I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 22 Don't be rude

Chapter 22 Don't be rude
"Steel Qi body protection? Grandmaster of Stellar Energy!"

The burly young man looked in disbelief at the calm-looking boy in the field.

He saw with his own eyes just now that the bullet he fired was suddenly bounced off by an invisible force within a short distance.

How is this possible? Aren't all Gang Jin masters old men in their 80s and [-]s? There is no reason to step into Gang Jin at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

This is too perverted, no one will believe it if you tell it to anyone.However, the facts were right in front of him, and there was no room for him to doubt it.


A horrific scream resounded through the hall, and the burly young man suddenly came back to his senses and glanced over.

But he saw the big bald man who was still rolling and struggling on the ground, suddenly screamed, and then lay motionless on the ground, his eyes were loose and lifeless.

The burly young man hastily glanced at the scene, and found that at least three people had died, while his teammate Han Shuangyue was lying in the ruins far away, dying.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so inhumane, and he seems to have the strength of a powerful warrior. We are not his opponent at all, and we must seek support immediately."

The burly young man winked at the team member next to him, who nodded tacitly, and quietly took out the communicator.

But at this moment, Wu You, who had shattered Li Liancheng's brain with his spiritual power, turned around immediately, and walked towards Han Shuangyue in the distance with a smile.

"Not good! This murderer wants to attack Xiaoyue!"

The burly young man and a dozen Qianlong team members were shocked and rushed to Han Shuangyue desperately.In an instant, all the guns were aimed at the terrifying boy who was slowly approaching.

"I warn you, don't come any closer or we'll shoot!"

The burly young man held a gun and yelled to stop the road.

It's a pity that Wu You didn't pay any attention to it at all, and walked forward without a single pause.

"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, bullets hit Wu You continuously like raindrops, and the field was filled with gunpowder.

However, to the despair of the Qianlong team members, their attacks had no effect on the young man at all. All the bullets were bounced off by the protective energy around him, which could not stop his progress at all.

Until all the bullets were fired, the Qianlong team members threw away their pistols, pulled out all kinds of cold weapons on their backs and waists, and rushed towards Wu You without thinking about their own safety.

Seeing that they are all masters of dark energy!

"Boom bang bang..."

Following a series of beating sounds one after another, the members of Qianlong team were sent flying one by one without any suspense.

He fell to the ground and was no longer able to move.

He could only look at the murderous demon with tearing eyes, and walked towards the dying Han Shuangyue.

"Is he coming to kill me? It's no wonder why. Who told me to come to catch him?"

Looking at the figure that she has been brooding about since junior high school, Han Shuangyue couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.

At this moment, for some reason, I also felt a little relief.

It may be God's will to die in your hands in the end.

A moment later, Wu You came to Han Shuangyue's side, the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

Under the desperate eyes of the members of the Qianlong team, Wu You suddenly stretched out his palm and pressed it on the top of Han Shuangyue's head.


Seeing the actions of that terrifying boy, the members of the Qianlong team were bleeding from their hearts.

The onlookers were also taken aback, no one expected that the young man would be so cruel and brutal in front of the public.

And just as Han Shuangyue was waiting for death to come, she suddenly felt a gentle power pouring in from her head, and it spread all over her body in an instant.

In an instant, the pain in her body suddenly disappeared, replaced by bursts of coolness.

He is healing me with spiritual energy?
Han Shuangyue's heart was shocked, and she had mixed feelings.

A moment later, under the bewildered eyes of everyone, Wu You withdrew his palm.

"Bastard, I will fight with you!"

The burly young man with blood on the corner of his mouth suddenly stood up, raised his fist and rushed towards Wu You with a look of determination.

But at the next moment, Han Shuangyue, who was lying on the ground with a breath of air, suddenly turned over and stood up nimbly.

This skill does not look like a person who is seriously injured and dying.

Seeing this scene, the burly young man was taken aback, stopped immediately, and asked in a daze: "Xiaoyue, you, why did you stand up?"

"He saved me."

Han Shuangyue looked at Wu You coldly, but there was a storm in her heart.

She knew her own injuries well, even if there were experts who spared no effort to heal her injuries, or were admitted to a hospital with the highest level of medical care, she would not be able to get out of bed within a year or so.

And even if it is cured, it will leave irreparable dark wounds for life.

But at this time, under Wu You's treatment, her body miraculously recovered, and even the old diseases left by practicing martial arts since childhood were all cured.

This can't help but make Han Shuangyue more excited about the secret hidden in Wu You.

"He, was he healing you just now?"

The burly young man's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Everyone in the audience also trembled in their hearts, showing a look of astonishment.

It turned out that the boy was not trying to kill someone, but was saving someone.

The Qianlong team members also suddenly realized, and their eyes on the terrifying boy eased a lot.

"Okay, the things here are almost done, and it's time for me to go."

Wu You chuckled, turned around and was about to leave.


Han Shuangyue suddenly spoke, and said coldly: "You killed someone, I will arrest you."


Wu You turned to look at this glamorous girl who "revenges her kindness", shook her head and said with a smile, "You saw me kill someone? How did I do it?"

Han Shuangyue was taken aback when she heard the words, thinking back to Qin Yuanshan, Li Liancheng, and Zhang Yadong, it seemed that the deaths of Qin Yuanshan, Li Liancheng, and Zhang Yadong seemed unimaginable.

Wu You hardly made a move, and they died strangely.

Are you going to sue Wu You for using magic to kill people?
Even if she herself has no opinion, Huaxia's law will never recognize such an absurd conclusion.

And just when Han Shuangyue had nothing to say, the communicator on a Qianlong team member suddenly rang, and he immediately connected the call.

After a while, the team member came to Han Shuangyue with a surprised expression.

"The Korean team ordered that the arrest operation be stopped immediately. All members are not allowed to be rude to Mr. Wu, and those who violate it will be punished as treason!"

(End of this chapter)

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