Chapter 350

"Long Dui, it seems that this Master Wu's origin and identity must be extraordinary. No matter what, we can't let Mr. Xing lynch him."

Su Fanglie said anxiously.

Hearing this, Long Zhenhua also became serious.There are indeed many secrets hidden in this Master Wu, and there must be no mistakes before the investigation is clear.

And when everyone in the field was puzzled, Wu You looked at the masked girl in front of him with a faint smile, and asked with great interest:
"Xiaomeng, why did you put the face towel on again?"

Hearing this, Tao Xiaomeng, who had just come out of the chaotic space and was looking at the surrounding environment curiously, immediately turned around.

Then he pointed to the face scarf on his face and said with a light smile, "Brother, no, Master, you said that.

I think I still wear a face scarf, and I feel like a heroine, so I put it on again.

But if Master doesn't like it, I won't wear it. "

Tao Xiaomeng said, without hesitation, she took off the scarf covering her face.

Immediately, a face that is as beautiful as a fairy, and that can overwhelm the country and the city, is displayed in front of the world!
"My God, that little sister is so pretty. I've never seen such a beautiful face."

Su Xiaoxi looked at the slim girl with short hair, and couldn't help but praise from the bottom of her heart.

"Yeah, what a beautiful young lady! If she starts a live broadcast, she will definitely become a popular first-line anchor!"

Su Qiqi also couldn't help but speak.Then he suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise:
"Huh? She, isn't she one of the four girls singing and dancing when they were on tour in Liuzhou Satellite TV?

My God, Master Wu won't take all the people in that girl group.It seems, there seems to be a mixed-race loli..."

In an instant, looking at the girl's extraordinary beauty, everyone in the audience couldn't help but gasp in amazement and sigh.

"You guys give me peace!"

Xing Lao suddenly shouted in a deep voice, then stared at Wu You coldly, and said coldly:

"What do you mean? Who is that little girl?"

"It's nothing interesting, it's just a substitution in midfield, didn't you also change it?"

Wu You smiled lightly, then patted Tao Xiaomeng's head lightly, and said with a playful smile:

"This is my big apprentice. If that disciple of yours can beat her, then I will be considered a loser."

Hearing this, Mr. Xing was startled for a moment, and then looked at the short-haired girl.

I saw that although this girl had an excellent temperament, she should be younger than Han Shuangyue, only about fifteen or sixteen years old.

It's unreasonable that that nasty brat would let such a fledgling girl play instead of Han Shuangyue!
But with the previous lesson, although Mr. Xing was very disdainful, he didn't dare to underestimate it too much.

Then he asked the girl unobtrusively:

"Little girl, are you a warrior?"

Hearing this, Tao Xiaomeng turned to look at the old man with white beard, then nodded politely and said:

"Yes, Grandpa, I just became a warrior."

Hearing this, Mr. Xing couldn't help being taken aback, then frowned and asked:

"What do you mean by just becoming a martial artist? How many years have you been practicing martial arts?"

"Well, let me think about it, please."

After speaking, Tao Xiaomeng lowered her head slightly, then suddenly raised her head after a while, and said seriously:

"Grandpa, I have been a warrior for almost 20 days."


Hearing this, Mr. Xing's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he asked: "Have you never learned martial arts since childhood?"


Tao Xiaomeng shook her head and said blankly:
"I just entered the second year of high school this year and have been studying in school. I didn't become a martial artist until I met Master more than half a month ago."

Hearing this, Mr. Xing, who has decades of rich experience and experience, can naturally see that the girl is not lying.

But let a girl who has practiced martial arts for less than 20 days challenge herself to a closed disciple who has worked hard for more than ten years since she was a child.

Is that kid surnamed Wu really crazy?

Or give up on yourself, have completely given up hope.That's why he sent a layman who didn't even know a fart to humiliate himself.

Thinking of this, Mr. Xing was suddenly furious, and asked Wu You in a deep voice:

"What do you mean, you actually let a layman who hasn't practiced martial arts for 20 days fight, is it to embarrass the old man on purpose!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience frowned.

It's really too much for Wu You to do so.

Although Han Shuangyue, who is in the early stage of Huajin, should not be Qiu Chenfeng's opponent, but at least he still has the power to fight.

But let a novice who has just been exposed to martial arts not long ago, go to fight Qiu Chenfeng who is in the middle stage of transformation.

What is there to compare it to?Does it make sense?
It seems that Master Wu is really at the end of his rope, and now he can only rely on some low-level tricks to hold on.

"Oh, it's time for this farce to end."

Long Zhenhua shook his head helplessly.

"That's right, it's really unwise for Master Wu to do so."

Su Fanglie also said with some disappointment.

Listening to the accusatory words in the field, Su Xiaoxi and Su Qiqi couldn't help but looked at each other, and both showed worried expressions.

But at this time, Qiu Chenfeng, who was standing in the arena, had just recovered from the stunning face of the short-haired girl.

Immediately after discovering the abnormalities around, after listening to the discussion for a while.Only then did I learn that that arrogant kid wanted a layman who had practiced martial arts for less than 20 days to compete with him.

This is simply insulting myself and my master in public!

It's so nasty!

But at this moment, facing Mr. Xing's cold questioning, Wu You still looked normal.A faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth and said:
"You have asked so many questions, I only ask you one question, do you dare to fight?"

Hearing this, Elder Xing was furious.Immediately, he stared at Wu You with a ferocious face, and said word by word through gritted teeth:

"Okay, since you want to lose so much, this old man will help you!

But I have something to say first, what I told you just now, after losing, I will do everything! "

After finishing speaking extremely angrily, Mr. Xing turned his head to look at Qiu Chenfeng in the martial arts arena, and said in a deep voice:

"Chen Feng, come up, you don't need to be in the arena to deal with a layman.

Just go straight over and subdue that little girl. "

"Yes, Master."

Qiu Chenfeng said respectfully, and then looked at the nasty guy on the stage who only knew how to play tricks.

Hmph, just wait for me to see how Master will punish you!
Then he looked to his side, that slim, beautiful girl with an alluring appearance.

Immediately, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

It's such a pity for such a beautiful young lady to follow that guy who can only play tricks.

Let me tell you later, who is the real strong

Thinking of this, Qiu Chenfeng's mouth curled into a charming smile again.

(End of this chapter)

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