I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 29 Martial Artist Family

Chapter 29 Martial Artist Family

"It turns out that he is so powerful. No wonder he dared to be so confident with the Qin family's uncle and nephew at the Duan family yesterday."

Duan Jiaqi pushed aside a strand of gold that was blocking her eyes, and looked at the boy she had cared about since she was a child with complicated emotions.

"It would be great if you weren't my brother-in-law..."

As soon as this idea appeared, Duan Jiaqi was startled suddenly and became flustered.

Han Shuangyue next to her looked at the young warriors who fell hard to the ground and covered their faces, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately no one was killed.

"Thank you."

Seeing Wu You walking back with a faint smile, Han Shuangyue couldn't help but be grateful.

"Okay, I'm full too, I can go."

Wu You wiped his mouth with a napkin and walked towards the stairwell.

Seeing this, Han Shuangyue wished that the evil god would leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and then followed with her straight and slender legs.

"and many more!"

Suddenly a black figure opened its arms and stopped Wu You. It was Duan Jiaqi in a black evening dress.

"What's the matter?" Wu You asked calmly.

Duan Jiaqi pursed her mouth, frowned slightly between her white brows, raised her finger to Han Shuangyue for a moment, and asked, "Who is she, and where are you going?"

"Her name is Han Shuangyue, my junior high school classmate."

Wu You said it casually, then thought for a while and said, "Now, we're going back to the apartment I rented."

"What? You are living together!"

Duan Jiaqi's originally big eyes, like water-cut pupils, instantly widened.

"It's not what you think……"

Han Shuangyue at the side suddenly felt her cheeks burn, and was about to explain, but was mercilessly interrupted by Duan Jiaqi.

"I don't listen, explaining is just covering up."

Duan Jiaqi stared at Wu You angrily, pouted and said, "As my brother-in-law, how can you live with other women.

I don't care, I can't let you do something sorry for my cousin, I want to go with you! "

After that, he flicked his long golden wavy hair, turned around and walked to the stairwell first.

Hearing this, Han Shuangyue only felt that the situation was a bit troublesome, and wanted to dissuade her but didn't know how to speak up.

But Wu You beside him didn't care at all, with his hands in his pockets, he didn't say anything, and walked forward calmly.

Seeing him like this, Han Shuangyue had no choice but to follow him.

Seeing the man and the woman flirting away from Lanyue Xuan, the people present didn't pay attention to people like themselves, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.But Naihe is really not his opponent, so he can only swallow his anger.

Xu Junchen, who fell to the ground, watched the three of them leave with lingering fear, and then let out a long breath.

That Wu You's strength is really too strong, even if he is prepared to face it head-on, he will definitely lose within three moves.

Shitou, it seems that brother can't help you this time, so let's do it ourselves.


Qi Tingting touched the hot palm print on her cheek, she, who had never been humiliated like this since she was a child, suddenly let out an earth-shattering scream.

"What bird, what a strange cry?"

Duan Jiaqi, who had already reached the gate on the first floor, looked up to the sky after hearing the sound, but found nothing.

The doorman parked the blue BMW in front of the door.

Under the shocked gaze of the welcoming lady from before, Wu You and the two peerless beauties got into the car together and drove away.


Above Jingxian Huating, in the largest private room of Lanyuexuan.

At this time, nearly twenty middle-aged men and women in formal attire were sitting around a large and elegant sandalwood table.

"Brother Qi, as the leader of all warriors in Jingxian, you have to make the decision for my apprentice who died tragically.

Yesterday, the youngest of the Wu family trampled to death my poor disciple Sun Zhenhu in front of everyone.

A curator of a martial arts school in my district is very light-hearted, so I can only trouble Brother Qi to come forward and seek justice from the Wu family for my apprentice..."

The Patriarch of the Qi Family, Qi Hongxun, who was sitting at the top, listened impatiently to the complaining of the Master of the Chengnan Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall.He couldn't help sneering in his heart, why was he asking for justice for his apprentice? He just wanted to take the opportunity to ask the Wu family for a sum of money.

It's just a daydream for him to ask Qi Hongxun to come forward for such a stupid matter!
If it wasn't for the banquet today, he would have sent the guests out of the house long ago, who would have the patience to listen to his nagging here.

But by the way, why hasn't the half-step master of the Qin family in Lingxi arrived yet? What time is it?

"Master Tian, ​​I know about this matter, and I will handle it as appropriate if I have time."

After Qi Hongxun finished speaking, he ignored the hesitant appearance of the owner of the Tian Pavilion, and said directly to the people present: "Let's talk about the business first while everyone is here.

In a few days, that place will start the three-year apprenticeship trial. "

When everyone in the venue heard "that place", they couldn't help being shocked, and there was a deep sense of awe in their eyes.

"For this apprenticeship trial, we have a total of three quotas in Jingxian City, and one of them has been pre-selected, so there are only two left."

After Qi Hongxun finished speaking, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

"The pre-determined person is Xu Junchen. That child has been gifted since he was a child, and he has stepped into dark energy at the age of 20. This honor is well-deserved."

"I seem to have heard that Xu Junchen has married Brother Qi's daughter. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Oh? That's really congratulations to Patriarch Qi. With such a good son-in-law, the Qi family will surely be more prosperous in the future."

"Congratulations, Brother Qi..."

Hearing everyone's flattering words, Qi Hongxun smiled triumphantly.

After a while, he waved his hand, put away his smile and said solemnly: "Nowadays, the young people in the family of warriors must be gearing up and eager to try.

In this special period, as elders, we must strictly control our children, and we must not fight fiercely at this critical moment.In case of being injured and delaying the trial, the loss outweighs the gain. "

When everyone sitting here heard the words, they all nodded in agreement.

Qi Hongxun nodded in satisfaction, and was about to say something more when suddenly a woman's scream came from outside the house.

Hearing the cry, Qi Hongxun's face suddenly changed, he jumped up, and rushed out the door with a shadow.

Everyone in the arena was also shocked, and hurriedly got up and followed.

When Qi Hongxun came to the scene of the incident, he couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw a group of young warriors lying on the ground, among them were Xu Junchen and his precious daughter Qi Tingting.

Quickly walking to his daughter's side, Qi Hongxun realized that Qi Tingting, who had been crying until she was in tears, had a swollen face with five bright red fingerprints.

"Who did this!"

Qi Hongxun's face turned red immediately, thunderbolt was furious.

When everyone in the private room came to the venue, they were instantly shocked by the scene in front of them.

These young men and women who fell on the ground are all elites in Jing Xian's circle of warriors, and they are the successors that the major warrior families focus on training.

At this time, except for Xu Junchen who was seriously injured and vomiting blood, almost all the children of the family who fell on the ground had swollen faces, and the bright red palm marks were clearly visible.

Who is so bold, dare to do such a rebellious thing!
This is not only a slap in the face of this group of young children, but also a slap in the face of all the Jingxian family, this matter must not be kind.

"Uncle Qi, seniors, please make the decision for us. We were plotted against by that young master of the Wu family, Wu You!"

Xu Junchen resisted the severe pain in his abdomen, and gritted his teeth.

After all, a cold killing intent flashed across his eyes.

Those surnamed Wu, you have offended the entire Jingxian warrior world, let me see how you die!
(End of this chapter)

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