an enemy or a friend, a trace of uneasiness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Looking down at the newly born son in her arms who was still sleeping soundly with eyes closed, Duan Gurou showed a loving smile.

"Hua'er, your father will be fine."

For a long time, just as the two sides confronted each other.

The vermilion gate of the majestic palace that controls nine giant dragons burst open.

A red-haired old man wearing a fiery red robe and a beard and iron beard strode out with boundless power.

In an instant, the radiance was overwhelming, and the flames were soaring!

Looking up at the old man who looked like a blazing sun and a fire god, everyone couldn't help but be terrified, as if they were facing an enemy.

After a while, the red-haired old man had come to the front, glanced at the crowd condescendingly, then frowned, and said with displeasure:
"Bold junior, you don't kneel down and bow down when you see this deity!"

The sound shook the world and made people tremble.

However, in the face of such shocking power, none of the disciples of Guhua Xianzong knelt down as promised.Everyone gritted their teeth and looked at each other coldly.

Seeing this, the red-haired old man was startled, and immediately flew into a rage.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

With a cold snort, he was about to punish the group of ants below who didn't understand etiquette.

A handsome young man in a blue robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

The red-haired old man was shocked. With his strength, he didn't realize where this person came from?
It should be because I have been running all the way, I am too tired...

Just as he was comforting himself, he saw the young man sneer and said:

"You guy kept me waiting for a year, now it's time to give me an explanation."

However, upon hearing this, the red-haired old man couldn't help but blurted out with a puzzled face:
"Waiting for me for a year? Who are you?"

This time it was Wu You's turn to be stunned, with a slight frown between his brows and said:
"You, you don't know me?"

"do not know."


Wu You, who was speechless, immediately looked at Wang Haoran who was not far away.

But I saw that guy was full of embarrassment at the moment, shaking his head like a rattle...

In this strange scene, the red-haired old man stopped talking nonsense, and said straight to the point:

"Ahem, this deity is the Yuanying Tianjun from the world of cultivation, the Star Alliance of Myriad Realms.

Returning to the hometown of the earth this time is to give you a great opportunity! "

After all, he peeked down.

However, those weak earth monks were unmoved when they learned of their identity as the Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarch.

It's just so weird.

Could it be that these uncivilized ants have never even heard of the Nascent Soul Stage?

But at this moment, Wu You was taken aback.

Star Alliance of Myriad Worlds?Why do you feel a little familiar?

"Master, this old man seems to be the guy who came to Earth in ancient times and fooled those people from the heavens away."

Ying Long said with a strange expression.

Hearing this, Wu You only remembered the secret of the Heavenly Realm, and then became speechless.

After waiting for so long, I finally found a liar who "resells people"...

"Now the spiritual energy of the entire universe is revived, and a prosperous age of cultivation is coming. The Ten Thousand Worlds Star Alliance, which rules the universe, urgently needs a batch of fresh blood in order to expand its power.

Therefore, in order not to let the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders, this deity rushed back to his hometown, preparing to recruit a group of newcomers to join the Star Alliance.

You guys are not hurrying to collect the practice resources of this world, and prepare to step through the void with the deity and go to the world of practice. "

The red-haired old man was impassioned.

Cooperating with the Nascent Soul's breath that was intentionally released, there really is a sacred and unquestionable power.

It's a pity that everyone, including the young man in front of him, still ignored his words and ignored them.

Seeing this, the red-haired old man became furious as if he had hurt his self-esteem.

"Hmph, a group of ants who don't know how to praise, what a waste of my time!"

Immediately with a wave of his robe sleeves, a huge fire dragon with raging flames rushed towards the young man in front of him with an overwhelming power.

He was about to annihilate that ignorant guy in ashes, and to make an example to others!
But at the next moment, the young man flicked his fingers.

The originally mighty fire dragon exploded in an instant, turning into sparks and dissipating invisible...

"How, how is this possible?"

The red-haired old man was dumbfounded and couldn't believe his eyes.

Thinking of something for a moment, he looked at the young man in shock and inexplicably, and said in disbelief:
"You, are you also a Nascent Soul cultivator?"

However, Wu You was not in the mood to talk to him at all.

"You old liar still dare to come to Earth, you are really shameless."

Ying Long snorted coldly, then proudly said:
"Let me tell you the truth, my lord is already at the peak of Nascent Soul, you have hit the iron plate today!"

As soon as these words came out, the red-robed old man's eyes widened even more, his face full of disbelief.

Nascent Soul peak?Half-step transformation into a god?
God, how is this possible?How could there be such a powerful figure on earth?
You must know that even if you have practiced for tens of thousands of years, you have just stepped into the late stage of Nascent Soul.

And the young man in front of him is actually only one step away from becoming the legendary Huashen Tianzun.

This, this is too unbelievable.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, since this world has already been favored by fellow Taoists, then I won't bother you anymore, so I'll take my leave."

Although it is not clear whether the young man is really a half-step god, but in line with the principle of prudence, he still decided to run away first, and then slowly figure it out.

Immediately it turned into a long rainbow, and swept towards the fiery red palace at high speed.

"Did I let you go!"

Following Wu You's cold drink.


A supreme fairy sword that shook the world, slashed at Changhong with shocking power.

He has gone through countless tribulations in his previous life and finally became a generation of immortal emperors, so he naturally knows how cruel the intriguing world of practice is.

If we let that old guy run away today, there will be endless troubles.

Although I am fearless, it is better to get rid of unnecessary troubles as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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