I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 389 Alice's True Face

Chapter 389 Alice's True Face

Hearing the sound, the short body of the vice president of the Freemasons Society wrapped under a gray hooded cloak suddenly shook.

Immediately, he looked towards the field in amazement, the whole body of that breezy young man trembled involuntarily.

He really didn't understand why the supernatural Mr. Wu wanted to know his true face under his cloak.

Could it be that he has discovered his secret?

Thinking of this, Alice was even more frightened.

At this moment, I have no cards left. Facing the mysterious boy with two powerful guardian beasts, I have no chance of winning at all, so I can only let myself be mermaid.

Thinking of this, Alice seemed to be in despair, immediately lowered his head, and remained silent.

And at this moment, all the foreign elements in the entire villa have been devoured by ghosts, and their dead bodies lay on the ground with horrific appearances.

Even the ghost that ate Wang Bowen earlier was completely divided by the ghosts, without the power to resist.

A moment later, the imposing countless ghosts and tens of thousands of demon spirits in the arena bowed respectfully to Wu You.Then it turned into streaks of black air and returned to the black egg in his hand.

In an instant, the audience fell silent.

The black mist quickly dissipated, revealing a cloudy sky.

Immediately, a gust of cool wind swept across the lake, bringing a little water vapor into the ruins of the villa.Gently blowing the survivors in the field, as if to soothe their terrified hearts.

However, the terrifying scenes before have always echoed in everyone's mind, like a nightmare.

After waking up from the dream, he saw the corpses all over the field.Everyone was cold and anxious.

"Well, are we safe now?"

Wang Boya stared blankly into her beautiful eyes and asked blankly.

"Well, it's okay, we're saved."

Wang Jiansen nodded, suddenly lost his life.

Meanwhile, the two brothers Wang Bohao and Wang Bowu couldn't help but look at each other, and saw the shock in each other's eyes at the same time.

They really didn't expect that Mr. Wu's black dragon was so powerful, and the scene just now was simply a miracle!

"Oh my god, our General Wu is really amazing. Not only does he possess mysterious and unpredictable ancient martial arts, but he also possesses the incomparably heaven-defying pill, and even has such a powerful dragon guardian. Proud son!"

Zhang Haimu said excitedly.

"Yes, the chief really knows people with eyes. We are so lucky to have such a powerful major general in our military."

Sun Ying, who was standing beside her, couldn't help saying excitedly.

At this time, Su Fanglie was even more shocked, and his admiration for Wu You was beyond words.

In an instant, many members of the Qianlong team who were almost killed by the wolf's mouth couldn't help but feel grateful to the boy who saved them from the bottom of their hearts.

"Old Xing, how are you doing?"

At this moment, Long Zhenhua hurried to the seriously injured Xing Weizhou and asked with concern.

"Don't worry, thanks to my master's action, my old bones will not die."

Xing Weizhou endured the severe pain, and smiled bitterly.

Immediately, both of them looked at the field at the same time. The young man with a calm demeanor was full of awe and gratitude in his eyes.

At this time, in the intensive care building of the hospital, there were Su Xiaoxi, Su Qiqi, Su Jianguo's family, Director Li and other medical staff.Staring blankly at the ruined lakeside villa through the window, everyone was beyond shocked.

"The black monster that broke through the villa just now, is it a dragon?"

Su Xiaoxi asked with a blank face.

"Like, maybe, maybe."

Director Li nodded in a daze.

"This, how is this possible? How can there be creatures like dragons in this world? This is simply unscientific."

The young doctor on the side exclaimed in disbelief.

However, the facts were right in front of his eyes, and he couldn't allow him to have the slightest doubt.

At this time, Su Qiqi was even more shocked, covering her mouth and exclaiming:
"First, a red giant was thrown out of the villa, followed by a King Kong chasing it out, and now there is another dragon!
My God, am I dreaming?Or is someone making a film here?Is this still the original world? "

At the same time, the staff and patients hiding in various parts of the hospital also let out incredible exclamations.

This is the first time they have seen a real dragon, who can calmly deal with it.

And just when everyone in the hospital was shocked.

Standing in the ruins of the villa, Wu You calmly looked at Ellis who kept his head down and said nothing, as if he was completely desperate, and said indifferently:
"What? Don't you understand what I just said? Take off your cloak, I don't want to say it a third time!"

However, at the next moment, the short figure hiding in the cloak trembled for a moment, and then suddenly raised his head.

"Since you want to see the true face of the president so much, then I will grant you."

Ellis said in an extremely gloomy tone.

Immediately under the amazed eyes of everyone in the audience.

Alice slowly loosened the cloak on himself.

And at the moment when the incomparably wide gray cloak slipped to the ground.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing incredible expressions.

The short figure under the cloak turned out to be a seven or eight year old girl!

The little girl was wearing a light blue dress, her black and beautiful hair was tied into two ponytails, hanging down her shoulders.

On the delicate and petite face, there is a pair of big watery eyes, which are as bright as stars.

Looking at this cute little loli who looks like a jade carving, everyone can't help but gasp!
Who would have thought that the gloomy necromancer before would turn out to be such a pretty and lovely little girl, this is really unbelievable!

And just when everyone was stunned on the spot.


A loud noise suddenly came from not far away.

Everyone then turned their heads in shock, only to see an extremely huge brown giant ape suddenly break through the lake and come ashore majestically!

"Then, what kind of monster is that?"

"Oh my god, why did another monster appear? Is it really the end of the world?"

Looking at the terrifying giant ape with a big belly and a hideous face.The Qianlong team members who had just arrived at the hospital couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Immediately, the assault rifle in his hand aimed reflexively at the huge monster that emerged from the lake.

And at this moment, Xing Weizhou in the field suddenly shouted:
"Put down the guns for me, that's the old man's brother, don't be rude!"

Hearing this, all members of Qianlong Team including Long Zhenhua and Su Fanglie were dumbfounded and their minds went blank.

No one thought that the dignified elder brother Xing would actually be a monkey!
(End of this chapter)

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