Chapter 21 Rolling

With a loud noise, the gravel suddenly splashed, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

After the dust gradually dissipated, everyone who fell to the ground and was still in shock looked at the field.

He was shocked to find that where Wu You was standing before, there was only a scorched black pit left, and there was no one there.

"That, what was that?"

"Wu You, he, he won't be killed by the bomb."

"It seems that no matter how good martial arts are, they are no match for modern weapons."

Under everyone's amazed eyes, Qin Yuanshan, who was lying on the ground, pulled his head out of the ruins.When I saw the big pit not far away, I was immediately elated.

"Hahaha, are you surprised or not, kid? Even my Qin Family Patriarch, a generation of Gang Jin masters, dare not take over my modified Gang-Breaking Thunder. You arrogant brat, you deserve to be crushed!" broken……"

Just when Qin Yuanshan was overjoyed, he suddenly felt his head sink, as if someone had stepped on top of his head.

Qin Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat all of a sudden, he slightly turned his head tremblingly, and squinted upwards.

I saw that the one stepping on his head at this time was not Wu You but who else!
"How is this possible, you are not dead!"

Qin Yuanshan looked at the young man who didn't even hurt a single corner of his clothes, and was frightened out of his wits.

Everyone in the audience also shuddered, whether this Wu You is a human or a ghost, and he is not even afraid of the Pogang God Lei.

Ignoring everyone's frightened gazes, Wu You held a dozen small white jade pieces in one hand, lowered his head and asked Qin Yuanshan, "Where did you get these things?"

Qin Yuanshan was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't expect Wu You not to be angry because of his sneak attack, and he still looked indifferent.

Looking at the white jade piece in Wu You's hand in a blink of an eye, this is a layer of jade inlaid by him, and it is precisely because of this layer of jade that he named it the God of Breaking Gang.

"Back, back to senior, this broken gang chalcedony is unique to my Qin family in the west of Lingxi. As the name suggests, the biggest function of this jade is that it can ignore the grand master's body-protecting gang energy, and other things are not very useful."

Hearing this, Wu You couldn't help sneering in his heart, this jade is not a broken chalcedony, but a chaotic rough stone that is rare in the entire practice world.

It is incredible that such high-quality refining materials can be found on a remote planet like the earth.

Although the chaotic rough stones in Wu You's hands at this time are not very pure and have many impurities, they are more than enough to refine some low-level magic weapons.

And Qin Yuanshan wrapped this rare chaotic rough stone outside the grenade as a blasting piece, which is really a violent thing.

"So, do your Qin family still have these jade stones?"

There was a gleam of light in Wu You's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Seeing that Wu You seemed to be very interested in this jade, Qin Yuanshan was afraid that he would remember what he had offended just now, so he hurriedly said respectfully: "Senior, although this item is not particularly precious in my Qin family, it is not too much. But If Senior needs anything, I, Qin, will definitely do my best to search for you."

Although he said so on the lips, Qin Yuanshan had made up his mind in his heart.As long as I can escape this catastrophe today, when I officially step into the ranks of Gang Jin, the humiliation I suffered today will be returned a hundredfold!
"No need, I'll get it myself."

Hearing this, Qin Yuanshan felt a terrifying suction suddenly coming from above his head, and the aura accumulated in his body for decades was pulled out of his body with lightning speed.


Qin Yuanshan struggled to resist, but found that he seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move an inch.

"You, you are in the Martial Saint Realm..."

Before he could finish speaking, the huge suction force had already sucked up all the aura in his body and the vitality of his whole body domineeringly.

Qin Yuanshan fell to the ground in an instant, his eyes wide open and he could not rest in peace.

Amid the uproar and exclamation of the crowd, Wu You put away the Chaos Stone in his hand.Without looking at the corpse under his feet, he suddenly turned around and walked towards Zhang Yadong.

"You, what do you want to do, I haven't offended you, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Don't come here, don't come here..."

Zhang Yadong, who was leaning on the pillar, saw Wu You walking straight towards him, and immediately became incoherent, cold sweat broke out on his shiny bald head.

"As I said, I'm just here to collect debts."

Wu You smiled faintly.

"We don't know each other at all, who owes you a debt. You, you have the wrong person." Zhang Yadong explained with a frenzy.

"You don't know me, I can't forget you."

Wu You came in front of Zhang Yadong, and his face instantly became extremely cold.

In the last life, it was this bald man who brutally broke his limbs with an iron rod on the barren mountains, and let himself howl in pain, but he didn't show any mercy.That ferocious face is still fresh in Wu You's memory.

Looking at Zhang Yadong, who was like a bereaved dog at this time, Wu You sneered, and waved a spark that was invisible to the naked eye, floating towards him.


Under the terrified gaze of everyone, Zhang Yadong, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly screamed and jumped up, as if his whole body was on fire, slapping his body continuously.

"Ah, I'm scalding to death, help me, kill me, kill..."

The screams became louder and louder, and Zhang Yadong suddenly fell to the ground and began to roll around, his expression extremely distorted.

Calcining the soul, one of the most painful criminal laws in the world.Even if the caster chooses to kill himself, the soul will continue to be burned until the soul disappears.

Wu You turned around indifferently, and walked straight to Li Liancheng who was lying in the ruins.

In the previous life, this was the valley that Li Liancheng threw himself into in the end, and he was also the leader of this group of murderers.

"Grandmaster, please forgive me. If I have offended you in any way before, I will make it up to you a hundred times and a thousand times. I beg you, for the sake of the Liu family, please forgive me."

Li Liancheng turned over and knelt down on the ground, begging Wu You for mercy in fear.

Although he didn't know what happened to Zhang Yadong, but seeing his extremely painful appearance, Li Liancheng couldn't help feeling horrified.

"The face of the Liu family? Hahaha..."

After listening to Li Liancheng's words, Wu You couldn't help laughing on his back.

And just when he raised his hand, ready to kill the person in front of him.


A gunshot sounded suddenly in the hall.

More than a dozen young people in black camouflage uniforms and fully armed, with guns in both hands, rushed into the restaurant with agility.

"Don't move, raise your hands!"

However, when more than a dozen members of the Qianlong team filed in, they found that almost everyone on the scene fell to the ground, and only one young man stood abruptly.

"Deputy team, the suspect has been identified, and that boy is Wu You."

Hearing this, a muscular young man with a gun looked at Wu You in the field.He frowned, not expecting the suspect to be so young.

(End of this chapter)

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