I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 314 The Great Change of Living People

Chapter 314 The Great Change of Living People
Hearing the sound, all the foreign elements with guns at the scene rushed towards the small building with a closed gate with ferocious faces.

At this time, Su Fanglie, who had just broken through the enemy formation and rushed into the living room, saw that his two younger sisters were safe and sound, and immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Brother, you are finally back, you really scared me to death just now."

Su Qiqi said in a crying voice.

"That's right, brother, those villains are so arrogant, they dare to commit murder in broad daylight, it's really deceiving!"

Su Xiaoxi said angrily.

"Don't talk so much, you all go upstairs first. I came back first by myself, and the Qianlong team will have to wait a little longer to arrive.

We have to get through this time on our own and must not die here! "

Saying that with a determined expression, Su Fang swiftly replaced the two guns in his hand with new magazines.

The cat leaned forward and walked quickly to the window on the first floor, ready to shoot and kill those foreigners who dared to approach.

At this time, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi looked at each other, knowing that staying here would only cause trouble for her brother, so they followed the advice and went upstairs to escape.

However, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that Wu You was still sitting on the spot, and had no intention of leaving at all.

"Master Wu, it's too dangerous here, hurry up and go upstairs!"

Su Qiqi shouted eagerly.

"Yes, Xiaoyou, let's get out of here quickly, don't let my brother worry about the future."

Su Xiaoxi also frowned sharply.

And until this time, Wu You finally tasted all the dishes on the table.Then he raised his head, smiled lightly and said:

"Aren't you too nervous, don't worry, with me here, no one can do anything to you.

Just sit down and watch the show. "

As he spoke, he pointed to the empty teacup on the table, and smiled lightly at Su Xiaoxi:
"Pour me another cup of tea."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi was taken aback.I don't know why, but after hearing his words, my originally extremely nervous heart relaxed a lot unconsciously.

It seemed that as long as there was this young man, all difficulties and obstacles could be easily solved.

"Okay, okay."

Su Xiaoxi nodded blankly, and under Su Qiqi's astonished gaze, she involuntarily picked up the teapot from the side, came to the table and poured tea for Wu You.

And at this moment, Su Fanglie, who was squatting under the window, suddenly turned around.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, he was furious and said:

"What are you messing around with! Hurry up and go upstairs!"

Then he gritted his teeth and looked at Wu You, angrily said:
"You don't want to live anymore, don't drag my sister on your back!"

Hearing this harsh reprimand, Su Xiaoxi immediately reacted.The teapot in his hand almost fell to the ground.

That's right, Xiaoyou is only a young boy, what ability does he have to stop those foreigners with guns.

And at this moment, Wu You looked at Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi, and said with a playful smile:
"Don't you call me a magician, then I'll show you a big transformation now."

As he spoke, Wu You waved his hand with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then under the incredulous eyes of Su Qiqi and Su Xiaoxi.

A white-haired girl in a blue high-necked windbreaker suddenly appeared in front of them.

This, how is this possible?

He stared in amazement at the stunning girl with long pure white hair, snowy skin, and even pale pupils.

Both Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi couldn't help being shocked.

This, is this still a magic show?It's really unbelievable that a living person can really be transformed out of thin air.

"Really, you really deserve to be Master Wu who defeated the international magicians. He really is extraordinary!"

Su Qiqi couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Su Fanglie also turned his head and saw the white-haired girl who suddenly appeared, and then asked in shock:
"Who is she? How did she appear here?"

Hearing this, Wu You smiled lightly and said, "She should be regarded as my servant."

And at the next moment, the white-haired girl suddenly bowed to Wu You and said:
"Ye Muxue pays respects to Master."

Hearing this, the Su brothers and sisters were all stunned.

Such a beautiful girl full of immortality and beauty is just Wu You's servant?

It's also incredible.

"Get up."

Wu You said casually.

Ye Muxue straightened up as she said, and asked respectfully:

"Master, you asked me to come out, do you have any orders?"

"Go and kill all those annoying guys outside, and you've made up for it."

After Wu You finished speaking calmly, he picked up the tea in front of him and tasted it.

But upon hearing this, Ye Muxue was instantly elated, and hurriedly nodded and said:

"Yes, Master."

After all, Ye Muxue suddenly turned around and walked towards the door under the incredulous eyes of the Su brothers and sisters.

And just when she was about to open the hall door, a roar suddenly came from the side.

"Stop! What are you trying to do!"

The person who spoke was none other than Su Fanglie.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and scolded Wu You angrily: "Are you really crazy! It's really abhorrent to let a little girl go out to die!"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi were also at a loss in their hearts.

It's hard to understand why Wu You did this, it's simply too inhumane.

Now outside, there is a group of vicious gangsters besieging.

As long as this weak white-haired girl goes out, she will be exposed to countless gunpoints, and she will definitely die!
However, Wu You at this time simply ignored the gazes of other people, and still sipped the tea in his hand.

Seeing this, Su Fanglie was immediately furious.

That guy is really a selfish playboy, completely disregarding other people's life and death.

And just when he wanted to personally stop that white-haired girl from doing something stupid.

But it was too late.

There was only a "squeak", and the door had been opened by him.

It's over, it's over!
Su Fanglie suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his face was ashen.

And at this moment, many foreign murderers who were gradually approaching in the courtyard saw the door of the small building suddenly opened again.

Immediately, all the muzzles of the guns aimed at the past.

But when they were about to shoot, they suddenly found a white-haired beautiful girl with a detached temperament, walking out of the door empty-handed.

Looking at the slim, beautiful girl like a princess from a fairy tale, for a moment, everyone stopped the desire to shoot.

When he saw this incomparably stunning white-haired girl, Bill Jones' eyes lit up immediately, and a lewd smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

Are they all freaked out?To let such a delicate little girl come out to be shot, is really violent!

"Don't shoot yet, go up and catch that chick for me personally."

Bill Jones licked the corner of his mouth and suddenly ordered.

It was said that a burly foreign assailant, seeing that lovely white-haired girl, had already bypassed the motorcycle in front of the door and walked up to him.

Then he stepped forward with a smirk, held a gun in one hand, stretched out the other huge palm, and grabbed it impatiently.

And at the next moment, there was only a "poof".

Under everyone's shocking and inexplicable eyes.

A broken arm fell to the ground with a "pop"...

(End of this chapter)

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