I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 30 Student Apartments

Chapter 30 Student Apartments
Downstairs of an apartment building near Jingxian No. [-] Middle School, Wu You, Han Shuangyue, and Duan Jiaqi got out of the car.

Along the way, the three of them didn't speak much. Wu You, who was sitting in the back row, kept closing his eyes and looking inside, wondering what he was thinking.

Sitting next to him, Duan Jiaqi stared at Han Shuangyue vigilantly with round light blue eyes like a little Persian cat, as if trying to see something tricky from her.

Han Shuangyue, who was driving, still had a cold face, but her eyes glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time, looking at the doll-like Duan Jiaqi, her hands were itchy...

After getting off the car, Wu You went straight to the entrance of the corridor, but Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi hesitated.

Regardless of their identities, after all, they are still girls of sixteen or seventeen years old, so they will naturally feel conflicted in their hearts if they just live in a boy's house so casually.

And I heard that the boys' dormitories are all dirty and messy, and there may even be some "odor".

This made the two beautiful girls, who are ladies of the family, shake their hearts.

"The elevator is almost here. If you don't come, I will go up."

Standing in the elevator room, Wu You calmly said to the two women who were hesitating at the entrance of the corridor.

Hearing this, Han Shuangyue gritted her teeth and walked in resolutely.

Seeing Han Shuangyue go in, Duan Jiaqi, of course unwilling to let her go, snorted angrily, stomped her feet and followed closely, and the three immediately stepped into the elevator.

While Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi waited anxiously, the slowly ascending elevator finally stopped.

As soon as the door was opened, the two women realized that this floor turned out to be a single family, and only one family's electronic anti-theft door faced the elevator.

And when Wu You stepped forward to open the door of the apartment, went in and turned on the light.Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi, who followed behind her, couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of them.

It is completely different from what I imagined. Look at the spacious and tidy living room covered with solid wood floors. There is a huge space with three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. The European-style furniture decoration and all the high-end electrical appliances are all there. Does not reveal style and luxury.

But this is not a student apartment, it is comparable to a star hotel.

"How much is the monthly rent here?"

Han Shuangyue asked in a daze.

Wu You heard the words and thought for a while, then said casually, "More than 3."


Han Shuangyue was startled suddenly, and then she looked indignant.No wonder when this guy was in Jingxian Huating, Qi Tingting said that he had no money to pay the rent.Nima lives in this kind of place, who can pay for the average person!
Sure enough, he is a dude, and his desire for extravagance is unreasonable.

Duan Jiaqi on the side quickly adapted to it. She is a daughter of a family and has been abroad for many years. She is no stranger to this kind of wealthy lifestyle.

"There is a dedicated person cleaning and tidying up here every day, so you can pick any room you want."

After finishing speaking, Wu You sat on the soft and spacious sofa, and was about to close his eyes and look inside, but was interrupted by a "cuckoo" sound.

Looking along, I saw Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi covering their stomachs with embarrassment.

"Didn't you eat just now? I'm a little bit full."

As Wu You said, he burped.

"What do you say!"

When Han Shuangyue saw this guy who knew what he was asking, she couldn't get angry.Just now in Lanyuexuan, you ate and drank enough by yourself, and then you slapped your ass and left after the trouble, completely disregarding other people's feelings, it is really abhorrent.

"Okay, there should be some food in the kitchen, if not enough, you can order takeaway yourself. Remember, don't bother me anymore."

After all, ignoring the two girls, Wu You closed his eyes.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Seeing him like this, Han Shuangyue presumably was performing the rumored breathing technique.Enviously looking at Duan Jiaqi beside her, a rare smile appeared on her indifferent face and said:

"Little sister, go pick a room first, I'll go to the kitchen to see what to eat."

"Hmph, who is the little sister, do you have long legs!"

Duan Jiaqi glanced at Han Shuangyue's slender legs, with envy and jealousy in her eyes, she snorted dissatisfied, turned and ran to choose a room.

"so cute……"

Looking at Duan Jiaqi's petite and lovely figure, Han Shuangyue felt her heart melt instantly.

At this time, Wu You had already started to look inside, and saw the two cyan source points in his dantian, which were constantly revolving around the Qi of Absolute Beginning.

One after another spiritual energy gushes out from the source point endlessly, and is absorbed by the Qi of Absolute Beginning one by one.

However, there was only a trace of primordial energy, and a second trace has begun to appear faintly.

"Grandpa Duan and Tao Xiaomeng are really people with great perseverance, and they have been practicing Guiyuan Supplementary Volume for almost two days.

Especially Tao Xiaomeng, who can persevere in each practice for a long time. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand the interference of the inner demons, and he will stop practicing exercises to recuperate. "

Wu You couldn't help admiring secretly, and at the same time felt that he should find some more people to practice the Returning to the Source Kung Fu.

In order to avenge his previous life and make those who humiliated and persecuted him in the previous life pay the price they deserved, he must obtain sufficient strength as soon as possible.

It would be fine if he just dealt with the Liu family, but his intuition told him that everything was not that simple, and there must be some deeper secret hidden behind it.

In order to understand the truth of the year, he can't recruit disciples with great fanfare now, so as not to overwhelm others.

Because I am practicing the number one exercise in the universe, although I am in the Qi cultivation state at this time, it is equivalent to the initial stage of ordinary exercises.

In Wu You's eyes, the so-called warrior system in modern society is just a joke. It's just changing the name of the practice system.

For example, the cultivation state of a practitioner is divided into four stages: initial stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak stage.

Correspondingly, there are four levels of warriors: Ming Jin, An Jin, Hua Jin, and Gang Jin.

According to that Qin Yuanfeng, the ancient warrior above the ordinary warrior should be the Qi training period after the Qi Cultivation Realm.

And this so-called ancient warrior is already the most powerful existence in this era.

In other words, the most powerful ancient warrior in the world at this time is only equivalent to the peak of the practitioner's Qi training period.

That is to say, as long as he breaks through from the qi cultivation state to the qi training stage, and his true strength reaches the level of ordinary practitioners at the foundation establishment stage, he will be invincible in this world!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Wu You's mouth, and he ended the inner look.

At this moment, a tempting aroma of food suddenly came from the kitchen.

Wu You then opened his eyes and stood up, Wen Xiang walked into the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw two large plates of fried noodles on the dining table, filled with shrimps, ham, eggs, shredded pork and various diced vegetables, bursting with aroma.

At this time, Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi were sitting at the dining table, eating with chopsticks.

Seeing the two girls devouring their food, Wu You couldn't help coughing lightly.

Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi looked up at Wu You upon hearing the sound.

"This, what about this seat?"

(End of this chapter)

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