I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 1238 The 6th World

Chapter 1238 The Sixth World (The Truth Comes Out, Important Chapter)

A roar that shook the world.

Changhong, who was running desperately, was instantly intercepted by the fairy sword.

The red-haired old man who revealed his figure, with a pale face and ragged clothes, was in a state of embarrassment.

"What do you mean! I apologized just now and decided to leave, please don't bully me too much!"

The red-haired old man suppressed his anger and stared at the handsome young man.

However, Wu You didn't want to pay attention to him at all, and the fairy sword slammed down again.

Seeing this, the red-haired old man was suddenly frightened and angry, his teeth itching with hatred.

But he didn't care too much, and quickly sacrificed several magic weapons to resist, and at the same time flew back towards his car.




Amidst a series of loud bangs of magic weapons colliding, blood gradually overflowed from the corners of the red-haired old man's mouth.

Those magic weapons he was proud of were shattered one after another under the indiscriminate bombardment of the immortal sword.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally believed in that young man's strength.

It really is the peak of the Nascent Soul, half-step into a god!
The red-haired old man, who had been terrified, rushed towards the fiery red palace even more desperately.

Just when the last magic weapon was cut to pieces by the fairy sword, he finally rushed into the gate of the palace covered in blood.

The guardian array was opened in an instant, and if there was a substantial red light curtain, it instantly enveloped the entire Nine Dragons Palace.




Under the stormy slash of the fairy sword, the protective mask only caused circles of ripples, and showed no sign of breaking through.

"Humph, don't waste your efforts, this Lord of the Sun God Palace was acquired from the ancient ruins, and it has been tempered so far that it is invincible by all methods, and no one under the Transformation God can break it!
Even if you are the peak Nascent Soul, it won't help! "

The red-haired old man endured severe pain and stood on the top of the palace, staring coldly at the young man on Earth, gnashing his teeth.

He has secretly made up his mind that after leaving this place, he must summon his old friends from the world of cultivation, and even invite the strong men from the Immortal Sect at any cost to come back and cramp and skin this bastard, tearing his body into pieces!
However, at the next moment, the young man waved his robe sleeve.




Dozens of brilliant and powerful immortal swords are displayed in the void.

In an instant, the swords turned into streamers of light and soared into the sky, according to some mysterious rules, they shuttled across the sky at high speed.

In an instant, a supreme sword array that covered the sky and blocked out the sun gradually took shape.

Looking up at the huge sword array exuding the aura of antiquity, the red-haired old man suddenly lost his soul, trembling like chaff.

He never expected that the young man would have such a terrifying method.

At this moment, his intuition told him that even the Lieyang Palace that he was proud of could not be able to resist the terrifying sword formation...

Immediately, the heartbroken red-haired old man desperately urged the nine giant dragons, and fled desperately towards the sky before the peerless sword array was activated.

"It slipped pretty fast."

Wu You frowned slightly as he looked at the fiery red palace that was heading straight towards Xiaohan.

He also didn't expect that Jiulong Lagong not only had strong defense, but also was not slow.

This is a bit troublesome.

There is no way, it seems that I can only spend some effort and go to pursue it myself.

Wu You shook his head, even if he wanted to use his supernatural powers, he went to the sky to intercept and kill the red-haired old man.

And in the next moment.


A sound that contained the laws of the universe and the most reasonable words suddenly resounded through the world.

The whole world trembled, and time seemed to freeze for an instant.

The Blazing Sun Shrine, which had already escaped from the earth's atmosphere, suddenly exploded in low-earth orbit like a flying cannonball!
The red-haired old man on it turned into dust before he could react...

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone including Wu You was instantly petrified, completely stunned on the spot.

They never expected that the palace, which can be said to be indestructible under the transformation of the gods, would be destroyed so easily.

This, this is unbelievable.

After a while, Wu You suddenly realized and looked down.

The voice that killed the red-haired old man with only one word just now came from the main altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong.

"not good!"

Wu You suddenly turned pale in shock, and became anxious.

My wife and children are there at the moment, if the owner of that voice is not good for him, the consequences will be disastrous!
Immediately, Wu You swooped down desperately.

In an instant, he came to the top of the main altar of the ancient Hua Xianzong.

Seeing that Duan Gurou, who was standing here, was safe and sound, she was slightly relieved.

"Who was it just now? Come out to me!"

Wu You snorted coldly, and looked around vigilantly, with an extremely solemn expression.

He can attack under his nose without anyone noticing, and easily fall a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Such a powerful enemy, I am afraid that I have to use all my strength to compete with it.

But at this moment, Duan Gurou raised his head blankly, and said in a dream:

"Husband, yes, it's Hua'er..."


Wu You frowned and looked at the baby in his wife's arms.

I saw the newborn baby inside, who had woken up from a deep sleep at this moment.

A pair of Gujing Wubo's eyes were staring at him at this moment.

Those are definitely not the eyes of a baby!

Take home?

Could it be that his son has already been taken over by someone else!
Wu You only felt five thunders hitting his head and became dizzy for a while.

And at this moment, Wang Haoran, who had been silent for a year, suddenly came to the baby with great excitement.

He knelt down on the ground and said with tears streaming down his face:
"Wang Haoran pays his respects to the master.

Congratulations to my lord on his rebirth and reunion with his parents. "

Hearing this, Wu You turned pale with astonishment.

