I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 313 Sit on the Diaoyutai

Chapter 313 Sit on the Diaoyutai

"Is this the home of the leader of the potential dragon team?"

The foreign middle-aged man asked very coldly with a sullen face.

"Mr. Bill, according to the information obtained from the Dingxiang Building, the female student named Su Xiaoxi should live here last night."

Yang Bailong said in a low voice, then looked up at the three-story building with the door open.

In an instant, he saw Su Xiaoxi standing in the living room.Immediately, he quickly pointed to the inside of the door, and said as if asking for credit:

"Mr. Bill, it's her! She is the younger sister of the leader of the Qianlong team yesterday!"

Hearing this, the foreigner named Bill looked at him with dark eyes.

In the living room, a pure-looking girl was looking at him cautiously.

But beside him, there was only a girl and a boy.

Bill then snorted coldly, and shouted at Su Xiaoxi in a deep voice:
"The captain of the Qianlong team last night is your brother? Where is he now?"

At this moment, Su Xiaoxi heard the foreigner's question, and stepped forward resolutely, blocking Wu You and Su Qiqi.

Some nervously said:
"What do you want to do? My brother has something to go out, please leave quickly!"

"What do we want to do?"

Bill narrowed his eyes, stared at Su Xiaoxi coldly, and said with great resentment:
"Your brother killed a member of our Freemasons last night, and that person is my own brother!
What do you think I am here today! "

Looking at the incomparably ferocious face of the foreigner, Su Qiqi in the living room couldn't help trembling all over.

These people really came for revenge!

Su Xiaoxi also had cold hands and feet, it seems that this time it is really doomed.

"Xiaoyou, Qiqi, I'll hold them back later, you run away from the back window quickly, do you hear me?"

Su Xiaoxi said in a low voice.

"But sister, you..."

Su Qiqi looked at Su Xiaoxi's back with a sad face, she understood that her sister wanted to sacrifice herself to fight for a way out for them.

And at this moment, Yang Bailong, who was standing not far away, seemed to have expected their thoughts, and said with a sneer:

"Don't waste time, this place is already surrounded by us, you can't escape today!"

Afterwards, Yang Bailong's eyes lit up, he pointed to Wu You behind Su Xiaoxi, and said to Bill Jones as if offering a treasure:

"Look, Mr. Bill, that kid is the fat sheep I told you about! I didn't expect this guy with a lot of money to be here, so lucky!"

Hearing this, Bill Jones took advantage of the situation and looked towards the living room, the young man sitting at the table with a calm expression, as if nothing happened.

"Hmph, bumbling guy."

Bill snorted contemptuously, then licked the corner of his mouth, and ordered:

"Try to capture that brat alive later, a fat sheep like this will definitely get a large ransom afterwards!"

Then he looked at Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi, sneered cruelly and said:
"As for those two little girls, it's up to you to decide whether you will play alive or die soon!"

Hearing this, a group of foreign thugs holding miniature submachine guns all around stared at the hall with bright eyes, and the two sisters, one big and one small, couldn't help but burst into obscene smiles.

And hearing that ferocious laughter, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi shivered involuntarily, feeling chills all over their bodies, terrified.

"Hmph, that damned guy dared to kill my younger brother, today I will kill his younger sister first.

Also let him experience the pain of losing a loved one!
When he comes back and sees the bodies of his two younger sisters, his expression will definitely be wonderful! "

Bill Jones grinned grimly, pointed at the three people in the living room, and ordered coldly:
"Come in and kill me!"

Hearing the sound, the foreign thugs who were already impatient all around immediately took action.

All with weird smiles, they rushed towards the hall together.

It seemed that he already knew that the girl standing in the front was a master warrior.

Although these foreigners with guns had relaxed smiles on their faces, they were well-trained in action and concentrated in spirit.

I won't give that chick a chance!
"Xiaoyou, Kiki, go upstairs!"

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxi hurriedly said.

Facing the cold muzzles of the guns, as a dark warrior, she had no room to resist at all.

Now I just want to delay for a while, maybe when my brother comes, Xiaoyou and Qiqi will be saved.

Su Qiqi heard her sister's words and knew that staying here would not help the matter, and might even drag her down.

Then he turned around and wanted to run upstairs.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that Wu You was indifferent, and was still sitting at the table picking up vegetables...

Wu, Master Wu, is he out of fright?
What time is this, and he still has the mind to eat there.

Oh my god, isn't this just death?
"Master Wu, don't eat, those foreigners have guns, hurry up and go upstairs!"

Su Qiqi said anxiously.

However, no matter what she said, Wu You ignored her, and still sat on the Diaoyutai.

It was as if everything that happened around him had nothing to do with him.

And at this moment, those uninvited guests who broke into the courtyard also noticed the abnormal behavior of the young man in the hall, and immediately sneered.

It seemed that the kid was too frightened to walk, but he was still pretending to be calm.

This is downright ridiculous.

If it wasn't for the Minister's order to keep alive, they would have killed that pretending kid long ago.

In the same way, if they didn't want to capture that innocent girl alive, and didn't want to waste that beautiful body, they would have already beaten her into a sieve.

After all, a bloody corpse is not very "fun".

Thinking of this, a group of gunmen approached the hall slowly and confidently, with more and more smiles on their faces.

Right at this critical juncture.


A huge roar suddenly sounded from outside the courtyard.

Immediately under the shocking eyes of everyone.

A black motorcycle suddenly soared into the sky and flew over the courtyard wall.

And just above it, there is a mighty young man like an iron tower holding two guns with a grim expression.

The next moment he pulled the trigger, he poured out his anger on those foreign murderers below him!

"Bang bang bang..."

Immediately, continuous gunshots erupted in the field!

With a loud noise, the black motorcycle overtook the crowd and just landed in front of the small building.

The mighty young man on it rushed into the living room and closed the door.

Until then, six or seven of the foreign militants who had approached the small building were shot and fell to the ground, screaming and moaning.

Seeing this shocking scene, Yang Bailong, who was standing not far away, gasped and blurted out:
"That's him, the one who killed Mr. Jones last night was the one just now!"

Hearing this, Bill Jones beside him was stunned, and then looked at the subordinate who had been shot and fell to the ground, and suddenly flew into a rage.

"Go! Give me all! Get rid of those damn Huaxia people!"

(End of this chapter)

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