I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 378 Demonstrate strength

Chapter 378 Demonstrate strength
He saw the strong Caucasian man who was more than two meters tall and looked like a giant tower.With an incomparably stunning power, he walked towards Wu You in the field.

Wang Bowen and a group of foreign elements suddenly showed cruel smiles.

As the personal guard of Chairman Ellis, Voslu's strength should not be underestimated.It is said that there are nearly a hundred Chinese warrior masters who died in his hands.

Among them is Grandmaster Gang Jin!

And just when Voslu was about to come to Wu You.

A disdainful discourse suddenly sounded in the field.

"Just because you are not qualified to let my master take action!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

The person who spoke was actually the white-bearded old man who followed Wang Boya.

But it was Xing Weizhou!

"Who is this old man? How could he call Mr. Wu Master?"

Looking at the white-bearded old man with aloof temperament in the field, Wang Jiansen asked suspiciously.

"never seen it."

"I do not know"

Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu shook their heads again and again, neither of them knew the identity of the old man.

I don't even know why he called Mr. Wu Master, which is really unbelievable.

"Hmph, are you really crazy, old man! How dare you speak wild words to me, are you impatient after living for a long time?"

Voslu suddenly shouted angrily at the white-bearded old man.

Immediately, everyone in the Tongji Society burst into laughter.

"Is this dry old man stupid? To stand up for that brat, he really courts death!"

"Isn't it? Just now he called that little ghost Master. Now even that kid can't protect himself, so what can he do as an apprentice? It's really ridiculous!"

"A kid, an old man, is it possible that only these old, weak, sick and disabled are left in China? I laughed so hard, hahaha..."

And after hearing the unscrupulous ridicule and humiliation around him, Xing Weizhou, who was already very irritable and stubborn, and had a high self-esteem, suddenly became furious!

Then he smiled angrily at the strong white man and said:
"Okay, okay, the old man will let you see today, if I am an old man, am I speaking wild words!"

As soon as the words fell, under the astonished eyes of everyone.

The robe on Xing Weizhou's body suddenly swayed without wind!
Immediately, an earth-shattering aura burst out suddenly!

Suddenly, the entire hall of the villa seemed to start shaking.

Seeing this incredible scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, inexplicably shocked!
They never imagined that the "immortal" would have such a shocking power.

This is incredible!
"Ancient Martial Artist! This, how is this possible?"

Looking at the majestic white-bearded old man in the field, Ellis suddenly said in surprise.

Upon hearing this, everyone in the hall was shocked.

No one thought that the white-bearded old man would be an ancient martial artist whose strength far surpassed that of Grandmaster Gang Jin!
That is the peak combat power of the entire China!
No wonder he was so arrogant and domineering just now, it was because of his strength!
"It turns out that this old man is an ancient warrior. That's great. We're saved this time."

After Wang Jiansen learned of Xing Weizhou's identity, he immediately felt relieved.

Seeing this, Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay, and were shocked in their hearts.

They never thought that the white-bearded old man who claimed to be Mr. Wu's apprentice would be an ancient martial artist at the Martial Saint Realm, which was really unexpected.

At this time, Voslu was also suddenly dumbfounded, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Now that you know the strength of this old man, tell me who is tired of working!"

Xing Weizhou stared coldly at the stupefied strong white man, and sternly reprimanded him.

After all, without any hesitation, Xing Weizhou immediately stepped towards him, intending to kill him completely!

Seeing this, Voslu suddenly came to his senses, and then wanted to back away.

But at the next moment, he suddenly found that his body seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't move at all!
Imprisonment!He is really an ancient warrior!
Seeing this, Voslu was even more shocked.

Then he tried hard to break free, but it didn't work.

"Hmph, little bastard, I'll make you crazy again! Get ready to go to hell and repent!"

With a sneer, Xing Weizhou slowly approached the strong white man.

However, at the next moment, Voslu's original horrified expression suddenly changed.

Immediately, a crazy grin appeared!

"You think I'm really afraid that you won't succeed!"

As soon as the words fell, under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone.


Voslu roared suddenly, and in an instant, his tall and strong body began to swell suddenly again at this moment!
Looking at the terrifying muscles that suddenly grew angry, everyone in the audience was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Then, what is that?"

Looking at the weird scene in front of him, Wang Jiansen suddenly changed his expression.

"My God, is he a monster?"

Wang Bohao was equally dumbfounded.

And Wang Bowu, who was beside him, suddenly thought of something, and said in horror:
"Crazy? Could it be that this person is the rumored Berserker abroad?!"

And just as he finished speaking, the strong white man who was originally restrained suddenly broke free from the control, and spread out his thick and terrifying arms.

Immediately, everyone was shocked to discover that his tall and burly body had soared nearly three meters at this time!

And the huge rock-solid muscles on his body were faintly glowing with red light!


In an instant, Voslu suddenly raised his head and roared at the white-bearded old man.

A pair of huge bloodshot pupils erupted with crazy lights!
Looking at the majestic red giant standing in the field, everyone in the hall gasped.

"A berserker? No wonder you dared to be so arrogant in front of the old man just now."

Seeing this, Xing Weizhou stopped in his tracks, then his eyes narrowed, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said:

"Do you think that if you grow bigger, you will be the opponent of the old man? It's ridiculous!

To tell you the truth, a Berserker is a guy with a strong body and a simple mind.I don't know how many people I killed in my early years, so what are you! "

Seeing the white-bearded old man look down so proudly, Wang Jiansen and the others were also slightly relieved.

Sure enough, for a powerful ancient warrior, there is no one in this world who can be his opponent.

"Really, then come over and try!"

Voslu roared madly.

"Just try it."

Xing Weizhou snorted coldly in disdain, and then suddenly appeared in front of the red giant under everyone's disbelieving eyes.


Just heard a loud bang.

Voslu's incomparably huge body shot backwards in an instant.


Another bang.

The entire gate of the villa was completely smashed by the huge red monster.

Voslu immediately flew out of the villa, life and death unknown...

(End of this chapter)

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