Chapter 379 Vulnerable

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was shocked.

He really deserves to be an ancient Chinese warrior, his strength is really terrifying!

In front of him, Voslu, who is like a giant, is simply strong from the outside, vulnerable to a single blow.

Immediately, both Wang Jiansen and Wang Boya couldn't help beaming with joy, completely relieved.

At this time, Wang Bowen and the members of the Tongji Association all showed horror.

The surrounding foreign elements armed with assault rifles immediately aimed their guns at the field, and the terrifying old man with white beard couldn't help shaking.

"Hmph, it's really ridiculous that a guy who looks good but doesn't want to use it dares to show off in front of this old man!"

Xing Weizhou snorted coldly in disdain, and then wanted to go all out and kill all the foreign elements in the field.

And at this moment, Ellis, who has been watching coldly.Looking at Xing Weizhou suddenly, he asked in a dark voice:
"Who the hell are you? Could it be that you were the one who killed Minister Dylan and many members of my Freemasons yesterday?"

Hearing this, Xing Weizhou immediately turned his head to look, and then said in a cold voice:

"The old man has never seen any bullshit ministers, but even if I saw them, I would still kill them!
To avenge the many heroic souls sacrificed by my Qianlong team! "

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that this white-bearded old man was actually a member of Qianlong Group.

"It turns out that the Qianlong group also has ancient warriors. This is the first time I've heard of it."

Wang Bohao couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"That's brother, you don't know about the martial artist world. If the dignified Qianlong group doesn't have ancient warriors in charge, how can it suppress the entire martial artist world?"

Wang Bowu looked at the white-bearded old man in the field respectfully, and continued:

"The martial arts competition organized by our company will be held soon. This time, almost everyone from the Liuzhou martial artist world will be present.

And the most important partner among them is the Liuzhou Qianlong Group.

I heard that for this grand event, Qianlong base may send an ancient warrior to sit in charge.

Maybe it was the martial saint senior in the field. "

At this time, Ellis was also shocked when he heard the words of the white-bearded old man.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said coldly to Xing Weizhou:
"I don't care whether the president killed you or not, but since you are a member of the Qianlong group, you should save your life today!"

Hearing the sound, Xing Weizhou seemed to have heard a big joke.He looked at the foreign elements around him, and then pointed to Voslu who was lying outside the gate of the villa.

Then he laughed loudly and said:
"Based on this group of trash, and the old man just now, you want to deal with this old man? Are you trying to laugh me to death, hahaha..."

"Hmph, let's wait and see, and see who can have the last laugh!"

Alice snorted coldly, then turned towards the door of the broken villa, and suddenly shouted angrily:
"How long are you going to pretend to be dead!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge red figure stood up from the ground.

But it was Vosloo!

At this time, he was intact except for a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth.

After being hit by an ancient martial artist in the Martial Saint Realm, he was only slightly injured?
He, is he still human!
Seeing this, everyone in the audience was shocked.


At the next moment, Voslu spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva.Immediately, his blood-red eyes looked at Xing Weizhou, and he shouted angrily:
"Humble Huaxia people, is this all you can do? Come on! Continue!"

As he said that, Voslu's body started to grow violently again because of the fury!
And at the next moment, a red giant with a height of [-] meters and a body full of terrifying muscles appeared in front of the world!

Everyone in the hall was horrified as they looked at the titan-like colossus.

"Voslu is a berserker with the blood of the ancient great ape. The more anger he receives, the stronger he is! It's not comparable to the rubbish you just mentioned!"

Alice said coldly, and then grinned coldly:

"Hmph, let me tell you the truth. Voslu's strongest combat power is comparable to or even stronger than your ancient warriors in the holy realm of martial arts!

And then you will bear the wrath of that violent giant for your own stupidity! "

Alice's voice just fell.


Voslu suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared wildly.

Immediately under everyone's shocked and inexplicable eyes.

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

That fiery red behemoth rushed towards Xing Weizhou in the arena with a destructive aura!
Seeing this, Xing Weizhou also revealed a dignified look.

And just when Voslu rushed in front of him, Xing Weizhou immediately slapped him with unparalleled power!

A loud bang suddenly resounded throughout the hall.

Voslu didn't dodge or dodge, but actually took the slap with his body.

However, this time, Voslu was only repelled by four or five meters.Although another stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, the madness in his eyes was even stronger.


With another roar, Voslu's body grew violently again!
In an instant, a berserk monster nearly four meters high stood in the hall!

Looking up at the huge monster that was about to touch the ceiling of the villa, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Is this all you can do? Come again!"

A deafening roar resounded through the audience.

In Voslu's cracked eyes, bursts of red light burst out!

Immediately, the legs as thick as giant pillars hit the ground fiercely, and the whole body was like a red cannonball, slamming towards Xing Weizhou with the momentum of thunder!
At this time, Xing Weizhou also felt the terrifying power, and immediately wanted to dodge it.

However, when I thought that as long as I dodged, I was afraid that my huge body bursting with momentum would definitely bring disaster to the Wang family and others behind me.

In this way, wouldn't my image in front of the master be destroyed?
That's no good, I haven't learned ancient martial arts yet, I can't retreat even if I die!
Thinking of this, Xing Weizhou suddenly put on a posture to meet the enemy, intending to resist the huge and violent impact.


An earth-shattering loud noise erupted!

In an instant, a huge wave of air swelled, and everyone couldn't help turning their heads away, not daring to look directly.

After a while, the air wave subsided.

Everyone looked over immediately.

But I saw that the violent giant, whose whole body was red, was already standing in the position of Xing Weizhou.

But Xing Weizhou retreated more than ten meters, hit the wall heavily, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was inexplicably shocked.

"The seniors of the Qianlong group actually lost..."

Seeing this scene, Wang Jiansen and Wang Boya couldn't help being terrified.

"Can you still laugh now? Hahaha..."

Looking at Xing Weizhou who was "embedded" on the wall, Ellis couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Voslu roared ferociously:
"Humble Huaxia warriors, in the face of real power, your flamboyant arrogance is simply vulnerable!"

(End of this chapter)

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