I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 349 You are not worthy

Chapter 349 You are not worthy
As soon as the words fell, the whole hall was suddenly shocked.

No one thought that Master Wu would dare to utter wild words in public. This is simply asking for death!

What a respected status Mr. Xing is, how can a junior be so humiliated.

At this time, Su Fanglie, Long Zhenhua and the others were also frightened.

Wu You's words are even more embarrassing than cursing!
To actually want an ancient martial artist in the Martial Saint Realm to worship him as a teacher, I really don't know where that kid made a mistake to act so boldly.

Isn't this suicidal!

At this time, Qiu Chenfeng, who had just arrived at the venue, couldn't help being shocked when he heard the brazen words.

Then he looked in surprise at the young man in the stands.

But at the next moment, Qiu Chenfeng, who was originally smiling, gradually turned cold.

Hmph, this kid looks like a dog, but he doesn't have much cultivation.

How dare you humiliate your master in public, it is really abhorrent!
For a moment, everyone in the audience looked at Master Wu with pity.

I'm afraid that this young man who is not afraid of tigers at birth will soon pay the price for his words and deeds.

Sure enough, as soon as Wu You's words fell, a thunderous roar resounded through the entire hall.

"Presumptuous! A brat who doesn't know etiquette dares to provoke this old man over and over again.

Do you really think that I dare not take your life! "

Immediately, old Xing's eyes shot coldly, and he stared at that sharp-toothed kid.If it wasn't because of his identity, he would have already torn his body into thousands of pieces.

Hearing the sound, Long Zhenhua's heart tightened immediately, and he quickly said:

"Calm down, Mr. Xing. I think this is just a momentary remark of that young man. Please don't be so fussy with a child."

Then, he quickly turned around and looked at Wu You, and said anxiously:

"Apologize to Mr. Xing soon!"

"That's right, Master Wu. If a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, you should admit your mistake to Mr. Xing."

Su Fanglie, who was afraid that Wu You would be vented by Mr. Xing, also whispered anxiously.

However, Wu You at this moment was not moved at all.

Still looking at the white-bearded old man in the field with a calm expression, he said with a half-smile:
"Why, are you afraid of losing, so you dare not accept this seat's conditions?"

Hearing this, Mr. Xing, who was furious, was startled for a moment, and then became furious!

Pointing at Wu You suddenly, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Seeing this, Long Zhenhua, Su Fanglie and others immediately paled in shock.

How could they have never imagined that not only did Wu You not apologize to Mr. Xing and admit his mistakes, but he actually humiliated him even more. This is simply killing him.

"Bold madman! How dare you insult my master again and again, it's really treasonous!"

Suddenly, Qiu Chenfeng scolded in a cold voice.

Immediately, the figure jumped, and with an afterimage, he quickly came to the arena in the center of the hall.

Then he stretched out his arm imposingly, pointed at the domineering young man in the stands, and said arrogantly:
"Of course my master will not lower his status and teach you personally, so let me do it for you!

If you have the ability, you will end up fighting with me now, and see how I can deal with you on behalf of the master! "

Hearing the sound, there was another commotion in the audience.

No one expected that Qiu Chenfeng would actually challenge that Master Wu at this moment, which was really beyond everyone's expectations.

However, as the most powerful Huajin warrior among all the young members of Qianlong Base, he does have the ability to challenge anyone.

At this time, Wu You glanced at Qiu Chenfeng in the field, shook his head and said with a light smile:
"Want to challenge this seat? You are not worthy yet."

Hearing these extremely mocking words, Qiu Chenfeng suddenly became angry, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"What a brazen brat, do you really think you are great, I..."

"Okay, Chen Feng, there's no need to talk nonsense with this guy anymore."

Elder Xing, who suppressed his anger, suddenly interrupted Qiu Chenfeng's words.

Then he looked at Wu You coldly, and said with an extremely gloomy expression:

"What a brat who doesn't cry until he sees the coffin, today the old man will convince you to lose!
No matter what the conditions are, the old man will agree.But if your apprentice loses later, you are ready to spend the rest of your life in bed! "

Hearing Mr. Xing's cold and ruthless threat, everyone in the audience couldn't help but palpitate.

Su Fanglie and Long Zhenhua in the stands also showed an unprecedented look of helplessness at this time.

At this point, even if the chief comes back in time, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop Lao Xing's anger.

"This is the end of the game. It seems that Mr. Xing is serious. I'm afraid that Master Wu will not be able to protect himself."

Zhang Hai shook his head helplessly.

"I don't think so. That supermodel sister is also very powerful. It's hard to say who will win."

Su Qiqi said with an unconvinced face.

"Yes, I believe that the disciples taught by Xiaoyou must be extraordinary, and they will definitely not lose!"

Although Su Xiaoxi was also worried, she still said stubbornly.

Hearing this, Sun Ying on the side sighed sadly: "Qiqi, Xiao Xi, you don't know how strong that Qiu Chenfeng is. I'm afraid Han Shuangyue won't be his opponent."

Hearing these words, Su Qiqi and Su Xiaoxi couldn't help showing sadness.

Is Wu You really sure to lose?

But at this moment, Wu You on the stand suddenly stood up, and smiled calmly towards the gloomy old man with white beard:

"Since you have changed people in this competition, then this seat should also be changed."

After all, under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Wu You waved his hand lightly.

Immediately, a short-haired girl in a white gauze skirt and a face scarf suddenly appeared from behind Wu You.

Seeing this weird scene, everyone in the audience was stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Hey, what's going on? Why is there someone behind him out of thin air?"

"Yeah, haven't you seen this masked girl just now?"

"No way, transforming into a living person? Although this Master Wu is a magician, this is too ridiculous, can he really transform into a person?"

All of a sudden, there were discussions in the field.

Seeing this, Mr. Xing couldn't help but frown. It was obvious that the brat was alone just now, why suddenly, another person walked out from behind him?
Are you dazzled?Never noticed that girl?
Well, I should have been pissed off by this brat, it's really hateful!

Let's see how the old man will abolish you later!
At this time, the two sisters Su Qiqi and Su Xiaoxi were no longer surprised by this "big transformation".

I'm just a little curious, how could Wu You have so many beautiful girls by his side...

Seeing this, Long Zhenhua standing in the field rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and said in great surprise:
"There was Han Shuangyue just now, and now there is a masked girl, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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