No matter what, he never thought that Wang Haoran's so-called master was actually his own son, who was always targeting him behind the scenes.

What, what's going on here?

What does it mean to be born again?
Just when Wu You's mind was in a mess and he was inexplicably surprised.

A voice mixed with excitement and joy suddenly sounded in the field.

"Father, mother, I finally see you again."

Hearing this, Wu You immediately came to his senses.

Looking at the baby in Duan Gurou's arms in amazement, she blurted out:
"You, who are you?"

"Father, I am Wu Hua, your son."

Although the baby did not open his mouth, his words were clearly discernible.

There was emotion and excitement in his eyes.

"It's impossible, my son was just born, how could he have such a powerful force, who are you?"

Wu You directly vetoed it.

"You who were an immortal emperor in your previous life are now reborn as a high school student.

My situation with my father is somewhat similar, but also a little different. "

Baby explained patiently.

Hearing this, Wu You was even more shocked.

The matter of his rebirth is extremely secret, and no one in this world knows about it except his own close relatives.

How did this guy know?
Is he really...

No, it's impossible.

According to Duan Gurou's memory fragments, the husband and wife have experienced a total of four lives, all due to the cosmic catastrophe, and they did not have any children from the beginning to the end.

Why is there a reborn son in this fifth world now?

As if he had expected Wu You's thoughts, the baby in the swaddle spoke again.

"Father, in fact, it is no longer the fifth life of you and mother, but the sixth world."

Seeing Wu You's head full of confusion, the baby's gaze seemed to be caught in a distant memory.

"In the first life, my mother met my father, and at the last moment of the collapse of the universe, my father pushed my mother's soul into the crack of the singularity, and reincarnated in the next life.

The second and third lives, the reborn mothers, tried their best to save their fathers, but both ended in failure.

In the fourth world, the desperate mother concealed her identity and ended her life in the arms of her father.In the end, the father exploded the singularity and reincarnated into the next life alone.

In the fifth life, because his father had experienced the beginning of the universe, he created the back-to-the-origin exercise by himself, and he was confident that he could break the shackles of the universe.

Later, he met his mother who had memory fragments and learned about the previous four lives, and the two got married naturally.

In this life, because of the grasp of transcending reincarnation, the husband and wife gave birth to a child.

However, it wasn't until the last moment of the collapse of the universe that they realized that even if they had practiced the Absolute Beginning Technique and gathered the endless aura of heaven and earth, they could only allow one person to break out of the bondage of the universe.

Without any hesitation, they used all their strength to send their children out of the universe that was about to return to the singularity, but they themselves fell into silence forever.

And the lucky child who escaped reincarnation is me. "

At the end, the baby was already in tears, and his eyes were extremely sad.

At this time, Wu You and Duan Gurou were already stunned, and an unprecedented turmoil was set off in their hearts.

Everything the baby said, only the two of them knew in this world, even more detailed than what they knew, and it was absolutely impossible to fake it.

Could it be, is he really his son from the previous life?

But according to what he said, he has transcended the reincarnation of the universe, so why is he reborn in this life now?
"Because of my departure, the entire universe lacks a part of mass and energy, so that the singularity can no longer expand and regenerate.

Reincarnation is completely over, and everything falls into eternal silence. "

The baby let out a long sigh, and then said decisively:
"In order to save my loved ones and reunite with my parents again. In that magical and magnificent world filled with countless cosmic spaces, I tried every means to improve myself.

The hard work paid off, and after endless years, I finally gained the ability to restart the universe.

Immediately, he began to plan to fill the completely dead singularity with the mass and energy that he had taken away at the beginning.

This time I not only want to save my family, but also make up for my father's regrets in previous lives.

In order to achieve this goal without affecting the trajectory of the universe repeating itself, I cannot appear in this world earlier.

So I set up a secret door before the restart of the singularity, and created a person to complete the mission for me. "

As he spoke, he looked at the young man in gray who was kneeling on the ground.

"Hao Ran, get up, you've done a good job, I'm very satisfied."

"Thank you, master."

Wang Haoran stood up excitedly, and then bowed to Wu You to make amends:

"I'm sorry, Master Xianzu. In order not to affect the birth of my lord a year ago, this old slave can only keep this secret."

The baby also looked at Wu You, and vowed:

"Father, don't worry, although I have lost most of my strength after my rebirth, I have mastered the method to break the shackles of the universe.

Our family and even more people can finally transcend this endless cycle and never be separated again. "

At this time, Wu You was already so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, and he was completely stunned.

This world is so crazy, not only my daughter-in-law has been reincarnated several times and saved herself.

Even his own "protagonist halo" in this life was designed by his son.

Nima, this is too shocking!

If he had known this before, why would he waste time, effort and painstaking efforts after his rebirth, and just find Duan Gurou to have a baby...

After a long time, Wu You and Duan Gurou gradually calmed down the shock in their hearts and had to accept this reality.

The mysterious baby in front of him is the child of the two of them, Wu Hua.

"Father, mother, this body is still too weak to bear my spirit, so I can only sleep temporarily.

When I become an adult, I will regain my memory and reunite with my parents. "

After all, the baby Wu Hua closed his eyes contentedly.

And at the next moment, Wu You suddenly said to Duan Guju who was hugging her baby:

"Don't breastfeed him in the future!"


Wu Hua opened his eyes immediately.

"Dad, I'm still a child..."

"Get out! That's my father's!"


(End of this chapter)

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